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1   package org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane;
3   import java.util.Map;
5   import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Acceleration;
6   import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Length;
7   import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Speed;
8   import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Time;
9   import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.GTU;
10  import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.GTUDirectionality;
11  import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.GTUException;
12  import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.RelativePosition;
13  import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.TurnIndicatorStatus;
14  import;
15  import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.tactical.LaneBasedTacticalPlanner;
16  import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.strategical.LaneBasedStrategicalPlanner;
17  import;
18  import;
19  import;
21  import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.formalisms.eventscheduling.SimEventInterface;
22  import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.simtime.SimTimeDoubleUnit;
23  import nl.tudelft.simulation.event.EventType;
24  import nl.tudelft.simulation.language.d3.DirectedPoint;
26  /**
27   * This interface defines a lane based GTU.
28   * <p>
29   * Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. <br>
30   * BSD-style license. See <a href="">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
31   * <p>
32   * @version $Revision: 1401 $, $LastChangedDate: 2015-09-14 01:33:02 +0200 (Mon, 14 Sep 2015) $, by $Author: averbraeck $,
33   *          initial version Oct 22, 2014 <br>
34   * @author <a href="">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
35   * @author <a href="">Peter Knoppers</a>
36   */
37  public interface LaneBasedGTU extends GTU
38  {
39      /** @return the road network to which the LaneBasedGTU belongs*/
40      RoadNetwork getNetwork();
42      /** {@inheritDoc} */
43      @Override
44      LaneBasedStrategicalPlanner getStrategicalPlanner();
46      /** {@inheritDoc} */
47      @Override
48      LaneBasedStrategicalPlanner getStrategicalPlanner(Time time);
50      /** {@inheritDoc} */
51      @Override
52      default LaneBasedTacticalPlanner getTacticalPlanner()
53      {
54          return getStrategicalPlanner().getTacticalPlanner();
55      }
57      /** {@inheritDoc} */
58      @Override
59      default LaneBasedTacticalPlanner getTacticalPlanner(final Time time)
60      {
61          return getStrategicalPlanner(time).getTacticalPlanner(time);
62      }
64      /**
65       * Return the location without a RemoteException. {@inheritDoc}
66       */
67      @Override
68      DirectedPoint getLocation();
70      /**
71       * insert GTU at a certain position. This can happen at setup (first initialization), and after a lane change of the GTU.
72       * The relative position that will be registered is the referencePosition (dx, dy, dz) = (0, 0, 0). Front and rear positions
73       * are relative towards this position.
74       * @param lane Lane; the lane to add to the list of lanes on which the GTU is registered.
75       * @param gtuDirection GTUDirectionality; the direction of the GTU on the lane (which can be bidirectional). If the GTU has
76       *            a positive speed, it is moving in this direction.
77       * @param position Length; the position on the lane.
78       * @throws GTUException when positioning the GTU on the lane causes a problem
79       */
80      void enterLane(Lane lane, Length position, GTUDirectionality gtuDirection) throws GTUException;
82      /**
83       * Unregister the GTU from a lane.
84       * @param lane Lane; the lane to remove from the list of lanes on which the GTU is registered.
85       * @throws GTUException when leaveLane should not be called
86       */
87      void leaveLane(Lane lane) throws GTUException;
89      /**
90       * Change lanes instantaneously.
91       * @param laneChangeDirection LateralDirectionality; the direction to change to
92       * @throws GTUException in case lane change fails
93       */
94      void changeLaneInstantaneously(LateralDirectionality laneChangeDirection) throws GTUException;
96      /**
97       * Sets event to finalize lane change.
98       * @param event SimEventInterface&lt;SimTimeDoubleUnit&gt;; event
99       */
100     void setFinalizeLaneChangeEvent(SimEventInterface<SimTimeDoubleUnit> event);
102     /**
103      * Return the longitudinal positions of a point relative to this GTU, relative to the center line of the Lanes in which the
104      * vehicle is registered. <br>
105      * <b>Note:</b> If a GTU is registered in multiple parallel lanes, the lateralLaneChangeModel is used to determine the
106      * center line of the vehicle at this point in time. Otherwise, the average of the center positions of the lines will be
107      * taken.
108      * @param relativePosition RelativePosition; the position on the vehicle relative to the reference point.
109      * @return the lanes and the position on the lanes where the GTU is currently registered, for the given position of the GTU.
110      * @throws GTUException when the vehicle is not on one of the lanes on which it is registered.
111      */
112     Map<Lane, Length> positions(RelativePosition relativePosition) throws GTUException;
114     /**
115      * Return the longitudinal positions of a point relative to this GTU, relative to the center line of the Lanes in which the
116      * vehicle is registered.
117      * @param relativePosition RelativePosition; the position on the vehicle relative to the reference point.
118      * @param when Time; the future time for which to calculate the positions.
119      * @return the lanes and the position on the lanes where the GTU will be registered at the time, for the given position of
120      *         the GTU.
121      * @throws GTUException when the vehicle is not on one of the lanes on which it is registered.
122      */
123     Map<Lane, Length> positions(RelativePosition relativePosition, Time when) throws GTUException;
125     /**
126      * Return the longitudinal position of a point relative to this GTU, relative to the center line of the Lane at the current
127      * simulation time. <br>
128      * @param lane Lane; the position on this lane will be returned.
129      * @param relativePosition RelativePosition; the position on the vehicle relative to the reference point.
130      * @return DoubleScalarAbs&lt;LengthUnit&gt;; the position, relative to the center line of the Lane.
131      * @throws GTUException when the vehicle is not on the given lane.
132      */
133     Length position(Lane lane, RelativePosition relativePosition) throws GTUException;
135     /**
136      * Return the longitudinal position of a point relative to this GTU, relative to the center line of the Lane.
137      * @param lane Lane; the position on this lane will be returned.
138      * @param relativePosition RelativePosition; the position on the vehicle relative to the reference point.
139      * @param when Time; the future time for which to calculate the positions.
140      * @return DoubleScalarAbs&lt;LengthUnit&gt;; the position, relative to the center line of the Lane.
141      * @throws GTUException when the vehicle is not on the given lane.
142      */
143     Length position(Lane lane, RelativePosition relativePosition, Time when) throws GTUException;
145     /**
146      * Return the longitudinal positions of a point relative to this GTU, relative to the center line of the Lanes in which the
147      * vehicle is registered, as fractions of the length of the lane. This is important when we want to see if two vehicles are
148      * next to each other and we compare an 'inner' and 'outer' curve.<br>
149      * @param relativePosition RelativePosition; the position on the vehicle relative to the reference point.
150      * @return the lanes and the position on the lanes where the GTU is currently registered, for the given position of the GTU.
151      * @throws GTUException when the vehicle is not on one of the lanes on which it is registered.
152      */
153     Map<Lane, Double> fractionalPositions(RelativePosition relativePosition) throws GTUException;
155     /**
156      * Return the longitudinal positions of a point relative to this GTU, relative to the center line of the Lanes in which the
157      * vehicle is registered, as fractions of the length of the lane. This is important when we want to see if two vehicles are
158      * next to each other and we compare an 'inner' and 'outer' curve.
159      * @param relativePosition RelativePosition; the position on the vehicle relative to the reference point.
160      * @param when Time; the future time for which to calculate the positions.
161      * @return the lanes and the position on the lanes where the GTU will be registered at the time, for the given position of
162      *         the GTU.
163      * @throws GTUException when the vehicle is not on one of the lanes on which it is registered.
164      */
165     Map<Lane, Double> fractionalPositions(RelativePosition relativePosition, Time when) throws GTUException;
167     /**
168      * Return the longitudinal position of a point relative to this GTU, relative to the center line of the Lane, as a fraction
169      * of the length of the lane. This is important when we want to see if two vehicles are next to each other and we compare an
170      * 'inner' and 'outer' curve.
171      * @param lane Lane; the position on this lane will be returned.
172      * @param relativePosition RelativePosition; the position on the vehicle relative to the reference point.
173      * @param when Time; the future time for which to calculate the positions.
174      * @return the fractional relative position on the lane at the given time.
175      * @throws GTUException when the vehicle is not on the given lane.
176      */
177     double fractionalPosition(Lane lane, RelativePosition relativePosition, Time when) throws GTUException;
179     /**
180      * Return the longitudinal position of a point relative to this GTU, relative to the center line of the Lane, as a fraction
181      * of the length of the lane. This is important when we want to see if two vehicles are next to each other and we compare an
182      * 'inner' and 'outer' curve.<br>
183      * @param lane Lane; the position on this lane will be returned.
184      * @param relativePosition RelativePosition; the position on the vehicle relative to the reference point.
185      * @return the fractional relative position on the lane at the given time.
186      * @throws GTUException when the vehicle is not on the given lane.
187      */
188     double fractionalPosition(Lane lane, RelativePosition relativePosition) throws GTUException;
190     /**
191      * Return the longitudinal position that the indicated relative position of this GTU would have if it were to change to
192      * another Lane with a / the current CrossSectionLink. This point may be before the begin or after the end of the link of
193      * the projection lane of the GTU. This preserves the length of the GTU.
194      * @param projectionLane Lane; the lane onto which the position of this GTU must be projected
195      * @param relativePosition RelativePosition; the point on this GTU that must be projected
196      * @param when Time; the time for which to project the position of this GTU
197      * @return Length; the position of this GTU in the projectionLane
198      * @throws GTUException when projectionLane it not in any of the CrossSectionLink that the GTU is on
199      */
200     Length translatedPosition(Lane projectionLane, RelativePosition relativePosition, Time when) throws GTUException;
202     /**
203      * Return the longitudinal position on the projection lane that has the same fractional position on one of the current lanes
204      * of the indicated relative position. This preserves the fractional positions of all relative positions of the GTU.
205      * @param projectionLane Lane; the lane onto which the position of this GTU must be projected
206      * @param relativePosition RelativePosition; the point on this GTU that must be projected
207      * @param when Time; the time for which to project the position of this GTU
208      * @return Length; the position of this GTU in the projectionLane
209      * @throws GTUException when projectionLane it not in any of the CrossSectionLink that the GTU is on
210      */
211     Length projectedPosition(Lane projectionLane, RelativePosition relativePosition, Time when) throws GTUException;
213     /**
214      * Return the current Lane, position and directionality of the GTU.
215      * @return DirectedLanePosition; the current Lane, position and directionality of the GTU
216      * @throws GTUException in case the reference position of the GTU cannot be found on the lanes in its current path
217      */
218     DirectedLanePosition getReferencePosition() throws GTUException;
220     /**
221      * Return the directionality of a lane on which the GTU is registered for its current operational plan.
222      * @param lane Lane; the lane for which we want to know the direction
223      * @return GTUDirectionality; the direction on the given lane
224      * @throws GTUException in case the GTU is not registered on the Lane
225      */
226     GTUDirectionality getDirection(Lane lane) throws GTUException;
228     /**
229      * Add an event to the list of lane triggers scheduled for this GTU.
230      * @param lane Lane; the lane on which the event occurs
231      * @param event SimEventInterface&lt;SimTimeDoubleUnit&gt;; SimeEvent&lt;SimTimeDoubleUnit&gt; the event
232      */
233     void addTrigger(Lane lane, SimEventInterface<SimTimeDoubleUnit> event);
235     /**
236      * Set distance over which the GTU should not change lane after being created.
237      * @param distance Length; distance over which the GTU should not change lane after being created
238      */
239     void setNoLaneChangeDistance(Length distance);
241     /**
242      * Returns whether a lane change is allowed.
243      * @return whether a lane change is allowed
244      */
245     boolean laneChangeAllowed();
247     /**
248      * This method returns the current desired speed of the GTU. This value is required often, so implementations can cache it.
249      * @return Speed; current desired speed
250      */
251     Speed getDesiredSpeed();
253     /**
254      * This method returns the current car-following acceleration of the GTU. This value is required often, so implementations
255      * can cache it.
256      * @return Acceleration; current car-following acceleration
257      */
258     Acceleration getCarFollowingAcceleration();
260     /**
261      * Returns the vehicle model.
262      * @return VehicleModel; vehicle model
263      */
264     default VehicleModel getVehicleModel()
265     {
266         return VehicleModel.MINMAX;
267     }
269     /**
270      * The default implementation returns {@code true} if the deceleration is larger than a speed-dependent threshold given
271      * by:<br>
272      * <br>
273      * c0 * g(v) + c1 + c3*v^2<br>
274      * <br>
275      * where c0 = 0.2, c1 = 0.15 and c3 = 0.00025 (with c2 = 0 implicit) are empirically derived averages, and g(v) is 0 below
276      * 25 km/h or 1 otherwise, representing that the engine is disengaged at low speeds.
277      * @return boolean; whether the braking lights are on
278      */
279     default boolean isBrakingLightsOn()
280     {
281         return isBrakingLightsOn(getSimulator().getSimulatorTime());
282     }
284     /**
285      * The default implementation returns {@code true} if the deceleration is larger than a speed-dependent threshold given
286      * by:<br>
287      * <br>
288      * c0 * g(v) + c1 + c3*v^2<br>
289      * <br>
290      * where c0 = 0.2, c1 = 0.15 and c3 = 0.00025 (with c2 = 0 implicit) are empirically derived averages, and g(v) is 0 below
291      * 25 km/h or 1 otherwise, representing that the engine is disengaged at low speeds.
292      * @param when Time; time
293      * @return boolean; whether the braking lights are on
294      */
295     default boolean isBrakingLightsOn(final Time when)
296     {
297         double v = getSpeed(when).si;
298         double a = getAcceleration(when).si;
299         return a < (v < 6.944 ? 0.0 : -0.2) - 0.15 * v - 0.00025 * v * v;
300     }
302     /** @return the status of the turn indicator */
303     TurnIndicatorStatus getTurnIndicatorStatus();
305     /**
306      * @param time Time; time to obtain the turn indicator status at
307      * @return the status of the turn indicator at the given time
308      */
309     TurnIndicatorStatus getTurnIndicatorStatus(Time time);
311     /**
312      * Set the status of the turn indicator.
313      * @param turnIndicatorStatus TurnIndicatorStatus; the new status of the turn indicator.
314      * @throws GTUException when GTUType does not have a turn indicator
315      */
316     void setTurnIndicatorStatus(TurnIndicatorStatus turnIndicatorStatus) throws GTUException;
318     /**
319      * The lane-based event type for pub/sub indicating the initialization of a new GTU. <br>
320      * Payload: [String gtuId, DirectedPoint initialPosition, Length length, Length width, Lane referenceLane, Length
321      * positionOnReferenceLane, GTUDirectionality direction, GTUType gtuType]
322      */
323     EventType LANEBASED_INIT_EVENT = new EventType("LANEBASEDGTU.INIT");
325     /**
326      * The lane-based event type for pub/sub indicating a move. <br>
327      * Payload: [String gtuId, DirectedPoint position, Speed speed, Acceleration acceleration, TurnIndicatorStatus
328      * turnIndicatorStatus, Length odometer, Lane referenceLane, Length positionOnReferenceLane, GTUDirectionality direction]
329      */
330     EventType LANEBASED_MOVE_EVENT = new EventType("LANEBASEDGTU.MOVE");
332     /**
333      * The lane-based event type for pub/sub indicating destruction of the GTU. <br>
334      * Payload: [String gtuId, DirectedPoint lastPosition, Length odometer, Lane referenceLane, Length positionOnReferenceLane,
335      * GTUDirectionality direction]
336      */
339     /**
340      * The event type for pub/sub indicating that the GTU entered a new link (with the FRONT position if driving forward; REAR
341      * if driving backward). <br>
342      * Payload: [String gtuId, Link link]
343      */
344     EventType LINK_ENTER_EVENT = new EventType("LINK.ENTER");
346     /**
347      * The event type for pub/sub indicating that the GTU exited a link (with the REAR position if driving forward; FRONT if
348      * driving backward). <br>
349      * Payload: [String gtuId, Link link]
350      */
351     EventType LINK_EXIT_EVENT = new EventType("LINK.EXIT");
353     /**
354      * The event type for pub/sub indicating that the GTU entered a new lane (with the FRONT position if driving forward; REAR
355      * if driving backward). <br>
356      * Payload: [String gtuId, Lane lane]
357      */
358     EventType LANE_ENTER_EVENT = new EventType("LANE.ENTER");
360     /**
361      * The event type for pub/sub indicating that the GTU exited a lane (with the REAR position if driving forward; FRONT if
362      * driving backward). <br>
363      * Payload: [String gtuId, Lane lane]
364      */
365     EventType LANE_EXIT_EVENT = new EventType("LANE.EXIT");
367     /**
368      * The event type for pub/sub indicating that the GTU change lane. <br>
369      * Payload: [String gtuId, LateralDirectionality direction, DirectedLanePosition from]
370      */
371     EventType LANE_CHANGE_EVENT = new EventType("LANE.CHANGE");
373 }