View Javadoc
1   package org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu;
3   import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
4   import java.util.Set;
6   import org.djunits.unit.DurationUnit;
7   import org.djunits.unit.TimeUnit;
8   import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Acceleration;
9   import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Duration;
10  import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Length;
11  import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Speed;
12  import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Time;
13  import org.djutils.exceptions.Throw;
14  import org.djutils.exceptions.Try;
15  import org.opentrafficsim.base.parameters.ParameterException;
16  import org.opentrafficsim.base.parameters.Parameters;
17  import org.opentrafficsim.core.dsol.OTSSimulatorInterface;
18  import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.plan.operational.OperationalPlan;
19  import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.plan.operational.OperationalPlanException;
20  import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.plan.strategical.StrategicalPlanner;
21  import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.plan.tactical.TacticalPlanner;
22  import org.opentrafficsim.core.idgenerator.IdGenerator;
23  import;
24  import org.opentrafficsim.core.perception.Historical;
25  import org.opentrafficsim.core.perception.HistoricalValue;
26  import org.opentrafficsim.core.perception.HistoryManager;
27  import org.opentrafficsim.core.perception.PerceivableContext;
29  import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.SimRuntimeException;
30  import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.formalisms.eventscheduling.SimEvent;
31  import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.logger.SimLogger;
32  import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.simtime.SimTimeDoubleUnit;
33  import nl.tudelft.simulation.event.EventProducer;
34  import nl.tudelft.simulation.language.d3.DirectedPoint;
36  /**
37   * Implements the basic functionalities of any GTU: the ability to move on 3D-space according to a plan.
38   * <p>
39   * Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. <br>
40   * BSD-style license. See <a href="">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
41   * <p>
42   * @version $Revision: 5158 $, $LastChangedDate: 2019-03-17 22:16:44 +0100 (Sun, 17 Mar 2019) $, by $Author: averbraeck $,
43   *          initial version Oct 22, 2014 <br>
44   * @author <a href="">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
45   * @author <a href="">Peter Knoppers</a>
46   */
47  public abstract class AbstractGTU extends EventProducer implements GTU
48  {
49      /** */
50      private static final long serialVersionUID = 20140822L;
52      /** The id of the GTU. */
53      private final String id;
55      /** unique number of the GTU. */
56      private final int uniqueNumber;
58      /** the unique number counter. */
59      private static int staticUNIQUENUMBER = 0;
61      /** The type of GTU, e.g. TruckType, CarType, BusType. */
62      private final GTUType gtuType;
64      /** The simulator to schedule activities on. */
65      private final OTSSimulatorInterface simulator;
67      /** Model parameters. */
68      private Parameters parameters;
70      /** The maximum acceleration. */
71      private Acceleration maximumAcceleration;
73      /** The maximum deceleration, stored as a negative number. */
74      private Acceleration maximumDeceleration;
76      /**
77       * The odometer which measures how much distance have we covered between instantiation and the last completed operational
78       * plan. In order to get a complete odometer reading, the progress of the current plan execution has to be added to this
79       * value.
80       */
81      private Historical<Length> odometer;
83      /** The strategical planner that can instantiate tactical planners to determine mid-term decisions. */
84      private final Historical<StrategicalPlanner> strategicalPlanner;
86      /** The tactical planner that can generate an operational plan. */
87      private final Historical<TacticalPlanner<?, ?>> tacticalPlanner;
89      /** The current operational plan, which provides a short-term movement over time. */
90      protected final Historical<OperationalPlan> operationalPlan;
92      /** The next move event as scheduled on the simulator, can be used for interrupting the current move. */
93      private SimEvent<SimTimeDoubleUnit> nextMoveEvent;
95      /** The model in which this GTU is registered. */
96      private PerceivableContext perceivableContext;
98      /** Is this GTU destroyed? */
99      private boolean destroyed = false;
101     /** aligned or not. */
102     // TODO: should be indicated with a Parameter
103     public static boolean ALIGNED = true;
105     /** aligned schedule count. */
106     // TODO: can be removed after testing period
107     public static int ALIGN_COUNT = 0;
109     /** Cached speed time. */
110     private double cachedSpeedTime = Double.NaN;
112     /** Cached speed. */
113     private Speed cachedSpeed = null;
115     /** Cached acceleration time. */
116     private double cachedAccelerationTime = Double.NaN;
118     /** Cached acceleration. */
119     private Acceleration cachedAcceleration = null;
121     /** Parent GTU. */
122     private GTU parent = null;
124     /** Children GTU's. */
125     private Set<GTU> children = new LinkedHashSet<>();
127     /**
128      * @param id String; the id of the GTU
129      * @param gtuType GTUType; the type of GTU, e.g. TruckType, CarType, BusType
130      * @param simulator OTSSimulatorInterface; the simulator to schedule plan changes on
131      * @param perceivableContext PerceivableContext; the perceivable context in which this GTU will be registered
132      * @throws GTUException when the preconditions of the constructor are not met
133      */
134     @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:parameternumber")
135     public AbstractGTU(final String id, final GTUType gtuType, final OTSSimulatorInterface simulator,
136             final PerceivableContext perceivableContext) throws GTUException
137     {
138         Throw.when(id == null, GTUException.class, "id is null");
139         Throw.when(gtuType == null, GTUException.class, "gtuType is null");
140         Throw.when(perceivableContext == null, GTUException.class, "perceivableContext is null for GTU with id %s", id);
141         Throw.when(perceivableContext.containsGtuId(id), GTUException.class,
142                 "GTU with id %s already registered in perceivableContext %s", id, perceivableContext.getId());
143         Throw.when(simulator == null, GTUException.class, "simulator is null for GTU with id %s", id);
145         HistoryManager historyManager = simulator.getReplication().getHistoryManager(simulator);
146 = id;
147         this.uniqueNumber = ++staticUNIQUENUMBER;
148         this.gtuType = gtuType;
149         this.simulator = simulator;
150         this.odometer = new HistoricalValue<>(historyManager, Length.ZERO);
151         this.perceivableContext = perceivableContext;
152         this.perceivableContext.addGTU(this);
153         this.strategicalPlanner = new HistoricalValue<>(historyManager);
154         this.tacticalPlanner = new HistoricalValue<>(historyManager, null);
155         this.operationalPlan = new HistoricalValue<>(historyManager, null);
156     }
158     /**
159      * @param idGenerator IdGenerator; the generator that will produce a unique id of the GTU
160      * @param gtuType GTUType; the type of GTU, e.g. TruckType, CarType, BusType
161      * @param simulator OTSSimulatorInterface; the simulator to schedule plan changes on
162      * @param perceivableContext PerceivableContext; the perceivable context in which this GTU will be registered
163      * @throws GTUException when the preconditions of the constructor are not met
164      */
165     @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:parameternumber")
166     public AbstractGTU(final IdGenerator idGenerator, final GTUType gtuType, final OTSSimulatorInterface simulator,
167             final PerceivableContext perceivableContext) throws GTUException
168     {
169         this(generateId(idGenerator), gtuType, simulator, perceivableContext);
170     }
172     /**
173      * Initialize the GTU at a location and speed, and give it a mission to fulfill through the strategical planner.
174      * @param strategicalPlanner StrategicalPlanner; the strategical planner responsible for the overall 'mission' of the GTU,
175      *            usually indicating where it needs to go. It operates by instantiating tactical planners to do the work.
176      * @param initialLocation DirectedPoint; the initial location (and direction) of the GTU
177      * @param initialSpeed Speed; the initial speed of the GTU
178      * @throws SimRuntimeException when scheduling after the first move fails
179      * @throws GTUException when the preconditions of the parameters are not met or when the construction of the original
180      *             waiting path fails
181      */
182     @SuppressWarnings({"checkstyle:hiddenfield", "hiding", "checkstyle:designforextension"})
183     public void init(final StrategicalPlanner strategicalPlanner, final DirectedPoint initialLocation, final Speed initialSpeed)
184             throws SimRuntimeException, GTUException
185     {
186         Throw.when(strategicalPlanner == null, GTUException.class, "strategicalPlanner is null for GTU with id %s",;
187         Throw.whenNull(initialLocation, "Initial location of GTU cannot be null");
188         Throw.when(Double.isNaN(initialLocation.x) || Double.isNaN(initialLocation.y) || Double.isNaN(initialLocation.z),
189                 GTUException.class, "initialLocation %s invalid for GTU with id %s", initialLocation,;
190         Throw.when(initialSpeed == null, GTUException.class, "initialSpeed is null for GTU with id %s",;
191         Throw.when(!getId().equals(strategicalPlanner.getGtu().getId()), GTUException.class,
192                 "GTU %s is initialized with a strategical planner for GTU %s", getId(), strategicalPlanner.getGtu().getId());
194         this.strategicalPlanner.set(strategicalPlanner);
195         this.tacticalPlanner.set(strategicalPlanner.getTacticalPlanner());
196         Time now = this.simulator.getSimulatorTime();
198         fireTimedEvent(GTU.INIT_EVENT, new Object[] {getId(), initialLocation, getLength(), getWidth()}, now);
200         try
201         {
202             move(initialLocation);
203         }
204         catch (OperationalPlanException | NetworkException | ParameterException exception)
205         {
206             throw new GTUException("Failed to create OperationalPlan for GTU " +, exception);
207         }
208     }
210     /**
211      * Generate an id, but check first that we have a valid IdGenerator.
212      * @param idGenerator IdGenerator; the generator that will produce a unique id of the GTU
213      * @return a (hopefully unique) Id of the GTU
214      * @throws GTUException when the idGenerator is null
215      */
216     private static String generateId(final IdGenerator idGenerator) throws GTUException
217     {
218         Throw.when(idGenerator == null, GTUException.class, "AbstractGTU.<init>: idGenerator is null");
219         return idGenerator.nextId();
220     }
222     /**
223      * Destructor. Don't forget to call with super.destroy() from any override to avoid memory leaks in the network.
224      */
225     @Override
226     @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:designforextension")
227     public void destroy()
228     {
229         fireTimedEvent(GTU.DESTROY_EVENT, new Object[] {getId(), getLocation(), getOdometer()},
230                 this.simulator.getSimulatorTime());
232         // cancel the next move
233         if (this.nextMoveEvent != null)
234         {
235             this.simulator.cancelEvent(this.nextMoveEvent);
236             this.nextMoveEvent = null;
237         }
239         this.perceivableContext.removeGTU(this);
240         this.destroyed = true;
241     }
243     /**
244      * Move from the current location according to an operational plan to a location that will bring us nearer to reaching the
245      * location provided by the strategical planner. <br>
246      * This method can be overridden to carry out specific behavior during the execution of the plan (e.g., scheduling of
247      * triggers, entering or leaving lanes, etc.). Please bear in mind that the call to super.move() is essential, and that one
248      * has to take care to handle the situation that the plan gets interrupted.
249      * @param fromLocation DirectedPoint; the last known location (initial location, or end location of the previous operational
250      *            plan)
251      * @throws SimRuntimeException when scheduling of the next move fails
252      * @throws OperationalPlanException when there is a problem creating a good path for the GTU
253      * @throws GTUException when there is a problem with the state of the GTU when planning a path
254      * @throws NetworkException in case of a problem with the network, e.g., a dead end where it is not expected
255      * @throws ParameterException in there is a parameter problem
256      */
257     @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:designforextension")
258     protected void move(final DirectedPoint fromLocation)
259             throws SimRuntimeException, OperationalPlanException, GTUException, NetworkException, ParameterException
260     {
261         Time now = this.simulator.getSimulatorTime();
263         // Add the odometer distance from the currently running operational plan.
264         // Because a plan can be interrupted, we explicitly calculate the covered distance till 'now'
265         Length currentOdometer;
266         if (this.operationalPlan.get() != null)
267         {
268             currentOdometer = this.odometer.get().plus(this.operationalPlan.get().getTraveledDistance(now));
269         }
270         else
271         {
272             currentOdometer = this.odometer.get();
273         }
275         // Do we have an operational plan?
276         // TODO discuss when a new tactical planner may be needed
277         TacticalPlanner<?, ?> tactPlanner = this.tacticalPlanner.get();
278         if (tactPlanner == null)
279         {
280             // Tell the strategical planner to provide a tactical planner
281             tactPlanner = this.strategicalPlanner.get().getTacticalPlanner();
282             this.tacticalPlanner.set(tactPlanner);
283         }
284         tactPlanner.getPerception().perceive();
285         OperationalPlan newOperationalPlan = tactPlanner.generateOperationalPlan(now, fromLocation);
286         this.operationalPlan.set(newOperationalPlan);
287         this.cachedSpeedTime = Double.NaN;
288         this.cachedAccelerationTime = Double.NaN;
289         this.odometer.set(currentOdometer);
290         if (getOperationalPlan().getAcceleration(Duration.ZERO).si < -10
291                 && getOperationalPlan().getSpeed(Duration.ZERO).si > 2.5)
292         {
293             SimLogger.always().error("(getOperationalPlan().getAcceleration(Duration.ZERO).si < -10)");
294             // this.tacticalPlanner.generateOperationalPlan(now, fromLocation);
295         }
297         // TODO allow alignment at different intervals, also different between GTU's within a single simulation
298         if (ALIGNED && newOperationalPlan.getTotalDuration().si == 0.5)
299         {
300             // schedule the next move at exactly 0.5 seconds on the clock
301             // store the event, so it can be cancelled in case the plan has to be interrupted and changed halfway
302             double tNext = Math.floor(2.0 * + 1.0) / 2.0;
303             DirectedPoint p = (tNext - < 0.5) ? newOperationalPlan.getEndLocation()
304                     : newOperationalPlan.getLocation(new Duration(tNext -, DurationUnit.SI));
305             this.nextMoveEvent =
306                     new SimEvent<>(new SimTimeDoubleUnit(new Time(tNext, TimeUnit.BASE)), this, this, "move", new Object[] {p});
307             ALIGN_COUNT++;
308         }
309         else
310         {
311             // schedule the next move at the end of the current operational plan
312             // store the event, so it can be cancelled in case the plan has to be interrupted and changed halfway
313             this.nextMoveEvent = new SimEvent<>(new SimTimeDoubleUnit(, this,
314                     this, "move", new Object[] {newOperationalPlan.getEndLocation()});
315         }
316         this.simulator.scheduleEvent(this.nextMoveEvent);
318         fireTimedEvent(GTU.MOVE_EVENT, new Object[] {getId(), fromLocation, getSpeed(), getAcceleration(), getOdometer()},
319                 this.simulator.getSimulatorTime());
320     }
322     /**
323      * Interrupt the move and ask for a new plan. This method can be overridden to carry out the bookkeeping needed when the
324      * current plan gets interrupted.
325      * @throws OperationalPlanException when there was a problem retrieving the location from the running plan
326      * @throws SimRuntimeException when scheduling of the next move fails
327      * @throws OperationalPlanException when there is a problem creating a good path for the GTU
328      * @throws GTUException when there is a problem with the state of the GTU when planning a path
329      * @throws NetworkException in case of a problem with the network, e.g., unreachability of a certain point
330      * @throws ParameterException when there is a problem with a parameter
331      */
332     @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:designforextension")
333     protected void interruptMove()
334             throws SimRuntimeException, OperationalPlanException, GTUException, NetworkException, ParameterException
335     {
336         this.simulator.cancelEvent(this.nextMoveEvent);
337         move(this.operationalPlan.get().getLocation(this.simulator.getSimulatorTime()));
338     }
340     /** {@inheritDoc} */
341     @Override
342     public final String getId()
343     {
344         return;
345     }
347     /** {@inheritDoc} */
348     @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:designforextension")
349     @Override
350     public GTUType getGTUType()
351     {
352         return this.gtuType;
353     }
355     /** {@inheritDoc} */
356     @Override
357     public final RelativePosition getReference()
358     {
359         return RelativePosition.REFERENCE_POSITION;
360     }
362     /** {@inheritDoc} */
363     @Override
364     public final OTSSimulatorInterface getSimulator()
365     {
366         return this.simulator;
367     }
369     /** {@inheritDoc} */
370     @Override
371     public final Parameters getParameters()
372     {
373         return this.parameters;
374     }
376     /** {@inheritDoc} */
377     @Override
378     public final void setParameters(final Parameters parameters)
379     {
380         this.parameters = parameters;
381     }
383     /** {@inheritDoc} */
384     @Override
385     public StrategicalPlanner getStrategicalPlanner()
386     {
387         return this.strategicalPlanner.get();
388     }
390     /** {@inheritDoc} */
391     @Override
392     public StrategicalPlanner getStrategicalPlanner(final Time time)
393     {
394         return this.strategicalPlanner.get(time);
395     }
397     /** {@inheritDoc} */
398     @Override
399     public final OperationalPlan getOperationalPlan()
400     {
401         return this.operationalPlan.get();
402     }
404     /** {@inheritDoc} */
405     @Override
406     public final OperationalPlan getOperationalPlan(final Time time)
407     {
408         return this.operationalPlan.get(time);
409     }
411     /** {@inheritDoc} */
412     @Override
413     public final Length getOdometer()
414     {
415         return getOdometer(this.simulator.getSimulatorTime());
416     }
418     /** {@inheritDoc} */
419     @Override
420     public final Length getOdometer(final Time time)
421     {
422         if (getOperationalPlan(time) == null)
423         {
424             return this.odometer.get(time);
425         }
426         try
427         {
428             return this.odometer.get(time).plus(getOperationalPlan(time).getTraveledDistance(time));
429         }
430         catch (OperationalPlanException ope)
431         {
432             return this.odometer.get(time);
433         }
434     }
436     /** {@inheritDoc} */
437     @Override
438     public final Speed getSpeed()
439     {
440         return getSpeed(this.simulator.getSimulatorTime());
441     }
443     /** {@inheritDoc} */
444     @Override
445     public final Speed getSpeed(final Time time)
446     {
447         if (this.cachedSpeedTime !=
448         {
449             this.cachedSpeedTime =;
450             OperationalPlan plan = getOperationalPlan(time);
451             if (plan == null)
452             {
453                 this.cachedSpeed = Speed.ZERO;
454             }
455             else if ( < plan.getStartTime().si)
456             {
457                 this.cachedSpeed = plan.getStartSpeed();
458             }
459             else if ( > plan.getEndTime().si)
460             {
461                 if ( - plan.getEndTime().si < 1e-6)
462                 {
463                     this.cachedSpeed = Try.assign(() -> plan.getSpeed(plan.getEndTime()),
464                             "getSpeed() could not derive a valid speed for the current operationalPlan");
465                 }
466                 else
467                 {
468                     throw new IllegalStateException("Requesting speed value beyond plan.");
469                 }
470             }
471             else
472             {
473                 this.cachedSpeed = Try.assign(() -> plan.getSpeed(time),
474                         "getSpeed() could not derive a valid speed for the current operationalPlan");
475             }
476         }
477         return this.cachedSpeed;
478     }
480     /** {@inheritDoc} */
481     @Override
482     public final Acceleration getAcceleration()
483     {
484         return getAcceleration(this.simulator.getSimulatorTime());
485     }
487     /** {@inheritDoc} */
488     @Override
489     public final Acceleration getAcceleration(final Time time)
490     {
491         if (this.cachedAccelerationTime !=
492         {
493             this.cachedAccelerationTime =;
494             OperationalPlan plan = getOperationalPlan(time);
495             if (plan == null)
496             {
497                 this.cachedAcceleration = Acceleration.ZERO;
498             }
499             else if ( < plan.getStartTime().si)
500             {
501                 this.cachedAcceleration =
502                         Try.assign(() -> plan.getAcceleration(plan.getStartTime()), "Exception obtaining acceleration.");
503             }
504             else if ( > plan.getEndTime().si)
505             {
506                 if ( - plan.getEndTime().si < 1e-6)
507                 {
508                     this.cachedAcceleration = Try.assign(() -> plan.getAcceleration(plan.getEndTime()),
509                             "getAcceleration() could not derive a valid acceleration for the current operationalPlan");
510                 }
511                 else
512                 {
513                     throw new IllegalStateException("Requesting acceleration value beyond plan.");
514                 }
515             }
516             else
517             {
518                 this.cachedAcceleration = Try.assign(() -> plan.getAcceleration(time),
519                         "getAcceleration() could not derive a valid acceleration for the current operationalPlan");
520             }
521         }
522         return this.cachedAcceleration;
523     }
525     /**
526      * @return maximumAcceleration
527      */
528     @Override
529     public final Acceleration getMaximumAcceleration()
530     {
531         return this.maximumAcceleration;
532     }
534     /**
535      * @param maximumAcceleration Acceleration; set maximumAcceleration
536      */
537     public final void setMaximumAcceleration(final Acceleration maximumAcceleration)
538     {
539         if (maximumAcceleration.le(Acceleration.ZERO))
540         {
541             throw new RuntimeException("Maximum acceleration of GTU " + + " set to value <= 0");
542         }
543         this.maximumAcceleration = maximumAcceleration;
544     }
546     /**
547      * @return maximumDeceleration
548      */
549     @Override
550     public final Acceleration getMaximumDeceleration()
551     {
552         return this.maximumDeceleration;
553     }
555     /**
556      * @param maximumDeceleration Acceleration; set maximumDeceleration, stored as a negative number
557      */
558     public final void setMaximumDeceleration(final Acceleration maximumDeceleration)
559     {
560         if (
561         {
562             throw new RuntimeException("Maximum deceleration of GTU " + + " set to value >= 0");
563         }
564         this.maximumDeceleration = maximumDeceleration;
565     }
567     /** cache time. */
568     private Time cacheLocationTime = new Time(Double.NaN, TimeUnit.BASE);
570     /** caced position at time. */
571     private DirectedPoint cacheLocation = null;
573     /** {@inheritDoc} */
574     @Override
575     @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:designforextension")
576     public DirectedPoint getLocation()
577     {
578         if (this.operationalPlan.get() == null)
579         {
580             SimLogger.always()
581                     .error("No operational plan for GTU " + + " at t=" + this.getSimulator().getSimulatorTime());
582             return new DirectedPoint(0, 0, 0);
583         }
584         try
585         {
586             // cache
587             if ( != this.simulator.getSimulatorTime().si)
588             {
589                 this.cacheLocationTime = this.simulator.getSimulatorTime();
590                 this.cacheLocation = this.operationalPlan.get().getLocation(this.cacheLocationTime);
591             }
592             return this.cacheLocation;
593         }
594         catch (OperationalPlanException exception)
595         {
596             return new DirectedPoint(0, 0, 0);
597         }
598     }
600     /** {@inheritDoc} */
601     @Override
602     public final boolean isDestroyed()
603     {
604         return this.destroyed;
605     }
607     /** {@inheritDoc} */
608     @Override
609     public PerceivableContext getPerceivableContext()
610     {
611         return this.perceivableContext;
612     }
614     /** {@inheritDoc} */
615     @Override
616     public void addGtu(final GTU gtu) throws GTUException
617     {
618         this.children.add(gtu);
619         gtu.setParent(this);
620     }
622     /** {@inheritDoc} */
623     @Override
624     public void removeGtu(final GTU gtu)
625     {
626         this.children.remove(gtu);
627         try
628         {
629             gtu.setParent(null);
630         }
631         catch (GTUException exception)
632         {
633             // cannot happen, setting null is always ok
634         }
635     }
637     /** {@inheritDoc} */
638     @Override
639     public void setParent(final GTU gtu) throws GTUException
640     {
641         Throw.when(gtu != null && this.parent != null, GTUException.class, "GTU %s already has a parent.", this);
642         this.parent = gtu;
643     }
645     /** {@inheritDoc} */
646     @Override
647     public GTU getParent()
648     {
649         return this.parent;
650     }
652     /** {@inheritDoc} */
653     @Override
654     public Set<GTU> getChildren()
655     {
656         return new LinkedHashSet<>(this.children); // safe copy
657     }
659     /**
660      * Note that destroying the next move event of the GTU can be dangerous!
661      * @return nextMoveEvent the next move event of the GTU, e.g. to cancel it from outside.
662      */
663     public final SimEvent<SimTimeDoubleUnit> getNextMoveEvent()
664     {
665         return this.nextMoveEvent;
666     }
668     /** {@inheritDoc} */
669     @Override
670     @SuppressWarnings("designforextension")
671     public int hashCode()
672     {
673         final int prime = 31;
674         int result = 1;
675         result = prime * result + (( == null) ? 0 :;
676         result = prime * result + this.uniqueNumber;
677         return result;
678     }
680     /** {@inheritDoc} */
681     @Override
682     @SuppressWarnings({"designforextension", "needbraces"})
683     public boolean equals(final Object obj)
684     {
685         if (this == obj)
686             return true;
687         if (obj == null)
688             return false;
689         if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
690             return false;
691         AbstractGTU other = (AbstractGTU) obj;
692         if ( == null)
693         {
694             if ( != null)
695                 return false;
696         }
697         else if (!
698             return false;
699         if (this.uniqueNumber != other.uniqueNumber)
700             return false;
701         return true;
702     }
704 }