Interface LaneBasedObject

    • Method Detail

      • getLane

        Lane getLane()
        The lane for which this is a sensor.
      • getLongitudinalPosition

        Length getLongitudinalPosition()
        the position (between 0.0 and the length of the Lane) of the sensor on the design line of the lane.
      • getLocation

        DirectedPoint getLocation()
        Return the location without throwing a RemoteException.
        Specified by:
        getLocation in interface Locatable
        DirectedPoint; the location
      • getBounds

        Bounds getBounds()
        Return the bounds without throwing a RemoteException.
        Specified by:
        getBounds in interface Locatable
        Specified by:
        getBounds in interface ObjectInterface
        Bounds; the (usually rectangular) bounds of the object
      • makeGeometry

        static OTSLine3D makeGeometry​(Lane lane,
                                      Length position)
        Make a geometry perpendicular to the center line of the lane at the given position.
        lane - Lane; the lane where the sensor resides
        position - Length; The length of the object in the longitudinal direction, on the center line of the lane
        a geometry perpendicular to the center line that describes the sensor