Interface AccelerationIncentive

    • Method Detail

      • accelerate

        void accelerate​(SimpleOperationalPlan simplePlan,
                        RelativeLane lane,
                        Length mergeDistance,
                        LaneBasedGTU gtu,
                        LanePerception perception,
                        CarFollowingModel carFollowingModel,
                        Speed speed,
                        org.opentrafficsim.base.parameters.Parameters params,
                        SpeedLimitInfo speedLimitInfo)
                 throws OperationalPlanException,
        Determine acceleration.
        simplePlan - SimpleOperationalPlan; simple plan to set the acceleration
        lane - RelativeLane; lane on which to consider the acceleration
        mergeDistance - Length; distance over which a lane change is impossible
        gtu - LaneBasedGTU; gtu
        perception - LanePerception; perception
        carFollowingModel - CarFollowingModel; car-following model
        speed - Speed; current speed
        params - Parameters; parameters
        speedLimitInfo - SpeedLimitInfo; speed limit info
        OperationalPlanException - in case of an error
        org.opentrafficsim.base.parameters.ParameterException - on missing parameter
        GTUException - when there is a problem with the state of the GTU when planning a path
      • onRoute

        default <T extends HeadwayLaneBasedObjectIterable<T> onRoute​(Iterable<T> iterable,
                                                                       LaneBasedGTU gtu)
        Returns an iterable with only those lane-based objects that are on the route, accounting for longitudinal direction of the GTU type.
        Type Parameters:
        T - type of lane-based object
        iterable - Iterable<T>; iterable
        gtu - LaneBasedGTU; gtu
        Iterable<T>; iterable with only those lane-based objects that are on the route