Class SimpleReportingSensor

    • Constructor Detail

      • SimpleReportingSensor

        public SimpleReportingSensor​(String id,
                                     Lane lane,
                                     Length position,
                                     RelativePosition.TYPE triggerPosition,
                                     OTSSimulatorInterface simulator,
                                     Compatible compatible)
                              throws NetworkException
        Construct a new SimpleReportingSensor.
        lane - Lane; the lane on which the new SimpleReportingSensor will be located
        position - Length; the position of the sensor along the lane
        triggerPosition - RelativePosition.TYPE; the relative position type (e.g., FRONT, BACK) of the vehicle that triggers the sensor
        id - String; the id of the new SimpleReportingSensor
        simulator - OTSSimulatorInterface; the simulator to enable animation
        compatible - Compatible; object that can decide if a particular GTU type in a particular driving direction will trigger the new SimpleReportingSensor
        NetworkException - when the position on the lane is out of bounds w.r.t. the center line of the lane