Package org.opentrafficsim.editor

package org.opentrafficsim.editor
The OTS editor allows visual editing for a simulation in OTS. It is designed to be flexible. The editor reads the OTS XML Schema (xsd) and builds a visible tree for the user from the elements as defined in the schema. Everything in the schema can be specified as such, including future changes. The editor is responsive to data types, and the use of keys and keyrefs in the schema. Keys define that values need to be unique, whereas keyrefs define the value of some element or attribute to be one of the values as specified for a referred key. For example, node id's are a key because they need to be unique, and the start and end node attributes of a link refer to one of the node id's with a keyref. The editor will not only check this, but also give the existing values in for example a pick list.

The editor is further decorated with a number of functions. There are many string functions, which supply information in the names of the nodes in the tree, reflecting the specific element. There are also various validators that look at specific constraints of nodes. For example that an attribute referring to a parent of the same type, does not create a cyclical dependency. Finally there are extensions, which provide alternative methods to visually specify input. They use tabs in the main window that each extension fills as appropriate. The extensions read and write the specified information in the tree.

All decorations interact with the tree using events, including the creation and deletion of nodes, and attribute value changes.

Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
BSD-style license. See OpenTrafficSim License.

Wouter Schakel