Interface CarFollowingModel

    • Method Detail

      • followingAcceleration

        Acceleration followingAcceleration​(Parameters parameters,
                                           Speed speed,
                                           SpeedLimitInfo speedLimitInfo,
                                           PerceptionIterable<? extends Headway> leaders)
                                    throws ParameterException
        Determination of car-following acceleration, possibly based on multiple leaders. The implementation should be able to deal with:
        • The current speed being higher than the desired speed.
        • The headway being negative.
        parameters - Parameters; parameters
        speed - Speed; current speed
        speedLimitInfo - SpeedLimitInfo; info regarding the desired speed for car-following
        leaders - PerceptionIterable<? extends Headway>; set of leader headways and speeds, ordered by headway (closest first)
        car-following acceleration
        ParameterException - if parameter exception occurs
      • getName

        String getName()
        Return the name of the car-following model.
        name of the car-following model
      • getLongName

        String getLongName()
        Return the complete name of the car-following model.
        complete name of the car-following model
      • init

        default void init​(LaneBasedGTU gtu)
        Initialize car-following model.
        Specified by:
        init in interface Initialisable
        gtu - LaneBasedGTU; gtu