Class AbstractContourPlot<Z extends Number>

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractContourPlot

        public AbstractContourPlot​(String caption,
                                   org.opentrafficsim.core.dsol.OTSSimulatorInterface simulator,
                                   ContourDataSource<?> dataPool,
                                   BoundsPaintScale paintScale,
                                   Z legendStep,
                                   String legendFormat,
                                   String valueFormat)
        Constructor with specified paint scale.
        caption - String; caption
        simulator - OTSSimulatorInterface; simulator
        dataPool - ContourDataSource<?>; data pool
        paintScale - BoundsPaintScale; paint scale
        legendStep - Z; increment between color legend entries
        legendFormat - String; format string for the captions in the color legend
        valueFormat - String; format string used to create status label (under the mouse)
      • AbstractContourPlot

        public AbstractContourPlot​(String caption,
                                   org.opentrafficsim.core.dsol.OTSSimulatorInterface simulator,
                                   ContourDataSource<?> dataPool,
                                   Z legendStep,
                                   String legendFormat,
                                   Z minValue,
                                   Z maxValue,
                                   String valueFormat)
        Constructor with default paint scale.
        caption - String; caption
        simulator - OTSSimulatorInterface; simulator
        dataPool - ContourDataSource<?>; data pool
        legendStep - Z; increment between color legend entries
        legendFormat - String; format string for the captions in the color legend
        minValue - Z; minimum value
        maxValue - Z; maximum value
        valueFormat - String; format string used to create status label (under the mouse)
    • Method Detail

      • getTimeGranularity

        public double getTimeGranularity()
        Returns the time granularity, just for information.
        double; time granularity
      • getSpaceGranularity

        public double getSpaceGranularity()
        Returns the space granularity, just for information.
        double; space granularity
      • setSpaceGranularity

        public final void setSpaceGranularity​(double granularity)
        Sets the correct space granularity radio button to selected. This is done from a DataPool to keep multiple plots consistent.
        granularity - double; space granularity
      • setTimeGranularity

        public final void setTimeGranularity​(double granularity)
        Sets the correct time granularity radio button to selected. This is done from a DataPool to keep multiple plots consistent.
        granularity - double; time granularity
      • setInterpolation

        public final void setInterpolation​(boolean interpolate)
        Sets the check box for interpolated rendering and block renderer setting. This is done from a DataPool to keep multiple plots consistent.
        interpolate - boolean; selected or not
      • getDataPool

        public final ContourDataSource<?> getDataPool()
        Returns the data pool for sub classes.
        ContourDataSource; data pool for subclasses
      • getItemCount

        public final int getItemCount​(int series)
        Specified by:
        getItemCount in interface XYDataset
      • getX

        public final Number getX​(int series,
                                 int item)
        Specified by:
        getX in interface XYDataset
      • getXValue

        public final double getXValue​(int series,
                                      int item)
        Specified by:
        getXValue in interface XYDataset
      • getY

        public final Number getY​(int series,
                                 int item)
        Specified by:
        getY in interface XYDataset
      • getYValue

        public final double getYValue​(int series,
                                      int item)
        Specified by:
        getYValue in interface XYDataset
      • getZ

        public final Number getZ​(int series,
                                 int item)
        Specified by:
        getZ in interface XYZDataset
      • getZValue

        public final double getZValue​(int series,
                                      int item)
        Specified by:
        getZValue in interface XYZDataset
      • getRangeBinCount

        public int getRangeBinCount()
        Returns the number of items in each column.
        Specified by:
        getRangeBinCount in interface XYInterpolatedDataset
        int; number of items in each column
      • getStatusLabel

        public final String getStatusLabel​(double domainValue,
                                           double rangeValue)
        Returns the status label when the mouse is over the given location.
        Specified by:
        getStatusLabel in class AbstractPlot
        domainValue - double; domain value (x-axis)
        rangeValue - double; range value (y-axis)
        String; status label when the mouse is over the given location
      • increaseTime

        protected final void increaseTime​(Time time)
        Increase the simulated time span.
        Specified by:
        increaseTime in class AbstractPlot
        time - Time; time to increase to
      • getValue

        protected abstract double getValue​(int item,
                                           double cellLength,
                                           double cellSpan)
        Obtain value for cell from the data pool.
        item - int; item number
        cellLength - double; cell length
        cellSpan - double; cell duration
        double; value for cell from the data pool
      • scale

        protected abstract double scale​(double si)
        Scale the value from SI to the desired unit for users.
        si - double; SI value
        double; scaled value
      • getContourDataType

        protected abstract ContourDataSource.ContourDataType<Z,​?> getContourDataType()
        Returns the contour data type for use in a ContourDataSource.
        CountorDataType; contour data type