Interface Compatibility<G extends HierarchicalType<G>,​I extends HierarchicalType<I>>

    • Method Detail

      • isCompatible

        Boolean isCompatible​(G gtuType,
                             GTUDirectionality directionality)
        Test if a GTUType can travel over the infrastructure.
        gtuType - G; the type of the GTU
        directionality - GTUDirectionality; the direction of the GTU with respect to the design direction of the infrastructure
        boolean; true if the GTU can travel over the infrastructure in the given direction; false if the GTU can not travel over the infrastructure in the given direction; null if the decision should be made by calling isCompatible on a higher level in the infrastructure hierarchy
      • getDirectionality

        LongitudinalDirectionality getDirectionality​(G gtuType,
                                                     boolean tryParentsOfGTUType)
        Retrieve the allowed driving directions for a GTUType. If there is no match for the specified GTUType in this infrastructure type, this method will recursively check the parent types of the infrastructure element until either a match is found or the root parental type of the infrastructure is reached. When the latter happens without finding a match, what happens next depends on the value of tryParentsOfGTUType.
        If tryParentsOfGTUType is false, the value null is returned. If true; the parent of the GTUType is used and the search is repeated, etc. If none of the parents of the GTUType yields a result, this method returns LongitudinalDirectionality.DIR_NONE.
        gtuType - G; type of the GTU
        tryParentsOfGTUType - boolean; if true; the parents of the GTUType are tried if no match was found for the given GTUType
        LongitudinalDirectionality; the driving directions for the GTUType, or LongitudinalDirectionality.DIR_NONE if neither the GTUType or any of its parents specifies a directionality