Class XsdTreeNodeUtil


public final class XsdTreeNodeUtil extends Object
This class exists to keep XsdTreeNode at manageable size. It houses all static methods used in XsdTreeNode.

Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
BSD-style license. See OpenTrafficSim License.

Wouter Schakel
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    protected static final class 
    Class that holds two indices related to loading XML nodes in to a structure of XsdTreeNode.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    (package private) static void
    addChildren(Node node, XsdTreeNode parentNode, List<XsdTreeNode> children, org.djutils.immutablecollections.ImmutableList<Node> hiddenNodes, Schema schema, boolean flattenSequence, int skip)
    Main expansion algorithm.
    static void
    Add xsd all validator to the given node.
    (package private) static org.djutils.immutablecollections.ImmutableList<Node>
    append(org.djutils.immutablecollections.ImmutableList<Node> hiddenNodes, Node node)
    Returns a copy of the input list, with the extra node appended at the end.
    protected static void
    fireCreatedEventOnExistingNodes(XsdTreeNode node, org.djutils.event.EventListener listener)
    Recursively throws creation events for all current nodes in the tree.
    (package private) static int
    getOccurs(Node node, String attribute)
    Parses the minOcccurs or maxOccurs value from given node.
    (package private) static List<String>
    Returns a list of options derived from a list of restrictions (xsd:restriction).
    (package private) static Map<Node,org.djutils.immutablecollections.ImmutableList<Node>>
    getRelevantNodesWithChildren(Node node, org.djutils.immutablecollections.ImmutableList<Node> hiddenNodes, Schema schema)
    Returns from the XSD definition the appropriate nodes to take children from at the level of the input node, in the order in which they should appear.
    (package private) static boolean
    Returns whether nodes are of the same type.
    (package private) static Node
    ref(Node node, String ref, Schema schema)
    Returns the element referred to by ref={ref} in an xsd:element.
    (package private) static int
    resolveInsertion(int insertIndex, int removeIndex)
    Takes the minimum of both indices, while ignoring negative values (indicating an element was not found for deletion).
    (package private) static String
    Adds a thin space before each capital character in a String, except the first.
    (package private) static Node
    type(Node node, String type, Schema schema)
    Returns the element referred to by type={type} in an xsd:element.
    static boolean
    valuesAreEqual(String value1, String value2)
    Returns whether the two values are equal, where null is consider equal to an empty string.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Method Details

    • addXsdAllValidator

      public static void addXsdAllValidator(XsdTreeNode shared, XsdTreeNode node)
      Add xsd all validator to the given node.
      shared - shared xsd:all node.
      node - xsd:all node, or one of its children.
    • getOccurs

      static int getOccurs(Node node, String attribute)
      Parses the minOcccurs or maxOccurs value from given node. If it is not supplied, the default of 1 is given.
      node - node.
      attribute - "minOccurs" or "maxOccurs".
      value of occurs, -1 represents "unbounded".
    • addChildren

      static void addChildren(Node node, XsdTreeNode parentNode, List<XsdTreeNode> children, org.djutils.immutablecollections.ImmutableList<Node> hiddenNodes, Schema schema, boolean flattenSequence, int skip)
      Main expansion algorithm. Loops all child XSD nodes, and selects those that define next elements.
      node - node to get the children of.
      parentNode - parent node for the created children.
      children - list to add the children to. This may be different from parentNode.children due to layered choice structures.
      hiddenNodes - nodes between the XSD node of the parent, and this tree node's XSD node.
      schema - schema to get types and referred elements from.
      flattenSequence - when true, treats an xsd:sequence child as an extension of the node. In the context of a choice this should remain separated.
      skip - child index to skip, this is used when copying choice options from an option that is already created.
    • append

      static org.djutils.immutablecollections.ImmutableList<Node> append(org.djutils.immutablecollections.ImmutableList<Node> hiddenNodes, Node node)
      Returns a copy of the input list, with the extra node appended at the end.
      hiddenNodes - hidden nodes list.
      node - node to append.
      copy of the input list, with the extra node appended at the end.
    • getOptionsFromRestrictions

      static List<String> getOptionsFromRestrictions(List<Node> restrictions)
      Returns a list of options derived from a list of restrictions (xsd:restriction).
      restrictions - list of restrictions.
      list of options.
    • fireCreatedEventOnExistingNodes

      protected static void fireCreatedEventOnExistingNodes(XsdTreeNode node, org.djutils.event.EventListener listener) throws RemoteException
      Recursively throws creation events for all current nodes in the tree. This method is for XsdTreeNodeRoot.
      node - node.
      listener - listener.
      RemoteException - if event cannot be fired.
    • resolveInsertion

      static int resolveInsertion(int insertIndex, int removeIndex)
      Takes the minimum of both indices, while ignoring negative values (indicating an element was not found for deletion).
      insertIndex - previously determined insertion index; may be updated to lower value.
      removeIndex - index of element that is removed.
      minimum of both indices, while ignoring negative values.
    • getRelevantNodesWithChildren

      static Map<Node,org.djutils.immutablecollections.ImmutableList<Node>> getRelevantNodesWithChildren(Node node, org.djutils.immutablecollections.ImmutableList<Node> hiddenNodes, Schema schema)
      Returns from the XSD definition the appropriate nodes to take children from at the level of the input node, in the order in which they should appear. This is often the xsd:complexType within an xsd:element, but can become as complex as containing multiple xsd:extension and their referred base types. An xsd:sequence is also common. Adding children in the order as they appear per Node, and in the order the Node's are given, results in an overall order suitable for XML.
      node - node to expand further.
      hiddenNodes - nodes between the XSD node of the parent, and this tree node's XSD node.
      schema - schema to retrieve types.
      map of nodes containing relevant children at the level of the input node, and their appropriate hidden nodes.
    • haveSameType

      static boolean haveSameType(XsdTreeNode node1, XsdTreeNode node2)
      Returns whether nodes are of the same type. This regards the referring XSD node if it exists, otherwise it regards the regular XSD node.
      node1 - node 1.
      node2 - node 1.
      whether nodes are of the same type.
    • ref

      static Node ref(Node node, String ref, Schema schema)
      Returns the element referred to by ref={ref} in an xsd:element. Will return XiIncludeNode.XI_INCLUDE for xi:include.
      node - node, must have ref={ref} attribute.
      ref - value of ref={ref}.
      schema - schema to take element from.
      element referred to by ref={ref} in an xsd:element.
    • type

      static Node type(Node node, String type, Schema schema)
      Returns the element referred to by type={type} in an xsd:element. Ignores all types starting with "xsd:" as these are standard types to which user input can be validated directly.
      node - node, must have type={type} attribute.
      type - value of type={type}.
      schema - schema to take type from.
      element referred to by type={type} in an xsd:element.
    • separatedName

      static String separatedName(String name)
      Adds a thin space before each capital character in a String, except the first.
      name - name of node.
      input string but with a thin space before each capital character, except the first.
    • valuesAreEqual

      public static boolean valuesAreEqual(String value1, String value2)
      Returns whether the two values are equal, where null is consider equal to an empty string.
      value1 - value 1.
      value2 - value 2.
      whether the two values are equal, where null is consider equal to an empty string.