Class TemplateGTUType

    • Constructor Detail

      • TemplateGTUType

        public TemplateGTUType​(GTUType gtuType,
                               Generator<Length> lengthGenerator,
                               Generator<Length> widthGenerator,
                               Generator<Speed> maximumSpeedGenerator)
                        throws NullPointerException
        gtuType - GTUType; GTUType, the GTUType to make it identifiable.
        lengthGenerator - Generator<Length>; generator for the length of the GTU type (parallel with driving direction).
        widthGenerator - Generator<Length>; generator for the width of the GTU type (perpendicular to driving direction).
        maximumSpeedGenerator - Generator<Speed>; generator for the maximum speed of the GTU type (in the driving direction).
        NullPointerException - when one of the arguments is null
      • TemplateGTUType

        public TemplateGTUType​(GTUType gtuType,
                               Generator<Length> lengthGenerator,
                               Generator<Length> widthGenerator,
                               Generator<Speed> maximumSpeedGenerator,
                               Generator<Acceleration> maximumAccelerationGenerator,
                               Generator<Acceleration> maximumDecelerationGenerator)
                        throws NullPointerException
        gtuType - GTUType; GTUType, the GTUType to make it identifiable.
        lengthGenerator - Generator<Length>; generator for the length of the GTU type (parallel with driving direction).
        widthGenerator - Generator<Length>; generator for the width of the GTU type (perpendicular to driving direction).
        maximumSpeedGenerator - Generator<Speed>; generator for the maximum speed of the GTU type (in the driving direction).
        maximumAccelerationGenerator - Generator<Acceleration>; generator for the maximum acceleration of the GTU type
        maximumDecelerationGenerator - Generator<Acceleration>; generator for the maximum deceleration of the GTU type
        NullPointerException - when one of the arguments is null
    • Method Detail

      • copyForGtuType

        public TemplateGTUType copyForGtuType​(GTUType newGtuType)
        Returns the same Characteristics, but pertaining to a different GTU type. This is useful for when the GTU type is used for other purposes in simulation, where the GTUCharacteristics should be the same.
        newGtuType - GTUType; the new GTU type.
        Copy of this TemplateGTUType linked to the new GTU type.
      • getGTUType

        public GTUType getGTUType()