All Classes and Interfaces
Continuous distribution with unit.
Discrete distribution with unit.
Base class for objects or properties that can be perceived from their actual state in the past.
Interface for event types.
Standard event which stores a time and value.
Collection-valued historical state.
Event for adding value to the collection.
Abstract super class for events that add or remove a value from the collection.
Event for removing value from the collection.
List-valued historical state.
Class for events that add a value to the list.
Abstract super class for events that add or remove a value from the list.
Class for events that remove a value from the list.
Map-valued historical state.
Abstract super class for events that add or remove a value from the map.
NavigableMap-valued historical state.
NavigableSet-valued historical state.
Queue-valued historical state.
SortedMap-valued historical state.
SortedSet-valued historical state.
AbstractOtsModel is the base class for a model that runs on an OtsSimulator.
AbstractOtsSimulationApplication is a class that can be extended by a simulation application that runs from the command line.
by housing categories.Implements
and allows sub-classes to easily implement lazy evaluation through the
methods.A 3D acceleration vector, decomposed in X, Y, and Z-acceleration with easy conversion from and to a spherical coordinate
3D-rotation, RPY coded (longitudinal roll along the x-axis, lateral pitch along the y-axis and vertical yaw along the
z-axis), also called Tait–Bryan angles or Cardan angles.
Generation of Bézier curves.
Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
A link with a maximum capacity, expressed as the maximum number of GTUs per time unit that the link can handle.
Centroid Node that is only connected by Connector links.
Compatibility of infrastructure and users of that infrastructure.
Special link type that represents a connector.
Generator implementation for a constant value.
Continuous definition of an arc.
Continuous definition of a Bezier.
Continuous definition of a cubic Bezier.
Continuous definition of a clothoid.
Continuously distributed absolute temperature.
Continuously distributed acceleration.
Continuously distributed angle.
Continuously distributed area.
Continuously distributed density.
Continuously distributed dimensionless.
Continuously distributed direction.
Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
ContinuousDistDoubleScalar.Abs<T extends org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.base.DoubleScalarAbs<AU,T,RU,?>,AU extends org.djunits.unit.AbsoluteLinearUnit<AU,RU>,RU extends org.djunits.unit.Unit<RU>>
Absolute value.
ContinuousDistDoubleScalar.Rel<T extends org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.base.DoubleScalarRel<U,T>,U extends org.djunits.unit.Unit<U>>
Relative value.
Continuously distributed duration.
Continuously distributed electrical charge.
Continuously distributed electrical current.
Continuously distributed electrical potential.
Continuously distributed electrical resistance.
Continuously distributed energy.
Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
ContinuousDistFloatScalar.Abs<T extends org.djunits.value.vfloat.scalar.base.FloatScalarAbs<AU,T,RU,?>,AU extends org.djunits.unit.AbsoluteLinearUnit<AU,RU>,RU extends org.djunits.unit.Unit<RU>>
Absolute value.
ContinuousDistFloatScalar.Rel<T extends org.djunits.value.vfloat.scalar.base.FloatScalarRel<U,T>,U extends org.djunits.unit.Unit<U>>
Relative value.
Continuously distributed flow mass.
Continuously distributed force.
Continuously distributed frequency.
Continuously distributed length.
Continuously distributed linear density.
Continuously distributed mass.
Continuously distributed position.
Continuously distributed power.
Continuously distributed pressure.
Continuously distributed angle solid.
Continuously distributed speed.
Continuously distributed temperature.
Continuously distributed time.
Continuously distributed torque.
Continuously distributed volume.
A continuous line defines a line in an exact manner, from which numerical polylines can be derived.
Temporary function implementation with
and getKnots()
method.Continuous definition of a PolyLine.
Continuous definition of a straight.
This class houses defaults instances for different types, such as GTU types and link types.
Defaults for locale nl_NL.
The Definitions interface contains access to the core definitions that can be used to interpret the Network and the
Interface for detectors.
Defines the type of a Detector, and with it the GTU compatibility.
Direct perception of ego values such as speed and length.
3D-rotation, RPY coded (longitudinal roll along the x-axis, lateral pitch along the y-axis and vertical yaw along the
z-axis), also called Tait–Bryan angles or Cardan angles.
Discretely distributed absolute temperature.
Discretely distributed acceleration.
Discretely distributed angle.
Discretely distributed area.
Discretely distributed density.
Discretely distributed dimensionless.
Discretely distributed direction.
Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
DiscreteDistDoubleScalar.Abs<T extends org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.base.DoubleScalarAbs<AU,T,RU,?>,AU extends org.djunits.unit.AbsoluteLinearUnit<AU,RU>,RU extends org.djunits.unit.Unit<RU>>
Absolute value.
DiscreteDistDoubleScalar.Rel<T extends org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.base.DoubleScalarRel<U,T>,U extends org.djunits.unit.Unit<U>>
Relative value.
Discretely distributed duration.
Discretely distributed electrical charge.
Discretely distributed electrical current.
Discretely distributed electrical potential.
Discretely distributed electrical resistance.
Discretely distributed energy.
Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
DiscreteDistFloatScalar.Abs<T extends org.djunits.value.vfloat.scalar.base.FloatScalarAbs<AU,T,RU,?>,AU extends org.djunits.unit.AbsoluteLinearUnit<AU,RU>,RU extends org.djunits.unit.Unit<RU>>
Absolute value.
DiscreteDistFloatScalar.Rel<T extends org.djunits.value.vfloat.scalar.base.FloatScalarRel<U,T>,U extends org.djunits.unit.Unit<U>>
Relative value.
Discretely distributed flow mass.
Discretely distributed force.
Discretely distributed frequency.
Discretely distributed length.
Discretely distributed linear density.
Discretely distributed mass.
Discretely distributed position.
Discretely distributed power.
Discretely distributed pressure.
Discretely distributed angle solid.
Discretely distributed speed.
Discretely distributed temperature.
Discretely distributed time.
Discretely distributed torque.
Discretely distributed volume.
Generic implementation of a set of objects that have a draw method with corresponding probabilities / frequencies.
Utility to draw from a collection.
Ego perception interface.
A Network consists of a set of links.
Generate a fixed route (always the same).
Line representation that a
can flatten in to a polyline.Flattens a continuous line in to a polyline.
Flattener based on maximum angle.
Flattener based on maximum deviation.
Flattener based on maximum deviation and maximum angle.
Flattener based on number of segments.
Container for fractional length data.
Immutable storage for a frequency (or probability) plus a Generator.
Utility class to create clothoid lines, in particular the Fresnel integral based on:
Interface for classes that have a draw method with no arguments.
Implements the basic functionalities of any GTU: the ability to move on 3D-space according to a plan.
Characteristics of a GTU.
Compatibility between a GtuType and a certain type of infrastructure.
GtuCompatibleInfraType is a HierarchicalType that implements the delegation methods for GTU compatibility.
GTUDUmper; create a text file with the locations, directions and speeds of all GTUs at regular intervals.
GTU error handler.
Exception thrown when GTU encounters a problem.
Gtu generator in its most basic form, which is able to report a queue count at one or more positions.
Interface for a position that is reported on.
Stores some of the information that is needed to generate a GTU.
A GTU type is used to identify all sorts of properties and compatibilities for GTUs.
Interface for single valued historicals.
ArrayList-valued historical state.
Interface for historical collections.
Interface for historical deques.
EnumMap-valued historical state.
LinkedHashMap-valued historical state.
LinkedHashSet-valued historical state.
LinkedHashMap-valued historical state.
LinkedHashSet-valued historical state.
LinkedList-valued historical state.
Interface for historical lists.
Interface for historical maps.
Interface for historical navigable maps.
Interface for historical navigable sets.
Historical representation of
.Parameter event, which will restore the previous value.
Value for a parameter event, which contains a parameter type and (the previous) value.
PriorityQueue-valued historical state.
Interface for historical queues.
Interface for historical sets.
Interface for historical sorted maps.
Interface for historical sorted sets.
TreeMap-valued historical state.
TreeSet-valued historical state.
Single-valued historical state.
Vector-valued historical state.
History manager with automatic garbage collection by the java garbage collector using weak references to the
s.Historical view for the history manager.
History manager that uses an
.Generate names for any kind of object.
Interface for input parameters.
Directionality in lateral direction.
A standard implementation of a link between two Nodes.
Class that stores a link combined with a position on that link.
Link type to indicate compatibility with GTU types.
Interface to determine a link weight.
Generic object that can be placed in the model.
Thrown when a model component is missing, or when the correct implementation is missing.
A Network consists of a set of links.
Exception thrown when network topology is inconsistent.
NetworkUtils has a static function to destroy a network.
The Node is a point with an id.
Node type to indicate different types of Nodes.
Interface for objects that live in a Network, but cannot be drawn and which do not have a specific location.
Simple implementation without history that can be used inside a generic context where also implementations with history can
be used.
An Operational plan describes a path through the world with a speed profile that a GTU intends to follow.
Exception for the operational plan, e.g. when a request is given outside the plan's validity.
Set of Polygon2d objects and provides methods for fast selection of those objects that intersect a Polygon2d.
Construct a DSOL DevsRealTimeAnimator the easy way.
Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
Construct a DSOL DevsRealTimeAnimator the easy way.
OtsModelInterface described the generic properties of an OtsModel such as the network and the model name.
Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
Construct a DSOL DevsSimulator the easy way.
Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
Sets parameter values based on the the GTU type.
Correlates two parameter values.
Only use given parameters, do not set any others.
The Model package guarantees that objects that are used in an OTS study such as GTUs are retrievable.
Information about a perceived object, which can be a GTU, a road sign, a traffic light, or an obstacle.
The perception module of a GTU.
Super interface for all perception categories.
Generate one of a set of routes, based on a discrete probability density function.
A RelativePosition is a position on a GTU; e.g. the front, rear, position of the driver, etc.
The type of relative position, e.g., Front, Back, etc.
A route is defined as a series of nodes.
Calculate between Polar (spherical) and Cartesian (xyz) coordinates.
The segment of an operational plan contains a part of the speed profile of a movement in which some of the variables
determining movement (speed, acceleration) are constant.
List of segments describing the longitudinal dynamics of a operational plan along the path.
Solvers for simple equations.
A 3D speed vector, decomposed in X, Y, and Z-speed with easy conversion from and to a spherical coordinate system.
A static object with a height that a GTU might have to avoid, or which can cause occlusion for perception.
A strategicalPlanner is the planner responsible for the overall 'mission' of the GTU, usually indicating where it needs to
A factory class is used to generate strategical planners as the strategical planner is state-full.
A SynchronizedRedBlackTree implementation of the eventlistInterface.
Tactical planners generate operational plans that are in line with reaching the goals of the strategical plan.
A factory class is used to generate tactical planners as the tactical planner is state-full.
Intent for turn indicator.
Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.