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AbstractSimulationScript - Class in org.opentrafficsim.swing.script
Template for simulation script.
AbstractSimulationScript(String, String, String[]) - Constructor for class org.opentrafficsim.swing.script.AbstractSimulationScript
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.ColorControlPanel
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSAnimationPanel
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSControlPanel
addAllToggleGISButtonText(String, GisRenderable2D, String) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSAnimationPanel
Add buttons for toggling all GIS layers on or off.
addAnimationToggles(OTSAnimationPanel) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.script.AbstractSimulationScript
Sets the animation toggles.
addConsoleTab() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSSimulationPanel
Adds the console tab.
addItem(GTUColorer) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.ColorControlPanel
Add one item to this ColorControlPanel.
addPropertiesTab() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSSimulationPanel
Adds the properties tab.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.ProbabilityDistributionEditor
addPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.ProbabilityDistributionEditor
addTabs() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSSimulationApplication
Adds tabs.
addTabs(OTSSimulatorInterface, OTSSwingApplication) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.script.AbstractSimulationScript
Adds tabs to the animation.
addToggleAnimationButtonIcon(String, Class<? extends Locatable>, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSAnimationPanel
Add a button for toggling an animatable class on or off.
addToggleAnimationButtonText(String, Class<? extends Locatable>, String, boolean) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSAnimationPanel
Add a button for toggling an animatable class on or off.
addToggleGISButtonText(String, String, GisRenderable2D, String) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSAnimationPanel
Add a button to toggle a GIS Layer on or off.
addToggleText(String) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSAnimationPanel
Add a text to explain animatable classes.
animateNetwork() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSSimulationApplication
Creates the animation objects.
animateNetwork(OTSNetwork, boolean) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.script.AbstractSimulationScript
Creates animations for nodes, links and lanes.
animationPanel - Variable in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.script.AbstractSimulationScript
animation panel.
AnimationToggles - Class in org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui
Set the default animation toggles for the animation panel.
Appearance - Enum in org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui
Contains a background color, foreground color and a font name, to be set throughout all components.
AppearanceControl - Interface in org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui
This interface allows on screen items to not obtain colors and/or the font from an Appearance.
autoPauseSimulator() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSControlPanel
Pause the simulator.


cancelTimer() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSControlPanel.ClockLabel
Cancel the timer task.
closed - Variable in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSSwingApplication
whether the application has been closed or not.
closeHandlerRegistered - Variable in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSAnimationPanel
Has the window close handler been registered?
closeHandlerRegistered - Variable in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSControlPanel
Has the window close handler been registered?
ColorControlPanel - Class in org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui
Let the user select what the colors in the animation mean.
ColorControlPanel(GTUColorer) - Constructor for class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.ColorControlPanel
Add a ColorControlPanel to an AnimationPanel.


DEFAULT_COLORER - Static variable in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSSwingApplication
Single instance of default colorer, reachable from various places.
DisposeOnCloseThread(OTSAnimationPanel) - Constructor for class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSAnimationPanel.DisposeOnCloseThread
DisposeOnCloseThread(OTSControlPanel) - Constructor for class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSControlPanel.DisposeOnCloseThread


fixButtons() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSControlPanel
Update the enabled state of all the buttons.
frameProperties - Variable in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSSwingApplication
Properties for the frame appearance (not simulation related).


getAnimationPanel() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSAnimationPanel
Easy access to the AnimationPanel.
getAnimationPanel() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSSimulationApplication
Returns the animation panel.
getAppearance() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSSwingApplication
Returns the appearance.
getBackdrop() - Method in enum org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.Appearance
Returns the backdrop color.
getBackground() - Method in enum org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.Appearance
Returns the background color.
getBooleanProperty(String) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.script.AbstractSimulationScript
Returns the boolean value of given property.
getColorControlPanel() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSAnimationPanel
Access the ColorControlPanel of this ControlPanel.
getConsole() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSSimulationPanel
getDemoPanel() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSAnimationPanel
Return a panel for on-screen demo controls.
getDoubleProperty(String) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.script.AbstractSimulationScript
Returns the double value of given property.
getDurationProperty(String) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.script.AbstractSimulationScript
Returns the Duration value of given property.
getFont() - Method in enum org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.Appearance
Returns the font name.
getForeground() - Method in enum org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.Appearance
Returns the foreground color.
getGTUColorer() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSAnimationPanel
Access the GTUColorer of this animation ControlPanel.
getGtuColorer() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.script.AbstractSimulationScript
Returns the GTU colorer.
getIntegerProperty(String) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.script.AbstractSimulationScript
Returns the int value of given property.
getLongProperty(String) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.script.AbstractSimulationScript
Returns the long value of given property.
getModel() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSSwingApplication
getName() - Method in enum org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.Appearance
Returns the name.
getNetwork() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.script.AbstractSimulationScript
Returns the network.
getOtsControlPanel() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSSimulationPanel
Return the OTSControlPanel of this OTSSimulationPanel.
getOtsModel() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSSimulationPanel
getProbabilities() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.ProbabilityDistributionEditor
Retrieve the current probability values.
getProperty(String) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.script.AbstractSimulationScript
Returns the String value of given property.
getResourceAsStream(String) - Static method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.Resource
Obtains stream for resource, either in IDE or java.
getSimulator() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSControlPanel
getSimulator() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSSimulationPanel
getSimulator() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.script.AbstractSimulationScript
Returns the simulator.
getSpeed(double) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSControlPanel.ClockLabel
Returns the simulation speed.
getSpeedLabel() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSControlPanel.ClockLabel
getStatusBar() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSSimulationPanel
getTabbedPane() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSSimulationPanel
getTimeFont() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSControlPanel
getTimeProperty(String) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.script.AbstractSimulationScript
Returns the Time value of given property.


hideAnimationClass(OTSAnimationPanel, Class<? extends Locatable>) - Static method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.AnimationToggles
Set a class to be shown in the animation to false.
hideGISLayer(String) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSAnimationPanel
Set a GIS layer to be hidden in the animation to true.


installWindowCloseHandler() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSAnimationPanel
Install a handler for the window closed event that stops the simulator (if it is running).
installWindowCloseHandler() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSControlPanel
Install a handler for the window closed event that stops the simulator (if it is running).
isBackground() - Method in interface org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.AppearanceControl
Returns whether this item has a controllable background.
isClosed() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSSwingApplication
isFont() - Method in interface org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.AppearanceControl
Returns whether this item has a controllable font.
isForeground() - Method in interface org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.AppearanceControl
Returns whether this item has a controllable foreground.
isForeground() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSControlPanel.ClockLabel
Returns whether this item has a controllable foreground.


JFileChooserWithSettings - Class in org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui
Small helper class that adds some components to a JFileChooser, the contents of which can be used to retrieve user settings for output.
JFileChooserWithSettings(Component...) - Constructor for class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.JFileChooserWithSettings
Constructor that adds components to the left of the 'Save' and 'Cancel' button.


LabeledPanel - Class in org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui
JPanel with an outline and a name.
LabeledPanel(String) - Constructor for class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.LabeledPanel
Create a JPanel with border and caption.
loadGrayscaleIcon(String) - Static method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSControlPanel
Attempt to load and return an icon, which will be made gray-scale.
loadIcon(String) - Static method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSControlPanel
Attempt to load and return an icon.


makeAnimationRectangle() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSSwingApplication
Return the initial 'home' extent for the animation.


notify(EventInterface) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSAnimationPanel
notify(EventInterface) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSControlPanel
notify(EventInterface) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.script.AbstractSimulationScript


onSimulationEnd() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.script.AbstractSimulationScript
Method that is called when the simulation has ended.
org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui - package org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui
Swing components that are used in OpenTrafficSim.
org.opentrafficsim.swing.script - package org.opentrafficsim.swing.script
Helper classes for animation.
OTSAnimationPanel - Class in org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui
Animation panel with various controls.
OTSAnimationPanel(Rectangle2D, Dimension, OTSAnimator, OTSModelInterface, GTUColorer, OTSNetwork) - Constructor for class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSAnimationPanel
Construct a panel that looks like the DSOLPanel for quick building of OTS applications.
OTSAnimationPanel.DisposeOnCloseThread - Class in org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui
Install the dispose on close when the OTSControlPanel is registered as part of a frame.
OTSAnimationPanel.UpdateTimer - Class in org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui
UpdateTimer class to update the coordinate on the screen.
OTSControlPanel - Class in org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui
Peter's improved simulation control panel.
OTSControlPanel(DEVSSimulatorInterface.TimeDoubleUnit, OTSModelInterface) - Constructor for class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSControlPanel
Decorate a SimpleSimulator with a different set of control buttons.
OTSControlPanel.ClockLabel - Class in org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui
JLabel that displays the simulation time.
OTSControlPanel.DisposeOnCloseThread - Class in org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui
Install the dispose on close when the OTSControlPanel is registered as part of a frame.
OTSControlPanel.TimeEdit - Class in org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui
Entry field for time.
OTSSimulationApplication<T extends OTSModelInterface> - Class in org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui
Extension of a swing application with standard preparation.
OTSSimulationApplication(T, OTSAnimationPanel) - Constructor for class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSSimulationApplication
OTSSimulationPanel - Class in org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui
GUI with simulator, console, control panel, status bar, etc.
OTSSimulationPanel(DEVSSimulatorInterface.TimeDoubleUnit, OTSModelInterface) - Constructor for class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSSimulationPanel
Construct a panel that looks like the DSOLPanel for quick building of OTS applications.
OTSSwingApplication<T extends OTSModelInterface> - Class in org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui
Wrap a DSOL simulation model, or any (descendant of a) JPanel in a JFrame (wrap it in a window).
OTSSwingApplication(T, JPanel) - Constructor for class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSSwingApplication
Wrap an OTSModel in a JFrame.


ProbabilityDistributionEditor - Class in org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui
Wrapper for Jeremy Wood's MultiThumbSlider.
ProbabilityDistributionEditor(String[], Double[]) - Constructor for class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.ProbabilityDistributionEditor
Construct a graphical ProbabilityDistributioneEditor.
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSControlPanel


removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.ProbabilityDistributionEditor
removePropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.ProbabilityDistributionEditor
Resource - Class in org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui
Resource utility.
run() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSAnimationPanel.DisposeOnCloseThread
run() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSAnimationPanel.UpdateTimer
run() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSControlPanel.DisposeOnCloseThread


setAnimationToggles() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSSimulationApplication
Set animation toggles.
setAppearance(Appearance) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSSwingApplication
Sets an appearance.
setDefaultProperties() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.script.AbstractSimulationScript
Sets the default properties.
setExitOnClose(boolean) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSSwingApplication
setGtuColorer(GTUColorer) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.script.AbstractSimulationScript
Set GTU colorer.
setIconAnimationTogglesFull(OTSAnimationPanel) - Static method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.AnimationToggles
Set all animation on, and create the toggles on the left hand side.
setIconAnimationTogglesStandard(OTSAnimationPanel) - Static method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.AnimationToggles
Set the most common animation on, and create the toggles on the left hand side.
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.script.AbstractSimulationScript
Sets a property.
setTextAnimationTogglesFull(OTSAnimationPanel) - Static method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.AnimationToggles
Set all animation on, and create the toggles on the left hand side.
setTextAnimationTogglesStandard(OTSAnimationPanel) - Static method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.AnimationToggles
Set the most common animation on, and create the toggles on the left hand side.
setTime(Time) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSControlPanel.TimeEdit
Set or update the time shown in this TimeEdit.
setupDemo(OTSAnimationPanel, OTSNetwork) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.script.AbstractSimulationScript
Method that is called when the animation has been created, to add components for a demo.
setupSimulation(OTSSimulatorInterface) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.script.AbstractSimulationScript
Sets up the simulation based on provided properties.
showAnimationClass(OTSAnimationPanel, Class<? extends Locatable>) - Static method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.AnimationToggles
Set a class to be shown in the animation to true.
showAnimationFull(OTSAnimationPanel) - Static method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.AnimationToggles
Set all animation on, and create the toggles on the left hand side.
showAnimationStandard(OTSAnimationPanel) - Static method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.AnimationToggles
Set the most common animation on, and create the toggles on the left hand side.
showGISLayer(String) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSAnimationPanel
Set a GIS layer to be shown in the animation to true.
start() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.script.AbstractSimulationScript
Starts the simulation.


toggleGISLayer(String) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSAnimationPanel
Toggle a GIS layer to be displayed in the animation to its reverse value.
toString() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.ColorControlPanel
toString() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.JFileChooserWithSettings
toString() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.LabeledPanel
toString() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSAnimationPanel.DisposeOnCloseThread
toString() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSAnimationPanel.UpdateTimer
toString() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSControlPanel.ClockLabel
toString() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSControlPanel.DisposeOnCloseThread
toString() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSControlPanel.TimeEdit
toString() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSControlPanel
toString() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSSimulationPanel
toString() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.ProbabilityDistributionEditor


updateAnimationClassCheckBox(Class<? extends Locatable>) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSAnimationPanel
Update the checkmark related to a programmatically changed animation state.
UpdateTimer() - Constructor for class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSAnimationPanel.UpdateTimer
updateWorldCoordinate() - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSAnimationPanel
Display the latest world coordinate based on the mouse position on the screen.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.Appearance
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.Appearance
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


windowActivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSAnimationPanel
windowActivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSControlPanel
windowClosed(WindowEvent) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSAnimationPanel
windowClosed(WindowEvent) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSControlPanel
windowClosing(WindowEvent) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSAnimationPanel
windowClosing(WindowEvent) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSControlPanel
windowDeactivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSAnimationPanel
windowDeactivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSControlPanel
windowDeiconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSAnimationPanel
windowDeiconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSControlPanel
windowExited - Variable in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSAnimationPanel
Indicate the window has been closed and the timer thread can stop.
windowIconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSAnimationPanel
windowIconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSControlPanel
windowOpened(WindowEvent) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSAnimationPanel
windowOpened(WindowEvent) - Method in class org.opentrafficsim.swing.gui.OTSControlPanel
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