Interface LaneBasedStrategicalPlannerFactory<T extends LaneBasedStrategicalPlanner>

    • Method Detail

      • create

        T create​(LaneBasedGTU gtu,
                 Route route,
                 Node origin,
                 Node destination)
          throws GTUException
        Creates a new strategical planner for the given GTU. This method should also set the parameters at the GTU.
        gtu - LaneBasedGTU; GTU
        route - Route; route, may be null
        origin - Node; origin, may be null
        destination - Node; destination, may be null
        strategical planner for the given GTU
        GTUException - if the gtu is not suitable in any way for the creation of the strategical planner
      • peekDesiredSpeed

        default Speed peekDesiredSpeed​(GTUType gtuType,
                                       Speed speedLimit,
                                       Speed maxGtuSpeed)
                                throws GTUException
        Peek to see the desired speed of the next GTU to be generated at the given location. The default implementation returns null, at which point the GTU generator will use some other speed.
        gtuType - GTUType; GTU type
        speedLimit - Speed; speed limit
        maxGtuSpeed - Speed; maximum GTU speed
        desired speed of the next GTU to be generated at the given location, may be null at which point the GTU generator will use some other speed
        GTUException - on parameter exception or network exception
      • peekDesiredHeadway

        default Length peekDesiredHeadway​(GTUType gtuType,
                                          Speed speed)
                                   throws GTUException
        Peek to see the desired headway of the next GTU to be generated at the given speed. The default implementation returns null, at which point the GTU generator will only generate GTU's at fixed locations.
        gtuType - GTUType; GTU type
        speed - Speed; speed the GTU might be generated at
        Length; desired headway of the next GTU to be generated at the given speed, may be null at which point the GTU generator only generate GTU's at fixed locations
        GTUException - on parameter exception or network exception