Class Break

  • public final class Break
    extends Object
    Utility to make debugging on a specific GTU more convenient. There is a method on() for a GTU and for perception. Should neither be available within the context of a method that needs to be debugged, onSub() can be used in combination with onSuper() at a higher-level method with a GTU or perception. This class requires the user to set a break point in the method trigger().

    Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
    BSD-style license. See OpenTrafficSim License.

    $Revision$, $LastChangedDate$, by $Author$, initial version 10 apr. 2017
    Alexander Verbraeck, Peter Knoppers, Wouter Schakel
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static void on​(GTU gtu, String id, double time, boolean additionalCondition)  
      static void on​(GTU gtu, String id, String time, boolean additionalCondition)  
      static void on​(Perception<?> perception, String id, double time, boolean additionalCondition)  
      static void on​(Perception<?> perception, String id, String time, boolean additionalCondition)  
      static void onSub()
      This method can be used if the context of a lower-level function does not contain the information on which to break.
      static void onSub​(boolean additionalCondition)
      This method can be used if the context of a lower-level function does not contain the information on which to break.
      static void onSuper​(GTU gtu, String id, double time, boolean additionalCondition)
      Sets a break condition to true which is triggered by onSub() at a lower level where context is insufficient to determine the break condition.
      static void onSuper​(Perception<?> perception, String id, double time, boolean additionalCondition)
      Sets a break condition to true which is triggered by onSub() at a lower level where context is insufficient to determine the break condition.
    • Method Detail

      • onSuper

        public static void onSuper​(Perception<?> perception,
                                   String id,
                                   double time,
                                   boolean additionalCondition)
        Sets a break condition to true which is triggered by onSub() at a lower level where context is insufficient to determine the break condition.
        perception - Perception<?>; perception to obtain gtu from
        id - String; GTU id to break on
        time - double; time to break at (or after)
        additionalCondition - boolean; additional condition
      • onSuper

        public static void onSuper​(GTU gtu,
                                   String id,
                                   double time,
                                   boolean additionalCondition)
        Sets a break condition to true which is triggered by onSub() at a lower level where context is insufficient to determine the break condition.
        gtu - GTU; GTU
        id - String; GTU id to break on
        time - double; time to break at (or after)
        additionalCondition - boolean; additional condition
      • onSub

        public static void onSub()
        This method can be used if the context of a lower-level function does not contain the information on which to break. This method will only trigger a break if at a higher-level function where the context was sufficient, the break condition was set to true using onSuper().
      • onSub

        public static void onSub​(boolean additionalCondition)
        This method can be used if the context of a lower-level function does not contain the information on which to break. This method will only trigger a break if at a higher-level function where the context was sufficient, the break condition was set to true using onSuper().
        additionalCondition - boolean; additional condition
      • on

        public static void on​(Perception<?> perception,
                              String id,
                              String time,
                              boolean additionalCondition)
        perception - Perception<?>; perception to obtain gtu from
        id - String; GTU id to break on
        time - String; time to break at (or after), in format ss, mm:ss or hh:mm:ss
        additionalCondition - boolean; additional condition
      • on

        public static void on​(Perception<?> perception,
                              String id,
                              double time,
                              boolean additionalCondition)
        perception - Perception<?>; perception to obtain gtu from
        id - String; GTU id to break on
        time - double; time to break at (or after)
        additionalCondition - boolean; additional condition
      • on

        public static void on​(GTU gtu,
                              String id,
                              String time,
                              boolean additionalCondition)
        gtu - GTU; GTU
        id - String; GTU id to break on
        time - String; time to break at (or after), in format ss, mm:ss or hh:mm:ss
        additionalCondition - boolean; additional condition
      • on

        public static void on​(GTU gtu,
                              String id,
                              double time,
                              boolean additionalCondition)
        gtu - GTU; GTU
        id - String; GTU id to break on
        time - double; time to break at (or after)
        additionalCondition - boolean; additional condition