Class LaneBasedIndividualGTU

    • Constructor Detail

      • LaneBasedIndividualGTU

        public LaneBasedIndividualGTU​(String id,
                                      GTUType gtuType,
                                      Length length,
                                      Length width,
                                      Speed maximumSpeed,
                                      Length front,
                                      OTSSimulatorInterface simulator,
                                      OTSRoadNetwork network)
                               throws GTUException
        Construct a new LaneBasedIndividualGTU.
        id - String; the id of the GTU
        gtuType - GTUType; the type of GTU, e.g. TruckType, CarType, BusType
        length - Length; the maximum length of the GTU (parallel with driving direction)
        width - Length; the maximum width of the GTU (perpendicular to driving direction)
        maximumSpeed - Speed;the maximum speed of the GTU (in the driving direction)
        front - Length; front distance relative to the reference position
        simulator - OTSSimulatorInterface; the simulator
        network - OTSRoadNetwork; the network that the GTU is initially registered in
        GTUException - when a parameter is invalid
      • LaneBasedIndividualGTU

        public LaneBasedIndividualGTU​(String id,
                                      GTUType gtuType,
                                      Length length,
                                      Length width,
                                      Speed maximumSpeed,
                                      Length front,
                                      Length centerOfGravity,
                                      OTSSimulatorInterface simulator,
                                      OTSRoadNetwork network)
                               throws GTUException
        Construct a new LaneBasedIndividualGTU.
        id - String; the id of the GTU
        gtuType - GTUType; the type of GTU, e.g. TruckType, CarType, BusType
        length - Length; the maximum length of the GTU (parallel with driving direction)
        width - Length; the maximum width of the GTU (perpendicular to driving direction)
        maximumSpeed - Speed;the maximum speed of the GTU (in the driving direction)
        front - Length; front distance relative to the reference position
        centerOfGravity - Length; distance from the center of gravity to the reference position
        simulator - OTSSimulatorInterface; the simulator
        network - OTSRoadNetwork; the network that the GTU is initially registered in
        GTUException - when a parameter is invalid