View Javadoc
1   package;
3   import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
4   import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertFalse;
5   import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;
7   import java.rmi.RemoteException;
8   import java.util.ArrayList;
9   import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
10  import java.util.List;
11  import java.util.Map;
12  import java.util.Set;
14  import org.djunits.unit.DirectionUnit;
15  import org.djunits.unit.LengthUnit;
16  import org.djunits.unit.SpeedUnit;
17  import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Direction;
18  import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Duration;
19  import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Length;
20  import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Speed;
21  import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Time;
22  import org.djutils.draw.line.Polygon2d;
23  import org.djutils.draw.point.Point2d;
24  import org.djutils.event.Event;
25  import org.djutils.event.EventListener;
26  import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
27  import org.mockito.Mockito;
28  import org.opentrafficsim.base.geometry.OtsLine2d;
29  import org.opentrafficsim.core.definitions.DefaultsNl;
30  import org.opentrafficsim.core.dsol.OtsReplication;
31  import org.opentrafficsim.core.dsol.OtsSimulatorInterface;
32  import;
33  import;
34  import;
35  import org.opentrafficsim.core.perception.HistoryManagerDevs;
36  import org.opentrafficsim.road.definitions.DefaultsRoadNl;
37  import org.opentrafficsim.road.mock.MockDevsSimulator;
38  import;
39  import;
40  import;
41  import;
42  import;
44  /**
45   * Test the Conflict class.
46   * <p>
47   * Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. <br>
48   * BSD-style license. See <a href="">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
49   * </p>
50   * @author <a href="">Peter Knoppers</a>
51   */
52  public class ConflictTest implements EventListener
53  {
54      /** ... */
55      private static final long serialVersionUID = 20200708L;
57      /** Storage for received events. */
58      private List<Event> collectedEvents = new ArrayList<>();
60      /**
61       * Test the Conflict class.
62       * @throws NetworkException on error
63       */
64      @Test
65      public void testConstructor() throws NetworkException
66      {
67          OtsSimulatorInterface simulator = MockDevsSimulator.createMock();
68          OtsReplication replication = Mockito.mock(OtsReplication.class);
69          HistoryManagerDevs hmd = Mockito.mock(HistoryManagerDevs.class);
70          Mockito.when(;
71          Mockito.when(replication.getHistoryManager(simulator)).thenReturn(hmd);
72          Mockito.when(simulator.getReplication()).thenReturn(replication);
73          Mockito.when(simulator.getSimulatorAbsTime()).thenReturn(Time.ZERO);
74          Mockito.when(simulator.getSimulatorTime()).thenReturn(Duration.ZERO);
75          RoadNetwork network = new RoadNetwork("Network for conflict test", simulator);
76          LinkType linkType = DefaultsNl.ROAD;
77          LaneType laneType = DefaultsRoadNl.ONE_WAY_LANE;
78          Point2d pointAFrom = new Point2d(0, 0);
79          Node nodeAFrom = new Node(network, "A from", pointAFrom, Direction.ZERO);
80          Point2d pointATo = new Point2d(100, 0);
81          Node nodeATo = new Node(network, "A to", pointATo, Direction.ZERO);
82          CrossSectionLink linkA = new CrossSectionLink(network, "Link A", nodeAFrom, nodeATo, linkType,
83                  new OtsLine2d(pointAFrom, pointATo), null, LaneKeepingPolicy.KEEPRIGHT);
84          Lane laneA = LaneGeometryUtil.createStraightLane(linkA, "lane A", Length.ZERO, new Length(2, LengthUnit.METER),
85                  laneType, Map.of(DefaultsNl.VEHICLE, new Speed(50, SpeedUnit.KM_PER_HOUR)));
86          laneA.addListener(this, Lane.OBJECT_ADD_EVENT);
88          Point2d pointBFrom = new Point2d(30, -15);
89          Point2d pointBTo = new Point2d(60, 60);
90          Direction bDirection =
91                  new Direction(Math.atan2(pointBTo.y - pointBFrom.y, pointBTo.x - pointBFrom.x), DirectionUnit.EAST_RADIAN);
92          Node nodeBFrom = new Node(network, "B from", pointBFrom, bDirection);
93          Node nodeBTo = new Node(network, "B to", pointBTo, bDirection);
94          CrossSectionLink linkB = new CrossSectionLink(network, "Link B", nodeBFrom, nodeBTo, linkType,
95                  new OtsLine2d(pointBFrom, pointBTo), null, LaneKeepingPolicy.KEEPRIGHT);
96          Lane laneB = LaneGeometryUtil.createStraightLane(linkB, "lane B", Length.ZERO, new Length(4, LengthUnit.METER),
97                  laneType, Map.of(DefaultsNl.VEHICLE, new Speed(50, SpeedUnit.KM_PER_HOUR)));
98          laneB.addListener(this, Lane.OBJECT_ADD_EVENT);
99          // The intersection of the link design lines is at 50, 0
100         System.out.print(laneA.getContour().toPlot());
101         System.out.print(laneB.getContour().toPlot());
102         System.out.println("c0,1,0");
103         System.out.print(laneA.getCenterLine().toPlot());
104         System.out.print(laneB.getCenterLine().toPlot());
105         System.out.println("c1,0,0");
107         // Find out where the conflict area starts. With acute angles this is the point closest to pointAFrom among the
108         // intersections of the lane contours. Similar for conflict area end.
109         Point2d conflictStart = null;
110         double closestDistance = Double.MAX_VALUE;
111         Point2d conflictEnd = null;
112         double furthestDistance = 0.0;
113         for (Point2d intersection : intersections(laneA.getContour(), laneB.getContour()))
114         {
115             double distance = pointAFrom.distance(intersection);
116             if (distance < closestDistance)
117             {
118                 conflictStart = intersection;
119                 closestDistance = distance;
120             }
121             if (distance > furthestDistance)
122             {
123                 conflictEnd = intersection;
124                 furthestDistance = distance;
125             }
126         }
127         // System.out.println(conflictStart);
128         // System.out.println(conflictEnd);
130         // Next statements pretend that vehicle width equals lane width.
131         Polygon2d geometry1 =
132                 new Polygon2d(conflictStart, conflictEnd, new Point2d(conflictStart.x, conflictEnd.y), conflictStart);
133         System.out.print(geometry1.toPlot());
134         Polygon2d geometry2 = new Polygon2d(conflictStart,
135                 new Point2d(conflictStart.x + laneB.getWidth(0).si * Math.sin(,
136                         conflictStart.y - laneB.getWidth(0).si * Math.cos(,
137                 conflictEnd, new Point2d(conflictEnd.x - laneB.getWidth(0).si * Math.sin(,
138                         conflictEnd.y + laneB.getWidth(0).si * Math.cos(,
139                 conflictStart);
140         System.out.print(geometry2.toPlot());
142         System.out.println("#angle B:           " + bDirection.toString(DirectionUnit.EAST_DEGREE));
143         Length conflictBStart =
144                 new Length(pointBFrom.distance(new Point2d(conflictStart.x + laneB.getWidth(0).si / 2 * Math.sin(,
145                         conflictStart.y - laneB.getWidth(0).si / 2 * Math.cos(, LengthUnit.SI);
146         System.out.println("#conflict B start:  " + conflictBStart);
147         Length conflictBLength = new Length(
148                 laneA.getWidth(0).si / Math.sin( + laneB.getWidth(0).si / Math.tan(, LengthUnit.SI);
149         System.out.println("#conflict B length: " + conflictBLength);
150         System.out.println("c0,0,1");
151         System.out.println(String.format("M%.3f,%.3f <%f l%f,0", pointBFrom.x, pointBFrom.y, Math.toDegrees(,
152       ;
153         System.out.println(String.format("c0,0,0 l%f,0",;
155         assertEquals(0, this.collectedEvents.size(), "not events received yet");
157         // That was a lot of code - just to prepare things to call generateConflictPair ...
158         Conflict.generateConflictPair(ConflictType.CROSSING, new DefaultConflictRule(), false, laneA,
159                 new Length(conflictStart.x, LengthUnit.SI), new Length(conflictEnd.x - conflictStart.x, LengthUnit.SI),
160                 geometry1, laneB, conflictBStart, conflictBLength, geometry2, simulator);
162         // Check that two conflicts have been created
163         assertEquals(1, laneA.getLaneBasedObjects().size(), "one conflict on lane A");
164         assertEquals(1, laneB.getLaneBasedObjects().size(), "one conflict on lane B");
165         // Get the Conflicts
166         Conflict conflictA = (Conflict) laneA.getLaneBasedObjects().get(0);
167         System.out.println("Conflict A: " + conflictA);
168         Conflict conflictB = (Conflict) laneB.getLaneBasedObjects().get(0);
169         System.out.println("Conflict B: " + conflictB);
171         assertEquals(conflictA, conflictB.getOtherConflict(), "the conflicts are each others counter part");
172         assertEquals(conflictB, conflictA.getOtherConflict(), "the conflicts are each others counter part");
173         assertEquals(new Length(conflictStart.x, LengthUnit.SI), conflictA.getLongitudinalPosition(), "longitudinal position");
174         assertEquals(conflictBStart, conflictB.getLongitudinalPosition(), "longitudinal position");
175         assertEquals(new Length(conflictEnd.x - conflictStart.x, LengthUnit.SI), conflictA.getLength(), "length");
176         assertEquals(conflictBLength, conflictB.getLength(), "length");
177         assertEquals(geometry1, conflictA.getContour(), "contour");
178         assertEquals(geometry2, conflictB.getContour(), "contour");
179         assertTrue(conflictA.getConflictRule() instanceof DefaultConflictRule, "conflict rule");
180         assertTrue(conflictB.getConflictRule() instanceof DefaultConflictRule, "conflict rule");
181         assertFalse(conflictA.isPermitted(), "conflict A is not permitted");
182         assertFalse(conflictB.isPermitted(), "conflict B is not permitted");
183         assertEquals(2, this.collectedEvents.size(), "construction of two conflicts has generated two events");
184         // Not checking the contents of those events; these are subject to change; as they indirectly link to the Network
186     }
188     /**
189      * Find all 2D (ignoring Z) intersections between two OtsLine2d objects.
190      * @param a the first polyline
191      * @param b the second polyline
192      * @return the intersections
193      */
194     public Set<Point2d> intersections(final Polygon2d a, final Polygon2d b)
195     {
196         // TODO discuss if this method should be moved into the OtsLine2d class
197         Set<Point2d> result = new LinkedHashSet<>();
198         Point2d prevA = null;
199         for (Point2d nextA : a.getPointList())
200         {
201             if (null != prevA)
202             {
203                 Point2d prevB = null;
204                 for (Point2d nextB : b.getPointList())
205                 {
206                     if (null != prevB)
207                     {
208                         Point2d intersection = Point2d.intersectionOfLineSegments(prevA, nextA, prevB, nextB);
209                         if (null != intersection)
210                         {
211                             result.add(intersection);
212                         }
213                     }
214                     prevB = nextB;
215                 }
216             }
217             prevA = nextA;
218         }
219         return result;
220     }
222     @Override
223     public final void notify(final Event event) throws RemoteException
224     {
225         // System.out.println("received event " + event);
226         this.collectedEvents.add(event);
227     }
229 }