
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Length;
import org.djutils.base.Identifiable;
import org.djutils.exceptions.Throw;
import org.djutils.immutablecollections.ImmutableSortedSet;
import org.djutils.immutablecollections.ImmutableTreeSet;
import org.djutils.multikeymap.MultiKeyMap;
import org.jgrapht.GraphPath;
import org.jgrapht.alg.shortestpath.DijkstraShortestPath;
import org.jgrapht.graph.SimpleDirectedWeightedGraph;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.dsol.OtsSimulatorInterface;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.GtuType;

 * RoadNetwork adds the ability to retrieve lane change information.
 * <p>
 * Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. <br>
 * BSD-style license. See <a href="">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
 * </p>
 * @author <a href="" target="_blank">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
 * @author <a href="">Wouter Schakel</a>
public class RoadNetwork extends Network
    /** */
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    /** Cached lane graph for legal connections, per GTU type. */
    private Map<GtuType, RouteWeightedGraph> legalLaneGraph = new LinkedHashMap<>();

    /** Cached lane graph for physical connections. */
    private RouteWeightedGraph physicalLaneGraph = null;

    /** Cached legal lane change info, over complete length of route. */
    private MultiKeyMap<SortedSet<LaneChangeInfo>> legalLaneChangeInfoCache =
            new MultiKeyMap<>(GtuType.class, Route.class, Lane.class);

    /** Cached physical lane change info, over complete length of route. */
    private MultiKeyMap<SortedSet<LaneChangeInfo>> physicalLaneChangeInfoCache = new MultiKeyMap<>(Route.class, Lane.class);

     * Construction of an empty network.
     * @param id the network id.
     * @param simulator the DSOL simulator engine
    public RoadNetwork(final String id, final OtsSimulatorInterface simulator)
        super(id, simulator);

     * Returns lane change info from the given lane. Distances are given from the start of the lane and will never exceed the
     * given range. This method returns {@code null} if no valid path exists. If there are no reasons to change lane within
     * range, an empty set is returned.
     * @param lane from lane.
     * @param route route.
     * @param gtuType GTU Type.
     * @param range maximum range of info to consider, from the start of the given lane.
     * @param laneAccessLaw lane access law.
     * @return lane change info from the given lane, or {@code null} if no path exists.
    public ImmutableSortedSet<LaneChangeInfo> getLaneChangeInfo(final Lane lane, final Route route, final GtuType gtuType,
            final Length range, final LaneAccessLaw laneAccessLaw)
        Throw.whenNull(lane, "Lane may not be null.");
        Throw.whenNull(route, "Route may not be null.");
        Throw.whenNull(gtuType, "GTU type may not be null.");
        Throw.whenNull(range, "Range may not be null.");
        Throw.whenNull(laneAccessLaw, "Lane access law may not be null.");
        Throw.when(range.le0(), IllegalArgumentException.class, "Range should be a positive value.");

        // get the complete info
        SortedSet<LaneChangeInfo> info = getCompleteLaneChangeInfo(lane, route, gtuType, laneAccessLaw);
        if (info == null)
            return null;

        // find first LaneChangeInfo beyond range, if any
        LaneChangeInfo lcInfoBeyondHorizon = null;
        Iterator<LaneChangeInfo> iterator = info.iterator();
        while (lcInfoBeyondHorizon == null && iterator.hasNext())
            LaneChangeInfo lcInfo =;
            if (lcInfo.remainingDistance().gt(range))
                lcInfoBeyondHorizon = lcInfo;

        // return subset in range
        if (lcInfoBeyondHorizon != null)
            return new ImmutableTreeSet<>(info.headSet(lcInfoBeyondHorizon));
        return new ImmutableTreeSet<>(info); // empty, or all in range

     * Returns the complete (i.e. without range) lane change info from the given lane. It is either taken from cache, or
     * created.
     * @param lane from lane.
     * @param route route.
     * @param gtuType GTU Type.
     * @param laneAccessLaw lane access law.
     * @return complete (i.e. without range) lane change info from the given lane, or {@code null} if no path exists.
    private SortedSet<LaneChangeInfo> getCompleteLaneChangeInfo(final Lane lane, final Route route, final GtuType gtuType,
            final LaneAccessLaw laneAccessLaw)
        // try to get info from the right cache
        SortedSet<LaneChangeInfo> outputLaneChangeInfo;
        if (laneAccessLaw.equals(LaneAccessLaw.LEGAL))
            outputLaneChangeInfo = this.legalLaneChangeInfoCache.get(gtuType, route, lane);
            // build info if required
            if (outputLaneChangeInfo == null)
                // get the right lane graph for the GTU type, or build it
                RouteWeightedGraph graph = this.legalLaneGraph.get(gtuType);
                if (graph == null)
                    graph = new RouteWeightedGraph();
                    this.legalLaneGraph.put(gtuType, graph);
                    buildGraph(graph, gtuType, laneAccessLaw);
                List<LaneChangeInfoEdge> path = findPath(lane, graph, gtuType, route);

                if (path != null)
                    // derive lane change info from every lane along the path and cache it
                    boolean originalPath = true;
                    while (!path.isEmpty())
                        SortedSet<LaneChangeInfo> laneChangeInfo = extractLaneChangeInfo(path);
                        if (originalPath)
                            outputLaneChangeInfo = laneChangeInfo;
                            originalPath = false;
                        this.legalLaneChangeInfoCache.put(laneChangeInfo, gtuType, route, path.get(0).fromLane());
                        path.remove(0); // next lane
        else if (laneAccessLaw.equals(LaneAccessLaw.PHYSICAL))
            outputLaneChangeInfo = this.physicalLaneChangeInfoCache.get(route, lane);
            // build info if required
            if (outputLaneChangeInfo == null)
                // build the lane graph if required
                if (this.physicalLaneGraph == null)
                    this.physicalLaneGraph = new RouteWeightedGraph();
                    // TODO: Is the GTU type actually relevant for physical? It is used still to find adjacent lanes.
                    buildGraph(this.physicalLaneGraph, gtuType, laneAccessLaw);
                List<LaneChangeInfoEdge> path = findPath(lane, this.physicalLaneGraph, gtuType, route);

                if (path != null)
                    // derive lane change info from every lane along the path and cache it
                    boolean originalPath = true;
                    while (!path.isEmpty())
                        SortedSet<LaneChangeInfo> laneChangeInfo = extractLaneChangeInfo(path);
                        if (originalPath)
                            outputLaneChangeInfo = laneChangeInfo;
                            originalPath = false;
                        this.physicalLaneChangeInfoCache.put(laneChangeInfo, route, path.get(0).fromLane());
                        path.remove(0); // next lane
            // in case it is inadvertently extended in the future
            throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Unknown LaneChangeLaw %s", laneAccessLaw));
        return outputLaneChangeInfo;

     * Builds the graph.
     * @param graph empty graph to build.
     * @param gtuType GTU type.
     * @param laneChangeLaw lane change law, legal or physical.
    private void buildGraph(final RouteWeightedGraph graph, final GtuType gtuType, final LaneAccessLaw laneChangeLaw)
        // add vertices
        boolean legal = laneChangeLaw.equals(LaneAccessLaw.LEGAL);
        for (Link link : this.getLinkMap().values())
            for (Lane lane : legal ? ((CrossSectionLink) link).getLanes() : ((CrossSectionLink) link).getLanesAndShoulders())
            // each end node may be a destination for the shortest path search

        // add edges
        for (Link link : this.getLinkMap().values())
            if (link instanceof CrossSectionLink cLink)
                for (Lane lane : legal ? cLink.getLanes() : cLink.getLanesAndShoulders())
                    // adjacent lanes
                    for (LateralDirectionality lat : List.of(LateralDirectionality.LEFT, LateralDirectionality.RIGHT))
                        Set<Lane> adjacentLanes;
                        if (legal)
                            adjacentLanes = lane.accessibleAdjacentLanesLegal(lat, gtuType);
                            adjacentLanes = lane.accessibleAdjacentLanesPhysical(lat, gtuType);
                        for (Lane adjacentLane : adjacentLanes)
                            LaneChangeInfoEdgeType type = lat.equals(LateralDirectionality.LEFT) ? LaneChangeInfoEdgeType.LEFT
                                    : LaneChangeInfoEdgeType.RIGHT;
                            // downstream link may be null for lateral edges
                            LaneChangeInfoEdge edge = new LaneChangeInfoEdge(lane, type, null);
                            graph.addEdge(lane, adjacentLane, edge);
                    // next lanes
                    Set<Lane> nextLanes = lane.nextLanes(legal ? gtuType : null);
                    for (Lane nextLane : nextLanes)
                        LaneChangeInfoEdge edge =
                                new LaneChangeInfoEdge(lane, LaneChangeInfoEdgeType.DOWNSTREAM, nextLane.getLink());
                        graph.addEdge(lane, nextLane, edge);
                    // add edge towards end node so that it can be used as a destination in the shortest path search
                    LaneChangeInfoEdge edge = new LaneChangeInfoEdge(lane, LaneChangeInfoEdgeType.DOWNSTREAM, null);
                    graph.addEdge(lane, lane.getLink().getEndNode(), edge);

     * Returns a set of lane change info, extracted from the graph.
     * @param lane from lane.
     * @param graph graph.
     * @param gtuType GTU Type.
     * @param route route.
     * @return path derived from the graph, or {@code null} if there is no path.
    private List<LaneChangeInfoEdge> findPath(final Lane lane, final RouteWeightedGraph graph, final GtuType gtuType,
            final Route route)
        // if there is no route, find the destination node by moving down the links (no splits allowed)
        Node destination = null;
        Route routeForWeights = route;
        if (route == null)
            destination = graph.getNoRouteDestinationNode(gtuType);
                routeForWeights = getShortestRouteBetween(gtuType, lane.getLink().getStartNode(), destination);
            catch (NetworkException exception)
                // this should not happen, as we obtained the destination by moving downstream towards the end of the network
                throw new RuntimeException("Could not find route to destination.", exception);
            // otherwise, get destination node from route, which is the last node on a link with lanes (i.e. no connector)
            List<Node> nodes = route.getNodes();
            for (int i = nodes.size() - 1; i > 0; i--)
                Link link = getLink(nodes.get(i - 1), nodes.get(i));
                if (link instanceof CrossSectionLink && !((CrossSectionLink) link).getLanes().isEmpty())
                    destination = nodes.get(i);
                    break; // found most downstream link with lanes, who's end node is the destination for lane changes
            Throw.whenNull(destination, "Route has no links with lanes, "
                    + "unable to find a suitable destination node regarding lane change information.");

        // set the route on the path for route-dependent edge weights

        // find the shortest path
        GraphPath<Identifiable, LaneChangeInfoEdge> path = DijkstraShortestPath.findPathBetween(graph, lane, destination);
        return path == null ? null : path.getEdgeList();

     * Extracts lane change info from a path.
     * @param path path.
     * @return lane change info.
    private SortedSet<LaneChangeInfo> extractLaneChangeInfo(final List<LaneChangeInfoEdge> path)
        SortedSet<LaneChangeInfo> info = new TreeSet<>();
        Length x = Length.ZERO; // cumulative longitudinal distance
        int n = 0; // number of applied lane changes
        boolean inLateralState = false; // consecutive lateral moves in the path create 1 LaneChangeInfo
        for (LaneChangeInfoEdge edge : path)
            LaneChangeInfoEdgeType lcType = edge.laneChangeInfoEdgeType();
            int lat = lcType.equals(LaneChangeInfoEdgeType.LEFT) ? -1 : (lcType.equals(LaneChangeInfoEdgeType.RIGHT) ? 1 : 0);

            // check opposite lateral direction
            if (n * lat < 0)
                 * The required direction is opposite a former required direction, in which case all further lane change
                 * information is not yet of concern. For example, we first need to make 1 right lane change for a lane drop,
                 * and then later 2 lane changes to the left for a split. The latter information is pointless before the lane
                 * drop; we are not going to stay on the lane longer as it won't affect the ease of the left lane changes later.

            // increase n, x, and trigger (consecutive) lateral move start or stop
            if (lat == 0)
                // lateral move stop
                if (inLateralState)
                    // TODO: isDeadEnd should be removed from LaneChangeInfo, behavior should consider legal vs. physical
                    boolean isDeadEnd = false;
                    info.add(new LaneChangeInfo(Math.abs(n), x, isDeadEnd,
                            n < 0 ? LateralDirectionality.LEFT : LateralDirectionality.RIGHT));
                    inLateralState = false;
                    // don't add the length of the previous lane, that was already done for the first lane of all lateral moves
                    // longitudinal move, we need to add distance to x
                    x =;
                // lateral move start
                if (!inLateralState)
                    x =; // need to add length of first lane of all lateral moves
                    inLateralState = true;
                // increase lane change count (negative for left)
                n += lat;
        return info;

     * Clears all lane change info graphs and cached sets. This method should be invoked on every network change that affects
     * lane changes and the distances within which they need to be performed.
    public void clearLaneChangeInfoCache()
        this.physicalLaneGraph = null;
        this.legalLaneChangeInfoCache = new MultiKeyMap<>(GtuType.class, Route.class, Lane.class);
        this.physicalLaneChangeInfoCache = new MultiKeyMap<>(Route.class, Lane.class);

     * A {@code SimpleDirectedWeightedGraph} to search over the lanes, where the weight of an edge (movement between lanes) is
     * tailored to providing lane change information. The vertex type is {@code Identifiable} such that both {@code Lane}'s and
     * {@code Node}'s can be used. The latter is required to find paths towards a destination node.
     * <p>
     * Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
     * <br>
     * BSD-style license. See <a href="">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
     * </p>
     * @author <a href="">Wouter Schakel</a>
    private class RouteWeightedGraph extends SimpleDirectedWeightedGraph<Identifiable, LaneChangeInfoEdge>

        /** */
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 20220923L;

        /** Route. */
        private Route route;

        /** Node in the network that is the destination if no route is used. */
        private Node noRouteDestination = null;

         * Constructor.

         * Set the route.
         * @param route route.
        public void setRoute(final Route route)
            Throw.whenNull(route, "Route may not be null for lane change information.");
            this.route = route;

         * Returns the weight of moving from one lane to the next. In order to find the latest possible location at which lane
         * changes may still be performed, the longitudinal weights are 1.0 while the lateral weights are 1.0 + 1/X, where X is
         * the number (index) of the link within the route. This favors later lane changes for the shortest path algorithm, as
         * we are interested in the distances within which the lane change have to be performed. In the case an edge is towards
         * a link that is not in a given route, a positive infinite weight is returned. Finally, when the edge is towards a
         * node, which may be the destination in a route, 0.0 is returned.
        public double getEdgeWeight(final LaneChangeInfoEdge e)
            if (e.laneChangeInfoEdgeType().equals(LaneChangeInfoEdgeType.LEFT)
                    || e.laneChangeInfoEdgeType().equals(LaneChangeInfoEdgeType.RIGHT))
                int indexEndNode = this.route.indexOf(e.fromLane().getLink().getEndNode());
                return 1.0 + 1.0 / indexEndNode; // lateral, reduce weight for further lane changes
            Link toLink = e.toLink();
            if (toLink == null)
                return 0.0; // edge towards Node, which may be the destination in a Route
            if (this.route.contains(toLink.getEndNode())
                    && this.route.indexOf(toLink.getEndNode()) == this.route.indexOf(toLink.getStartNode()) + 1)
                return 1.0; // downstream, always 1.0 if the next lane is on the route
            return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; // next lane not on the route, this is a dead-end branch for the route

         * Returns the destination node to use when no route is available. This will be the last node found moving downstream.
         * @param gtuType GTU type.
         * @return destination node to use when no route is available.
        public Node getNoRouteDestinationNode(final GtuType gtuType)
            if (this.noRouteDestination == null)
                // get any lane from the network
                Lane lane = null;
                Iterator<Identifiable> iterator = this.vertexSet().iterator();
                while (lane == null && iterator.hasNext())
                    Identifiable next =;
                    if (next instanceof Lane)
                        lane = (Lane) next;
                Throw.when(lane == null, RuntimeException.class, "Requesting destination node on network without lanes.");
                // move to downstream link for as long as there is 1 downstream link
                    Link link = lane.getLink();
                    Set<Link> downstreamLinks = link.getEndNode().nextLinks(gtuType, link);
                    while (downstreamLinks.size() == 1)
                        link = downstreamLinks.iterator().next();
                        downstreamLinks = link.getEndNode().nextLinks(gtuType, link);
                    Throw.when(downstreamLinks.size() > 1, RuntimeException.class, "Using null route on network with split. "
                            + "Unable to find a destination to find lane change info towards.");
                    this.noRouteDestination = link.getEndNode();
                catch (NetworkException ne)
                    throw new RuntimeException("Requesting lane change info from link that does not allow the GTU type.", ne);
            return this.noRouteDestination;

     * Edge between two lanes, or between a lane and a node (to provide the shortest path algorithm with a suitable
     * destination). From a list of these from a path, the lane change information along the path (distances and number of lane
     * changes) can be derived.
     * <p>
     * Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
     * <br>
     * BSD-style license. See <a href="">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
     * </p>
     * @author <a href="">Wouter Schakel</a>
     * @param fromLane from lane, to allow construction of distances from a path.
     * @param laneChangeInfoEdgeType the type of lane to lane movement performed along this edge.
     * @param toLink to link (of the lane this edge moves to).
    private static record LaneChangeInfoEdge(Lane fromLane, LaneChangeInfoEdgeType laneChangeInfoEdgeType, Link toLink)

     * Enum to provide information on the lane to lane movement in a path.
     * <p>
     * Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
     * <br>
     * BSD-style license. See <a href="">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
     * </p>
     * @author <a href="">Wouter Schakel</a>
    private enum LaneChangeInfoEdgeType
        /** Left lane change. */

        /** Right lane change. */

        /** Downstream movement, either towards a lane, or towards a node (which may be the destination in a route). */
