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1   package org.opentrafficsim.xml.bindings;
3   import java.awt.Color;
5   import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlAdapter;
7   /**
8    * ColorAdapter to convert between Color and a String representation of the Color. Allowed representations are:<br>
9    * - #RRGGBB as three hexadecimal values<br>
10   * - RGB(r,g,b) where r, g and b are bytes - well known color string such as RED, GREEN, BLACK<br>
11   * <br>
12   * Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Delft University of Technology, Jaffalaan 5, 2628 BX Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. See
13   * for project information <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. The
14   * source code and binary code of this software is proprietary information of Delft University of Technology.
15   * @author <a href="" target="_blank">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
16   */
17  public class ColorAdapter extends XmlAdapter<String, Color>
18  {
19      /** {@inheritDoc} */
20      @Override
21      public Color unmarshal(final String field) throws IllegalArgumentException
22      {
23          try
24          {
25              String colorStr = field.replaceAll("\\s", "");
27              if (colorStr.startsWith("#"))
28                  return Color.decode(colorStr);
30              if (colorStr.startsWith("RGB"))
31              {
32                  String c = colorStr.substring(3).replace("(", "").replace(")", "");
33                  String[] rgb = c.split(",");
34                  int r = Integer.parseInt(rgb[0].trim());
35                  int g = Integer.parseInt(rgb[1].trim());
36                  int b = Integer.parseInt(rgb[2].trim());
37                  return new Color(r, g, b);
38              }
40              if (colorStr.equals("BLACK"))
41                  return Color.BLACK;
42              if (colorStr.equals("BLUE"))
43                  return Color.BLUE;
44              if (colorStr.equals("CYAN"))
45                  return Color.CYAN;
46              if (colorStr.equals("DARK_GRAY"))
47                  return Color.DARK_GRAY;
48              if (colorStr.equals("GRAY"))
49                  return Color.GRAY;
50              if (colorStr.equals("GREEN"))
51                  return Color.GREEN;
52              if (colorStr.equals("LIGHT_GRAY"))
53                  return Color.LIGHT_GRAY;
54              if (colorStr.equals("MAGENTA"))
55                  return Color.MAGENTA;
56              if (colorStr.equals("ORANGE"))
57                  return Color.ORANGE;
58              if (colorStr.equals("PINK"))
59                  return Color.PINK;
60              if (colorStr.equals("RED"))
61                  return Color.RED;
62              if (colorStr.equals("WHITE"))
63                  return Color.WHITE;
64              if (colorStr.equals("YELLOW"))
65                  return Color.YELLOW;
66          }
67          catch (Exception exception)
68          {
69              throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error parsing color " + field, exception);
70          }
71          throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error parsing color " + field);
72      }
74      /** {@inheritDoc} */
75      @Override
76      public String marshal(final Color color) throws IllegalArgumentException
77      {
78          return "RGB(" + color.getRed() + "," + color.getGreen() + "," + color.getBlue() + ")";
79      }
81  }