Class IncentiveStayRight

    • Constructor Detail

      • IncentiveStayRight

        public IncentiveStayRight()
    • Method Detail

      • determineDesire

        public Desire determineDesire​(Parameters parameters,
                                      LanePerception perception,
                                      CarFollowingModel carFollowingModel,
                                      Desire mandatoryDesire,
                                      Desire voluntaryDesire)
                               throws ParameterException,
        Determines level of lane change desire for a lane change incentive.
        Specified by:
        determineDesire in interface VoluntaryIncentive
        parameters - Parameters; parameters
        perception - LanePerception; perception
        carFollowingModel - CarFollowingModel; car-following model
        mandatoryDesire - Desire; level of mandatory desire at current time
        voluntaryDesire - Desire; level of voluntary desire at current time, of voluntary incentives calculated before
        level of lane change desire for this incentive
        ParameterException - if a parameter is not given or out of bounds
        OperationalPlanException - in case of a perception exception