Interface LaneRecord<R extends LaneRecord<R>>

    • Method Detail

      • getNext

        List<? extends R> getNext()
        Returns a list of next lanes. Callers of this method do not have to mind GTUDirectionality, this is taken care of.
        List; list of next lanes
      • getPrev

        List<? extends R> getPrev()
        Returns a list of previous lanes. Callers of this method do not have to mind GTUDirectionality, this is taken care of.
        List; list of previous lanes
      • getStartDistance

        Length getStartDistance()
        Returns the distance from a reference to the start of this lane, negative for upstream distance.
        Length; the distance from a reference to the start of this lane, negative for upstream distance
      • getLength

        Length getLength()
        Returns the length of the lane.
        Length; length of the lane.
      • getDirection

        GTUDirectionality getDirection()
        Returns the direction of travel.
        GTUDirectionality; direction of travel
      • getLane

        Lane getLane()
        Returns the lane.
        Lane lane;
      • getDistanceToPosition

        default Length getDistanceToPosition​(Length position)
        Returns the distance from the reference to the given location. Callers of this method do not have to mind GTUDirectionality, this is taken care of.
        position - Length; position on the lane
        Length; distance from the reference to the given location
      • isDownstreamBranch

        default boolean isDownstreamBranch()
        Returns whether the record is part of the downstream branch. This means the GTU can potentially get here and the lane is not upstream or on the other branch upstream of a merge. Default implementation returns true.
        Boolean; whether the record is part of the downstream branch