Interface Historical<T>

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      T get()
      Get value at current simulation time.
      T get​(Time time)
      Get value at given time.
      void set​(T value)
      Set value at the current simulation time.
    • Method Detail

      • set

        void set​(T value)
        Set value at the current simulation time. If a value is already given at this time, it is overwritten. Values should be set in chronological order.
        value - T; value
      • get

        T get()
        Get value at current simulation time.
        T; value at current simulation time
      • get

        T get​(Time time)
        Get value at given time.
        time - Time; time to get the value
        T; value at current time
        NullPointerException - when time is null