SpotBugs Bug Detector Report
The following document contains the results of SpotBugs
SpotBugs Version is 4.8.6
Threshold is medium
Effort is default
Classes | Bugs | Errors | Missing Classes |
178 | 87 | 0 | 0 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Exception thrown in class org.opentrafficsim.draw.BoundsPaintScale at new org.opentrafficsim.draw.BoundsPaintScale(double[], Color[]) will leave the constructor. The object under construction remains partially initialized and may be vulnerable to Finalizer attacks. | BAD_PRACTICE | CT_CONSTRUCTOR_THROW | 47 | Medium |
org.opentrafficsim.draw.BoundsPaintScale.GREEN_RED is a mutable array | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_MUTABLE_ARRAY | 24 | High |
org.opentrafficsim.draw.BoundsPaintScale.GREEN_RED_DARK is a mutable array | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_MUTABLE_ARRAY | 28 | High |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Class org.opentrafficsim.draw.ClickableLocatable$1 defines non-transient non-serializable instance field val$shape | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
org.opentrafficsim.draw.Colors.COLORS should be both final and package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_FINAL_PKGPROTECT | 18 | Medium |
org.opentrafficsim.draw.Colors.NAMES should be both final and package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_FINAL_PKGPROTECT | 22 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
org.opentrafficsim.draw.TextProperties.getTextAttributes() may expose internal representation by returning TextProperties.textAttributes | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 106 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Possible null pointer dereference of wMean in org.opentrafficsim.draw.egtf.Egtf.filterSI(double[], double[], Quantity[]) | CORRECTNESS | NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH | 660 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Should org.opentrafficsim.draw.egtf.Egtf$DualWeightedMean be a _static_ inner class? | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC | 1064-1139 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Should org.opentrafficsim.draw.egtf.Egtf$WeightedMean be a _static_ inner class? | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC | 1148-1179 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
org.opentrafficsim.draw.egtf.FilterDouble.getLocation() may expose internal representation by returning FilterDouble.location | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 42 | Medium |
org.opentrafficsim.draw.egtf.FilterDouble.getTime() may expose internal representation by returning FilterDouble.time | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 48 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Exception thrown in class org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.AbstractContourPlot at new org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.AbstractContourPlot(String, PlotScheduler, ContourDataSource, Number, String, Number, Number, String) will leave the constructor. The object under construction remains partially initialized and may be vulnerable to Finalizer attacks. | BAD_PRACTICE | CT_CONSTRUCTOR_THROW | 97 | Medium |
org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.AbstractContourPlot.getBlockRenderer() may expose internal representation by returning AbstractContourPlot.blockRenderer | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 334 | Medium |
org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.AbstractContourPlot.getDataPool() may expose internal representation by returning AbstractContourPlot.dataPool | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 199 | Medium |
new org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.AbstractContourPlot(String, PlotScheduler, ContourDataSource, BoundsPaintScale, Number, String, String) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AbstractContourPlot.dataPool | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 70 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
new org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.AbstractGraphSpace(List) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AbstractGraphSpace.seriesNames | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 29 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.AbstractPlot.getChart() may expose internal representation by returning AbstractPlot.chart | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 228 | Medium |
org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.AbstractPlot.getUpdateTime() may expose internal representation by returning AbstractPlot.updateTime | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 268 | Medium |
new org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.AbstractPlot(PlotScheduler, String, Duration, Duration) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AbstractPlot.delay | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 100 | Medium |
new org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.AbstractPlot(PlotScheduler, String, Duration, Duration) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AbstractPlot.updateInterval | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 99 | Medium |
org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.AbstractPlot.setUpdateInterval(Duration) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AbstractPlot.updateInterval | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 257 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
new org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.AbstractSamplerPlot(String, Duration, PlotScheduler, SamplerData, GraphPath, Duration) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AbstractSamplerPlot.samplerData | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 55 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
new org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.AbstractSpaceTimePlot(String, Duration, PlotScheduler, Duration, Time) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AbstractSpaceTimePlot.initialEnd | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 49 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.ContourDataSource.getSamplerData() may expose internal representation by returning ContourDataSource.samplerData | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 246 | Medium |
new org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.ContourDataSource(SamplerData, Duration, GraphPath, double[], int, double[], int, Time, Time) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ContourDataSource.delay | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 223 | Medium |
new org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.ContourDataSource(SamplerData, Duration, GraphPath, double[], int, double[], int, Time, Time) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ContourDataSource.samplerData | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 221 | Medium |
Inconsistent synchronization of org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.ContourDataSource.redo; locked 75% of time | MT_CORRECTNESS | IS2_INCONSISTENT_SYNC | 781 | Medium |
Inconsistent synchronization of org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.ContourDataSource.smooth; locked 66% of time | MT_CORRECTNESS | IS2_INCONSISTENT_SYNC | 441 | Medium |
Inconsistent synchronization of org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.ContourDataSource.toTime; locked 83% of time | MT_CORRECTNESS | IS2_INCONSISTENT_SYNC | 504 | Medium |
org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.ContourDataSource.DEFAULT_SPACE_GRANULARITIES should be package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_PKGPROTECT | 55 | Medium |
org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.ContourDataSource.DEFAULT_TIME_GRANULARITIES should be package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_PKGPROTECT | 61 | Medium |
org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.ContourDataSource.getGranularity(ContourDataSource$Dimension) is unsynchronized, org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.ContourDataSource.setGranularity(ContourDataSource$Dimension, double) is synchronized | MT_CORRECTNESS | UG_SYNC_SET_UNSYNC_GET | 362 | Medium |
org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.ContourDataSource.update(Time) makes inefficient use of keySet iterator instead of entrySet iterator | PERFORMANCE | WMI_WRONG_MAP_ITERATOR | 758 | Medium |
org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.ContourDataSource.update(Time) makes inefficient use of keySet iterator instead of entrySet iterator | PERFORMANCE | WMI_WRONG_MAP_ITERATOR | 775 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Exception thrown in class org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.FundamentalDiagram at new org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.FundamentalDiagram(String, FundamentalDiagram$Quantity, FundamentalDiagram$Quantity, PlotScheduler, FundamentalDiagram$FdSource, FundamentalDiagram$FdLine) will leave the constructor. The object under construction remains partially initialized and may be vulnerable to Finalizer attacks. | BAD_PRACTICE | CT_CONSTRUCTOR_THROW | 100 | Medium |
org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.FundamentalDiagram.getLaneVisible() may expose internal representation by returning FundamentalDiagram.laneVisible | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 1354 | Medium |
org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.FundamentalDiagram.getLegend() may expose internal representation by returning FundamentalDiagram.legend | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 1345 | Medium |
org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.FundamentalDiagram.getSource() may expose internal representation by returning FundamentalDiagram.source | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 1336 | Medium |
new org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.FundamentalDiagram(String, FundamentalDiagram$Quantity, FundamentalDiagram$Quantity, PlotScheduler, FundamentalDiagram$FdSource, FundamentalDiagram$FdLine) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into FundamentalDiagram.source | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 109 | Medium |
org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.FundamentalDiagram.DEFAULT_PERIODS should be package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_PKGPROTECT | 52 | Medium |
org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.FundamentalDiagram.DEFAULT_UPDATE_FREQUENCIES should be package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_PKGPROTECT | 55 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Inconsistent synchronization of org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.FundamentalDiagram$AbstractSpaceSamplerFdSource.firstMeasurement; locked 75% of time | MT_CORRECTNESS | IS2_INCONSISTENT_SYNC | 1090 | Medium |
Inconsistent synchronization of org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.FundamentalDiagram$AbstractSpaceSamplerFdSource.secondMeasurement; locked 71% of time | MT_CORRECTNESS | IS2_INCONSISTENT_SYNC | 1090 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Exception thrown in class org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.FundamentalDiagram$MultiFdSource at new org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.FundamentalDiagram$MultiFdSource(Map) will leave the constructor. The object under construction remains partially initialized and may be vulnerable to Finalizer attacks. | BAD_PRACTICE | CT_CONSTRUCTOR_THROW | 1157 | Medium |
Possible null pointer dereference of sources in new org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.FundamentalDiagram$MultiFdSource(Map) | CORRECTNESS | NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH | 1159 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
new org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.GraphCrossSection(List, GraphPath$Section, List) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into GraphCrossSection.positions | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 69 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.GraphPath.getSpeedLimit() may expose internal representation by returning GraphPath.speedLimit | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 116 | Medium |
org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.GraphPath.getTotalLength() may expose internal representation by returning GraphPath.totalLength | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 107 | Medium |
new org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.GraphPath(List, List) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into GraphPath.sections | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 73 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.GraphPath$Section.length() may expose internal representation by returning GraphPath$Section.length | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 230 | Medium |
org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.GraphPath$Section.sections() may expose internal representation by returning GraphPath$Section.sections | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 230 | Medium |
org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.GraphPath$Section.speedLimit() may expose internal representation by returning GraphPath$Section.speedLimit | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 230 | Medium |
new org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.GraphPath$Section(Length, Speed, List) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into GraphPath$Section.length | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 230 | Medium |
new org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.GraphPath$Section(Length, Speed, List) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into GraphPath$Section.sections | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 230 | Medium |
new org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.GraphPath$Section(Length, Speed, List) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into GraphPath$Section.speedLimit | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 230 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Exceptional return value of java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue.offer(Object) ignored in org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.GraphUpdater.offer(Object) | BAD_PRACTICE | RV_RETURN_VALUE_IGNORED_BAD_PRACTICE | 67 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.TrajectoryPlot.getLaneVisible() may expose internal representation by returning TrajectoryPlot.laneVisible | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 568 | Medium |
org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.TrajectoryPlot.getLegend() may expose internal representation by returning TrajectoryPlot.legend | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 559 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Should org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.TrajectoryPlot$OffsetTrajectory be a _static_ inner class? | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC | 455-540 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.XyInterpolatedBlockRenderer doesn't override org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYBlockRenderer.equals(Object) | STYLE | EQ_DOESNT_OVERRIDE_EQUALS | 1 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Integral division result cast to double or float in org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.XyInterpolatedBlockRenderer$1$1.getRaster(int, int, int, int) | STYLE | ICAST_IDIV_CAST_TO_DOUBLE | 177 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
org.opentrafficsim.draw.gtu.DefaultCarAnimation$GtuData$GtuMarker.getShape() may expose internal representation by returning DefaultCarAnimation$GtuData$GtuMarker.shape | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 367 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
new org.opentrafficsim.draw.gtu.DefaultCarAnimation$Text(DefaultCarAnimation, DefaultCarAnimation$GtuData, Supplier, float, float, TextAlignment, Color, Contextualized) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into DefaultCarAnimation$Text.this$0 | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 229 | Medium |
new org.opentrafficsim.draw.gtu.DefaultCarAnimation$Text(DefaultCarAnimation, DefaultCarAnimation$GtuData, Supplier, float, float, TextAlignment, Color, Contextualized, TextAnimation$ContrastToBackground) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into DefaultCarAnimation$Text.this$0 | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 247 | Medium |
Should org.opentrafficsim.draw.gtu.DefaultCarAnimation$Text be a _static_ inner class? | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC | 216-254 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Exception thrown in class at new$LinkData, Contextualized, float) will leave the constructor. The object under construction remains partially initialized and may be vulnerable to Finalizer attacks. | BAD_PRACTICE | CT_CONSTRUCTOR_THROW | 72 | Medium |$Text
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
new$Text(LinkAnimation, LinkAnimation$LinkData, Supplier, float, float, TextAlignment, Color, Contextualized, TextAnimation$ScaleDependentRendering) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into LinkAnimation$Text.this$0 | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 176 | Medium |
Should$Text be a _static_ inner class? | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC | 176-183 | Medium |$Text
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
new$Text(NodeAnimation, NodeAnimation$NodeData, Supplier, float, float, TextAlignment, Color, Contextualized, TextAnimation$ScaleDependentRendering) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into NodeAnimation$Text.this$0 | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 113 | Medium |
Should$Text be a _static_ inner class? | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC | 113-122 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
org.opentrafficsim.draw.road.BusStopAnimation.getText() may expose internal representation by returning BusStopAnimation.text | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 61 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
new org.opentrafficsim.draw.road.BusStopAnimation$Text(BusStopAnimation, BusStopAnimation$BusStopData, Supplier, float, float, TextAlignment, Color, Contextualized) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into BusStopAnimation$Text.this$0 | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 114 | Medium |
Should org.opentrafficsim.draw.road.BusStopAnimation$Text be a _static_ inner class? | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC | 114-121 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
new org.opentrafficsim.draw.road.GtuGeneratorPositionAnimation$Queue(GtuGeneratorPositionAnimation, GtuGeneratorPositionAnimation$GtuGeneratorPositionData, Contextualized) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into GtuGeneratorPositionAnimation$Queue.this$0 | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 103 | Medium |
Should org.opentrafficsim.draw.road.GtuGeneratorPositionAnimation$Queue be a _static_ inner class? | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC | 103-106 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
org.opentrafficsim.draw.road.LaneAnimation.getText() may expose internal representation by returning LaneAnimation.text | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 69 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
new org.opentrafficsim.draw.road.LaneAnimation$Text(LaneAnimation, LaneAnimation$LaneData, Supplier, float, float, TextAlignment, Color, Contextualized) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into LaneAnimation$Text.this$0 | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 228 | Medium |
Should org.opentrafficsim.draw.road.LaneAnimation$Text be a _static_ inner class? | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC | 228-235 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
org.opentrafficsim.draw.road.LaneDetectorAnimation.getText() may expose internal representation by returning LaneDetectorAnimation.text | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 104 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Class org.opentrafficsim.draw.road.StripeAnimation defines non-transient non-serializable instance field paintDatas | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
org.opentrafficsim.draw.road.TrafficLightAnimation.getText() may expose internal representation by returning TrafficLightAnimation.text | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 60 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
new org.opentrafficsim.draw.road.TrafficLightAnimation$Text(TrafficLightAnimation, TrafficLightAnimation$TrafficLightData, Supplier, float, float, TextAlignment, Color, Contextualized) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into TrafficLightAnimation$Text.this$0 | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 116 | Medium |
Should org.opentrafficsim.draw.road.TrafficLightAnimation$Text be a _static_ inner class? | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC | 116-123 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Class org.opentrafficsim.draw.road.TrafficLightDetectorAnimation defines non-transient non-serializable instance field detector | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
new org.opentrafficsim.draw.road.TrafficLightDetectorAnimation$Text(TrafficLightDetectorAnimation, TrafficLightDetectorAnimation$TrafficLightDetectorData, Supplier, float, float, TextAlignment, Color, Contextualized) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into TrafficLightDetectorAnimation$Text.this$0 | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 117 | Medium |
Should org.opentrafficsim.draw.road.TrafficLightDetectorAnimation$Text be a _static_ inner class? | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC | 117-124 | Medium |