Class Shoulder

    • Constructor Detail

      • Shoulder

        public Shoulder​(CrossSectionLink parentLink,
                        String id,
                        Length lateralPositionStart,
                        Length lateralPositionEnd,
                        Length beginWidth,
                        Length endWidth,
                        boolean fixGradualLateralOffset)
                 throws OTSGeometryException,
        parentLink - CrossSectionLink; Cross Section Link to which the element belongs.
        id - String; the id of the lane. Should be unique within the parentLink.
        lateralPositionStart - Length; the lateral start position compared to the linear geometry of the Cross Section Link.
        lateralPositionEnd - Length; the lateral end position compared to the linear geometry of the Cross Section Link
        beginWidth - Length; start width, positioned <i>symmetrically around</i> the lateral start position.
        endWidth - Length; end width, positioned <i>symmetrically around</i> the lateral end position.
        fixGradualLateralOffset - boolean; true if gradualLateralOffset needs to be fixed
        OTSGeometryException - when creation of the center line or contour geometry fails
        NetworkException - when id equal to null or not unique
      • Shoulder

        public Shoulder​(CrossSectionLink parentLink,
                        String id,
                        Length lateralPositionStart,
                        Length lateralPositionEnd,
                        Length beginWidth,
                        Length endWidth)
                 throws OTSGeometryException,
        parentLink - CrossSectionLink; Cross Section Link to which the element belongs.
        id - String; the id of the lane. Should be unique within the parentLink.
        lateralPositionStart - Length; the lateral start position compared to the linear geometry of the Cross Section Link.
        lateralPositionEnd - Length; the lateral end position compared to the linear geometry of the Cross Section Link
        beginWidth - Length; start width, positioned <i>symmetrically around</i> the lateral start position.
        endWidth - Length; end width, positioned <i>symmetrically around</i> the lateral end position.
        OTSGeometryException - when creation of the center line or contour geometry fails
        NetworkException - when id equal to null or not unique
      • Shoulder

        public Shoulder​(CrossSectionLink parentLink,
                        String id,
                        Length lateralPosition,
                        Length width)
                 throws OTSGeometryException,
        parentLink - CrossSectionLink; Cross Section Link to which the element belongs.
        id - String; the id of the lane. Should be unique within the parentLink.
        lateralPosition - Length; the lateral start position compared to the linear geometry of the Cross Section Link.
        width - Length; the shoulder width, positioned <i>symmetrically around</i> the lateral start position.
        OTSGeometryException - when creation of the center line or contour geometry fails
        NetworkException - when id equal to null or not unique
      • Shoulder

        public Shoulder​(CrossSectionLink parentLink,
                        String id,
                        List<CrossSectionSlice> crossSectionSlices)
                 throws OTSGeometryException,
        parentLink - CrossSectionLink; Cross Section Link to which the element belongs.
        id - String; the id of the lane. Should be unique within the parentLink.
        crossSectionSlices - List<CrossSectionSlice>; The offsets and widths at positions along the line, relative to the design line of the parent link. If there is just one with and offset, there should just be one element in the list with Length = 0. If there are more slices, the last one should be at the length of the design line. If not, a NetworkException is thrown.
        OTSGeometryException - when creation of the center line or contour geometry fails
        NetworkException - when id equal to null or not unique
      • Shoulder

        protected Shoulder​(CrossSectionLink newParentLink,
                           SimulatorInterface.TimeDoubleUnit newSimulator,
                           Shoulder cse)
                    throws NetworkException
        Clone a Shoulder for a new network.
        newParentLink - CrossSectionLink; the new link to which the clone belongs
        newSimulator - SimulatorInterface.TimeDoubleUnit; the new simulator for this network
        cse - Shoulder; the element to clone from
        NetworkException - if link already exists in the network, if name of the link is not unique, or if the start node or the end node of the link are not registered in the network.