View Javadoc
1   package;
3   import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
4   import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertFalse;
5   import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;
6   import static;
8   import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
9   import java.rmi.RemoteException;
10  import java.util.ArrayList;
11  import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
12  import java.util.List;
13  import java.util.Map;
14  import java.util.SortedMap;
16  import javax.naming.NamingException;
18  import org.djunits.unit.DurationUnit;
19  import org.djunits.unit.util.UNITS;
20  import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Direction;
21  import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Duration;
22  import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Length;
23  import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Speed;
24  import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Time;
25  import org.djutils.draw.Transform2d;
26  import org.djutils.draw.bounds.Bounds;
27  import org.djutils.draw.line.Polygon2d;
28  import org.djutils.draw.point.OrientedPoint2d;
29  import org.djutils.draw.point.Point2d;
30  import org.djutils.event.Event;
31  import org.djutils.event.EventListener;
32  import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
33  import org.mockito.Mockito;
34  import org.opentrafficsim.core.definitions.DefaultsNl;
35  import org.opentrafficsim.core.dsol.AbstractOtsModel;
36  import org.opentrafficsim.core.dsol.OtsSimulator;
37  import org.opentrafficsim.core.dsol.OtsSimulatorInterface;
38  import org.opentrafficsim.core.geometry.OtsGeometryException;
39  import org.opentrafficsim.core.geometry.OtsLine2d;
40  import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.GtuType;
41  import;
42  import;
43  import;
44  import org.opentrafficsim.road.definitions.DefaultsRoadNl;
45  import org.opentrafficsim.road.mock.MockDevsSimulator;
46  import;
47  import;
48  import;
49  import;
51  import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.SimRuntimeException;
53  /**
54   * Test the Lane class.
55   * <p>
56   * Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. <br>
57   * BSD-style license. See <a href="">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
58   * </p>
59   * @author <a href="">Peter Knoppers</a>
60   */
61  public class LaneTest implements UNITS
62  {
63      /**
64       * Test the constructor.
65       * @throws Exception when something goes wrong (should not happen)
66       */
67      @Test
68      public void laneConstructorTest() throws Exception
69      {
70          OtsSimulatorInterface simulator = new OtsSimulator("LaneTest");
71          RoadNetwork network = new RoadNetwork("lane test network", simulator);
72          Model model = new Model(simulator);
73          simulator.initialize(Time.ZERO, Duration.ZERO, new Duration(3600.0, DurationUnit.SECOND), model);
74          // First we need two Nodes
75          Node nodeFrom = new Node(network, "A", new Point2d(0, 0), Direction.ZERO);
76          Node nodeTo = new Node(network, "B", new Point2d(1000, 0), Direction.ZERO);
77          // Now we can make a Link
78          Point2d[] coordinates = new Point2d[2];
79          coordinates[0] = nodeFrom.getPoint();
80          coordinates[1] = nodeTo.getPoint();
81          CrossSectionLink link = new CrossSectionLink(network, "A to B", nodeFrom, nodeTo, DefaultsNl.FREEWAY,
82                  new OtsLine2d(coordinates), null, LaneKeepingPolicy.KEEPRIGHT);
83          Length startLateralPos = new Length(2, METER);
84          Length endLateralPos = new Length(5, METER);
85          Length startWidth = new Length(3, METER);
86          Length endWidth = new Length(4, METER);
87          GtuType gtuTypeCar = DefaultsNl.CAR;
89          LaneType laneType = new LaneType("One way", DefaultsRoadNl.FREEWAY);
90          laneType.addCompatibleGtuType(DefaultsNl.VEHICLE);
91          Map<GtuType, Speed> speedMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
92          speedMap.put(DefaultsNl.VEHICLE, new Speed(100, KM_PER_HOUR));
93          // Now we can construct a Lane
94          // FIXME what overtaking conditions do we want to test in this unit test?
95          Lane lane = LaneGeometryUtil.createStraightLane(link, "lane", startLateralPos, endLateralPos, startWidth, endWidth,
96                  laneType, speedMap);
97          // Verify the easy bits
98          assertEquals(network, link.getNetwork(), "Link returns network");
99          assertEquals(network, lane.getNetwork(), "Lane returns network");
100         assertEquals(0, lane.prevLanes(gtuTypeCar).size(), "PrevLanes should be empty"); // this one caught a bug!
101         assertEquals(0, lane.nextLanes(gtuTypeCar).size(), "NextLanes should be empty");
102         double approximateLengthOfContour =
103                 2 * nodeFrom.getPoint().distance(nodeTo.getPoint()) + startWidth.getSI() + endWidth.getSI();
104         assertEquals(approximateLengthOfContour, lane.getContour().getLength(), 0.1,
105                 "Length of contour is approximately " + approximateLengthOfContour);
106         assertEquals(new Speed(100, KM_PER_HOUR), lane.getSpeedLimit(DefaultsNl.VEHICLE),
107                 "SpeedLimit should be " + (new Speed(100, KM_PER_HOUR)));
108         assertEquals(0, lane.getGtuList().size(), "There should be no GTUs on the lane");
109         assertEquals(laneType, lane.getType(), "LaneType should be " + laneType);
110         // TODO: This test for expectedLateralCenterOffset fails
111         for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
112         {
113             double expectedLateralCenterOffset =
114                     startLateralPos.getSI() + (endLateralPos.getSI() - startLateralPos.getSI()) * i / 10;
115             assertEquals(expectedLateralCenterOffset, lane.getLateralCenterPosition(i / 10.0).getSI(), 0.01,
116                     String.format("Lateral offset at %d%% should be %.3fm", 10 * i, expectedLateralCenterOffset));
117             Length longitudinalPosition = new Length(lane.getLength().getSI() * i / 10, METER);
118             assertEquals(expectedLateralCenterOffset, lane.getLateralCenterPosition(longitudinalPosition).getSI(), 0.01,
119                     "Lateral offset at " + longitudinalPosition + " should be " + expectedLateralCenterOffset);
120             double expectedWidth = startWidth.getSI() + (endWidth.getSI() - startWidth.getSI()) * i / 10;
121             assertEquals(expectedWidth, lane.getWidth(i / 10.0).getSI(), 0.0001,
122                     String.format("Width at %d%% should be %.3fm", 10 * i, expectedWidth));
123             assertEquals(expectedWidth, lane.getWidth(longitudinalPosition).getSI(), 0.0001,
124                     "Width at " + longitudinalPosition + " should be " + expectedWidth);
125             double expectedLeftOffset = expectedLateralCenterOffset - expectedWidth / 2;
126             // The next test caught a bug
127             assertEquals(expectedLeftOffset, lane.getLateralBoundaryPosition(LateralDirectionality.LEFT, i / 10.0).getSI(),
128                     0.001, String.format("Left edge at %d%% should be %.3fm", 10 * i, expectedLeftOffset));
129             assertEquals(expectedLeftOffset,
130                     lane.getLateralBoundaryPosition(LateralDirectionality.LEFT, longitudinalPosition).getSI(), 0.001,
131                     "Left edge at " + longitudinalPosition + " should be " + expectedLeftOffset);
132             double expectedRightOffset = expectedLateralCenterOffset + expectedWidth / 2;
133             assertEquals(expectedRightOffset, lane.getLateralBoundaryPosition(LateralDirectionality.RIGHT, i / 10.0).getSI(),
134                     0.001, String.format("Right edge at %d%% should be %.3fm", 10 * i, expectedRightOffset));
135             assertEquals(expectedRightOffset,
136                     lane.getLateralBoundaryPosition(LateralDirectionality.RIGHT, longitudinalPosition).getSI(), 0.001,
137                     "Right edge at " + longitudinalPosition + " should be " + expectedRightOffset);
138         }
140         // Harder case; create a Link with form points along the way
141         // System.out.println("Constructing Link and Lane with one form point");
142         coordinates = new Point2d[3];
143         coordinates[0] = new Point2d(nodeFrom.getPoint().x, nodeFrom.getPoint().y);
144         coordinates[1] = new Point2d(200, 100);
145         coordinates[2] = new Point2d(nodeTo.getPoint().x, nodeTo.getPoint().y);
146         link = new CrossSectionLink(network, "A to B with Kink", nodeFrom, nodeTo, DefaultsNl.FREEWAY,
147                 new OtsLine2d(coordinates), null, LaneKeepingPolicy.KEEPRIGHT);
148         lane = LaneGeometryUtil.createStraightLane(link, "lane.1", startLateralPos, endLateralPos, startWidth, endWidth,
149                 laneType, speedMap);
150         // Verify the easy bits
152         // XXX: This is not correct...
153         /*-
154         assertEquals("PrevLanes should contain one lane from the other link", 1, lane.prevLanes(gtuTypeCar).size());
155         assertEquals("NextLanes should contain one lane from the other link", 1, lane.nextLanes(gtuTypeCar).size());
156         approximateLengthOfContour = 2 * (coordinates[0].distanceSI(coordinates[1]) + coordinates[1].distanceSI(coordinates[2]))
157                 + startWidth.getSI() + endWidth.getSI();
158         // System.out.println("contour of lane is " + lane.getContour());
159         // System.out.println(lane.getContour().toPlot());
160         assertEquals("Length of contour is approximately " + approximateLengthOfContour, approximateLengthOfContour,
161                 lane.getContour().getLengthSI(), 4); // This lane takes a path that is about 3m longer than the design line
162         assertEquals("There should be no GTUs on the lane", 0, lane.getGtuList().size());
163         assertEquals("LaneType should be " + laneType, laneType, lane.getType());
164         // System.out.println("Add another Lane at the inside of the corner in the design line");
165         Length startLateralPos2 = new Length(-8, METER);
166         Length endLateralPos2 = new Length(-5, METER);
167         Lane lane2 =
168                 new Lane(link, "lane.2", startLateralPos2, endLateralPos2, startWidth, endWidth, laneType, speedMap, false);
169         // Verify the easy bits
170         assertEquals("PrevLanes should be empty", 0, lane2.prevLanes(gtuTypeCar).size());
171         assertEquals("NextLanes should be empty", 0, lane2.nextLanes(gtuTypeCar).size());
172         approximateLengthOfContour = 2 * (coordinates[0].distanceSI(coordinates[1]) + coordinates[1].distanceSI(coordinates[2]))
173                 + startWidth.getSI() + endWidth.getSI();
174         assertEquals("Length of contour is approximately " + approximateLengthOfContour, approximateLengthOfContour,
175                 lane2.getContour().getLengthSI(), 12); // This lane takes a path that is about 11 meters shorter
176         assertEquals("There should be no GTUs on the lane", 0, lane2.getGtuList().size());
177         assertEquals("LaneType should be " + laneType, laneType, lane2.getType());
178         */
180         // Construct a lane using CrossSectionSlices
181         OtsLine2d centerLine = new OtsLine2d(new Point2d(0.0, 0.0), new Point2d(100.0, 0.0));
182         Polygon2d contour = new Polygon2d(new Point2d(0.0, -1.75), new Point2d(100.0, -1.75), new Point2d(100.0, 1.75),
183                 new Point2d(0.0, -1.75));
184         try
185         {
186             new Lane(link, "lanex", centerLine, contour, null, laneType, speedMap);
187             fail("null pointer for CrossSectionSlices should have thrown a NullPointerException");
188         }
189         catch (NullPointerException npe)
190         {
191             // Ignore expected exception
192         }
193         List<CrossSectionSlice> crossSectionSlices = new ArrayList<>();
194         try
195         {
196             new Lane(link, "lanex", centerLine, contour, crossSectionSlices, laneType, speedMap);
197             fail("empty CrossSectionSlices should have thrown a NetworkException");
198         }
199         catch (NetworkException ne)
200         {
201             // Ignore expected exception
202         }
203         crossSectionSlices.add(new CrossSectionSlice(Length.ZERO, startLateralPos, startWidth));
204         lane = new Lane(link, "lanex", centerLine, contour, crossSectionSlices, laneType, speedMap);
205         sensorTest(lane);
206     }
208     /**
209      * Add/Remove some sensor to/from a lane and see if the expected events occur.
210      * @param lane Lane; the lane to manipulate
211      * @throws NetworkException when this happens uncaught; this test has failed
212      */
213     public final void sensorTest(final Lane lane) throws NetworkException
214     {
215         assertEquals(0, lane.getDetectors().size(), "List of sensor is initially empty");
216         Listener listener = new Listener();
217         double length = lane.getLength().si;
218         lane.addListener(listener, Lane.DETECTOR_ADD_EVENT);
219         lane.addListener(listener, Lane.DETECTOR_REMOVE_EVENT);
220         assertEquals(0,, "event list is initially empty");
221         LaneDetector sensor1 = new MockSensor("sensor1", Length.instantiateSI(length / 4)).getMock();
222         lane.addDetector(sensor1);
223         assertEquals(1,, "event list now contains one event");
224         assertEquals(, Lane.DETECTOR_ADD_EVENT, "event indicates that a sensor got added");
225         assertEquals(1, lane.getDetectors().size(), "lane now contains one sensor");
226         assertEquals(sensor1, lane.getDetectors().get(0), "sensor on lane is sensor1");
227         LaneDetector sensor2 = new MockSensor("sensor2", Length.instantiateSI(length / 2)).getMock();
228         lane.addDetector(sensor2);
229         assertEquals(2,, "event list now contains two events");
230         assertEquals(, Lane.DETECTOR_ADD_EVENT, "event indicates that a sensor got added");
231         List<LaneDetector> sensors = lane.getDetectors();
232         assertEquals(2, sensors.size(), "lane now contains two sensors");
233         assertTrue(sensors.contains(sensor1), "sensor list contains sensor1");
234         assertTrue(sensors.contains(sensor2), "sensor list contains sensor2");
235         sensors = lane.getDetectors(Length.ZERO, Length.instantiateSI(length / 3), DefaultsNl.VEHICLE);
236         assertEquals(1, sensors.size(), "first third of lane contains 1 sensor");
237         assertTrue(sensors.contains(sensor1), "sensor list contains sensor1");
238         sensors = lane.getDetectors(Length.instantiateSI(length / 3), Length.instantiateSI(length), DefaultsNl.VEHICLE);
239         assertEquals(1, sensors.size(), "last two-thirds of lane contains 1 sensor");
240         assertTrue(sensors.contains(sensor2), "sensor list contains sensor2");
241         sensors = lane.getDetectors(DefaultsNl.VEHICLE);
242         // NB. The mocked sensor is compatible with all GTU types in all directions.
243         assertEquals(2, sensors.size(), "sensor list contains two sensors");
244         assertTrue(sensors.contains(sensor1), "sensor list contains sensor1");
245         assertTrue(sensors.contains(sensor2), "sensor list contains sensor2");
246         sensors = lane.getDetectors(DefaultsNl.VEHICLE);
247         // NB. The mocked sensor is compatible with all GTU types in all directions.
248         assertEquals(2, sensors.size(), "sensor list contains two sensors");
249         assertTrue(sensors.contains(sensor1), "sensor list contains sensor1");
250         assertTrue(sensors.contains(sensor2), "sensor list contains sensor2");
251         SortedMap<Double, List<LaneDetector>> sensorMap = lane.getDetectorMap(DefaultsNl.VEHICLE);
252         assertEquals(2, sensorMap.size(), "sensor map contains two entries");
253         for (Double d : sensorMap.keySet())
254         {
255             List<LaneDetector> sensorsAtD = sensorMap.get(d);
256             assertEquals(1, sensorsAtD.size(), "There is one sensor at position d");
257             assertEquals(d < length / 3 ? sensor1 : sensor2, sensorsAtD.get(0),
258                     "Sensor map contains the correct sensor at the correct distance");
259         }
261         lane.removeDetector(sensor1);
262         assertEquals(3,, "event list now contains three events");
263         assertEquals(, Lane.DETECTOR_REMOVE_EVENT, "event indicates that a sensor got removed");
264         sensors = lane.getDetectors();
265         assertEquals(1, sensors.size(), "lane now contains one sensor");
266         assertTrue(sensors.contains(sensor2), "sensor list contains sensor2");
267         try
268         {
269             lane.removeDetector(sensor1);
270             fail("Removing a sensor twice should have thrown a NetworkException");
271         }
272         catch (NetworkException ne)
273         {
274             // Ignore expected exception
275         }
276         try
277         {
278             lane.addDetector(sensor2);
279             fail("Adding a sensor twice should have thrown a NetworkException");
280         }
281         catch (NetworkException ne)
282         {
283             // Ignore expected exception
284         }
285         LaneDetector badSensor = new MockSensor("sensor3", Length.instantiateSI(-0.1)).getMock();
286         try
287         {
288             lane.addDetector(badSensor);
289             fail("Adding a sensor at negative position should have thrown a NetworkException");
290         }
291         catch (NetworkException ne)
292         {
293             // Ignore expected exception
294         }
295         badSensor = new MockSensor("sensor4", Length.instantiateSI(length + 0.1)).getMock();
296         try
297         {
298             lane.addDetector(badSensor);
299             fail("Adding a sensor at position beyond the end of the lane should have thrown a NetworkException");
300         }
301         catch (NetworkException ne)
302         {
303             // Ignore expected exception
304         }
305         lane.removeDetector(sensor2);
306         List<LaneBasedObject> lboList = lane.getLaneBasedObjects();
307         assertEquals(0, lboList.size(), "lane initially contains zero lane based objects");
308         LaneBasedObject lbo1 = new MockLaneBasedObject("lbo1", Length.instantiateSI(length / 4)).getMock();
309         listener.getEvents().clear();
310         lane.addListener(listener, Lane.OBJECT_ADD_EVENT);
311         lane.addListener(listener, Lane.OBJECT_REMOVE_EVENT);
312         lane.addLaneBasedObject(lbo1);
313         assertEquals(1, listener.getEvents().size(), "adding a lane based object cause the lane to emit an event");
314         assertEquals(Lane.OBJECT_ADD_EVENT, listener.getEvents().get(0).getType(), "The emitted event was a OBJECT_ADD_EVENT");
315         LaneBasedObject lbo2 = new MockLaneBasedObject("lbo2", Length.instantiateSI(3 * length / 4)).getMock();
316         lane.addLaneBasedObject(lbo2);
317         lboList = lane.getLaneBasedObjects();
318         assertEquals(2, lboList.size(), "lane based object list now contains two objects");
319         assertTrue(lboList.contains(lbo1), "lane base object list contains lbo1");
320         assertTrue(lboList.contains(lbo2), "lane base object list contains lbo2");
321         lboList = lane.getLaneBasedObjects(Length.ZERO, Length.instantiateSI(length / 2));
322         assertEquals(1, lboList.size(), "first half of lane contains one object");
323         assertEquals(lbo1, lboList.get(0), "object in first haf of lane is lbo1");
324         lboList = lane.getLaneBasedObjects(Length.instantiateSI(length / 2), Length.instantiateSI(length));
325         assertEquals(1, lboList.size(), "second half of lane contains one object");
326         assertEquals(lbo2, lboList.get(0), "object in second haf of lane is lbo2");
327         SortedMap<Double, List<LaneBasedObject>> sortedMap = lane.getLaneBasedObjectMap();
328         assertEquals(2, sortedMap.size(), "sorted map contains two objects");
329         for (Double d : sortedMap.keySet())
330         {
331             List<LaneBasedObject> objectsAtD = sortedMap.get(d);
332             assertEquals(1, objectsAtD.size(), "There is one object at position d");
333             assertEquals(d < length / 2 ? lbo1 : lbo2, objectsAtD.get(0), "Object at position d is the expected one");
334         }
336         for (double fraction : new double[] {-0.5, 0, 0.2, 0.5, 0.9, 1.0, 2})
337         {
338             double positionSI = length * fraction;
339             double fractionSI = lane.fractionSI(positionSI);
340             assertEquals(fraction, fractionSI, 0.0001, "fractionSI matches fraction");
342             LaneBasedObject nextObject = positionSI < lbo1.getLongitudinalPosition().si ? lbo1
343                     : positionSI < lbo2.getLongitudinalPosition().si ? lbo2 : null;
344             List<LaneBasedObject> expected = null;
345             if (null != nextObject)
346             {
347                 expected = new ArrayList<>();
348                 expected.add(nextObject);
349             }
350             List<LaneBasedObject> got = lane.getObjectAhead(Length.instantiateSI(positionSI));
351             assertEquals(expected, got, "First bunch of objects ahead of d");
353             nextObject = positionSI > lbo2.getLongitudinalPosition().si ? lbo2
354                     : positionSI > lbo1.getLongitudinalPosition().si ? lbo1 : null;
355             expected = null;
356             if (null != nextObject)
357             {
358                 expected = new ArrayList<>();
359                 expected.add(nextObject);
360             }
361             got = lane.getObjectBehind(Length.instantiateSI(positionSI));
362             assertEquals(expected, got, "First bunch of objects behind d");
363         }
365         lane.removeLaneBasedObject(lbo1);
366         assertEquals(3, listener.getEvents().size(), "removing a lane based object caused the lane to emit an event");
367         assertEquals(Lane.OBJECT_REMOVE_EVENT, listener.getEvents().get(2).getType(),
368                 "removing a lane based object caused the lane to emit OBJECT_REMOVE_EVENT");
369         try
370         {
371             lane.removeLaneBasedObject(lbo1);
372             fail("Removing a lane bases object that was already removed should have caused a NetworkException");
373         }
374         catch (NetworkException ne)
375         {
376             // Ignore expected exception
377         }
378         try
379         {
380             lane.addLaneBasedObject(lbo2);
381             fail("Adding a lane base object that was already added should have caused a NetworkException");
382         }
383         catch (NetworkException ne)
384         {
385             // Ignore expected exception
386         }
387         LaneBasedObject badLBO = new MockLaneBasedObject("badLBO", Length.instantiateSI(-0.1)).getMock();
388         try
389         {
390             lane.addLaneBasedObject(badLBO);
391             fail("Adding a lane based object at negative position should have thrown a NetworkException");
392         }
393         catch (NetworkException ne)
394         {
395             // Ignore expected exception
396         }
397         badLBO = new MockLaneBasedObject("badLBO", Length.instantiateSI(length + 0.1)).getMock();
398         try
399         {
400             lane.addLaneBasedObject(badLBO);
401             fail("Adding a lane based object at position beyond end of lane should have thrown a NetworkException");
402         }
403         catch (NetworkException ne)
404         {
405             // Ignore expected exception
406         }
407     }
409     /**
410      * Simple event listener that collects events in a list.
411      */
412     class Listener implements EventListener
413     {
414         /** Collect the received events. */
415         private List<Event> events = new ArrayList<>();
417         @Override
418         public void notify(final Event event) throws RemoteException
419         {
420   ;
421         }
423         /**
424          * Retrieve the collected events.
425          * @return List&lt;EventInterface&gt;; the events
426          */
427         public List<Event> getEvents()
428         {
429             return;
430         }
432     }
434     /**
435      * Mock a Detector.
436      */
437     class MockSensor
438     {
439         /** The mocked sensor. */
440         private final LaneDetector mockSensor;
442         /** Id of the mocked sensor. */
443         private final String id;
445         /** The position along the lane of the sensor. */
446         private final Length position;
448         /** Faked simulator. */
449         private final OtsSimulatorInterface simulator = MockDevsSimulator.createMock();
451         /**
452          * Construct a new Mocked Detector.
453          * @param id String; result of the getId() method of the mocked Detector
454          * @param position Length; result of the getLongitudinalPosition of the mocked Detector
455          */
456         MockSensor(final String id, final Length position)
457         {
458             this.mockSensor = Mockito.mock(LaneDetector.class);
459    = id;
460             this.position = position;
461             Mockito.when(this.mockSensor.getId()).thenReturn(;
462             Mockito.when(this.mockSensor.getLongitudinalPosition()).thenReturn(this.position);
463             Mockito.when(this.mockSensor.getSimulator()).thenReturn(this.simulator);
464             Mockito.when(this.mockSensor.getFullId()).thenReturn(;
465             Mockito.when(this.mockSensor.isCompatible(Mockito.any())).thenReturn(true);
466         }
468         /**
469          * Retrieve the mocked sensor.
470          * @return Detector; the mocked sensor
471          */
472         public LaneDetector getMock()
473         {
474             return this.mockSensor;
475         }
477         /**
478          * Retrieve the position of the mocked sensor.
479          * @return Length; the longitudinal position of the mocked sensor
480          */
481         public Length getLongitudinalPosition()
482         {
483             return this.position;
484         }
486         @Override
487         public String toString()
488         {
489             return "MockSensor [mockSensor=" + this.mockSensor + ", id=" + + ", position=" + this.position + "]";
490         }
492     }
494     /**
495      * Mock a LaneBasedObject.
496      */
497     class MockLaneBasedObject
498     {
499         /** The mocked sensor. */
500         private final LaneBasedObject mockLaneBasedObject;
502         /** Id of the mocked sensor. */
503         private final String id;
505         /** The position along the lane of the sensor. */
506         private final Length position;
508         /**
509          * Construct a new Mocked Detector.
510          * @param id String; result of the getId() method of the mocked Detector
511          * @param position Length; result of the getLongitudinalPosition of the mocked Detector
512          */
513         MockLaneBasedObject(final String id, final Length position)
514         {
515             this.mockLaneBasedObject = Mockito.mock(LaneDetector.class);
516    = id;
517             this.position = position;
518             Mockito.when(this.mockLaneBasedObject.getId()).thenReturn(;
519             Mockito.when(this.mockLaneBasedObject.getLongitudinalPosition()).thenReturn(this.position);
520             Mockito.when(this.mockLaneBasedObject.getFullId()).thenReturn(;
521         }
523         /**
524          * Retrieve the mocked LaneBasedObject.
525          * @return LaneBasedObject; the mocked LaneBasedObject
526          */
527         public LaneBasedObject getMock()
528         {
529             return this.mockLaneBasedObject;
530         }
532         /**
533          * Retrieve the position of the mocked sensor.
534          * @return Length; the longitudinal position of the mocked sensor
535          */
536         public Length getLongitudinalPosition()
537         {
538             return this.position;
539         }
541         @Override
542         public String toString()
543         {
544             return "MockLaneBasedObject [mockLaneBasedObject=" + this.mockLaneBasedObject + ", id=" + + ", position="
545                     + this.position + "]";
546         }
548     }
550     /**
551      * Test that gradually varying lateral offsets have gradually increasing angles (with respect to the design line) in the
552      * first half and gradually decreasing angles in the second half.
553      * @throws NetworkException when that happens uncaught; this test has failed
554      * @throws NamingException when that happens uncaught; this test has failed
555      * @throws SimRuntimeException when that happens uncaught; this test has failed
556      * @throws OtsGeometryException when that happens uncaught; this test has failed
557      */
558     @Test
559     public final void lateralOffsetTest() throws NetworkException, SimRuntimeException, NamingException, OtsGeometryException
560     {
561         Point2d from = new Point2d(10, 10);
562         Point2d to = new Point2d(1010, 10);
563         OtsSimulatorInterface simulator = new OtsSimulator("LaneTest");
564         Model model = new Model(simulator);
565         simulator.initialize(Time.ZERO, Duration.ZERO, new Duration(3600.0, DurationUnit.SECOND), model);
566         RoadNetwork network = new RoadNetwork("contour test network", simulator);
567         LaneType laneType = DefaultsRoadNl.TWO_WAY_LANE;
568         laneType.addCompatibleGtuType(DefaultsNl.VEHICLE);
569         Map<GtuType, Speed> speedMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
570         speedMap.put(DefaultsNl.VEHICLE, new Speed(50, KM_PER_HOUR));
571         Node start = new Node(network, "start", from, Direction.ZERO);
572         Node end = new Node(network, "end", to, Direction.ZERO);
573         Point2d[] coordinates = new Point2d[2];
574         coordinates[0] = start.getPoint();
575         coordinates[1] = end.getPoint();
576         OtsLine2d line = new OtsLine2d(coordinates);
577         CrossSectionLink link =
578                 new CrossSectionLink(network, "A to B", start, end, DefaultsNl.ROAD, line, null, LaneKeepingPolicy.KEEPRIGHT);
579         Length offsetAtStart = Length.instantiateSI(5);
580         Length offsetAtEnd = Length.instantiateSI(15);
581         Length width = Length.instantiateSI(4);
582         Lane lane =
583                 LaneGeometryUtil.createStraightLane(link, "lane", offsetAtStart, offsetAtEnd, width, width, laneType, speedMap);
584         OtsLine2d laneCenterLine = lane.getCenterLine();
585         // System.out.println("Center line is " + laneCenterLine);
586         Point2d[] points = laneCenterLine.getPoints();
587         double prev = + from.y;
588         double prevRatio = 0;
589         double prevDirection = 0;
590         for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i++)
591         {
592             Point2d p = points[i];
593             double relativeLength = p.x - from.x;
594             double ratio = relativeLength / (to.x - from.x);
595             double actualOffset = p.y;
596             if (0 == i)
597             {
598                 assertEquals( + from.y, actualOffset, 0.001, "first point must have offset at start");
599             }
600             if (points.length - 1 == i)
601             {
602                 assertEquals( + from.y, actualOffset, 0.001, "last point must have offset at end");
603             }
604             // Other offsets must grow smoothly
605             double delta = actualOffset - prev;
606             assertTrue(delta >= 0, "delta must be nonnegative");
607             if (i > 0)
608             {
609                 Point2d prevPoint = points[i - 1];
610                 double direction = Math.atan2(p.y - prevPoint.y, p.x - prevPoint.x);
611                 // System.out.println(String.format("p=%30s: ratio=%7.5f, direction=%10.7f", p, ratio, direction));
612                 assertTrue(direction > 0, "Direction of lane center line is > 0");
613                 if (ratio < 0.5)
614                 {
615                     assertTrue(direction > prevDirection, "in first half direction is increasing");
616                 }
617                 else if (prevRatio > 0.5)
618                 {
619                     assertTrue(direction < prevDirection, "in second half direction is decreasing");
620                 }
621                 prevDirection = direction;
622                 prevRatio = ratio;
623             }
624         }
625     }
627     /**
628      * Test that the contour of a constructed lane covers the expected area. Tests are only performed for straight lanes, but
629      * the orientation of the link and the offset of the lane from the link is varied in many ways.
630      * @throws Exception when something goes wrong (should not happen)
631      */
632     @Test
633     public final void contourTest() throws Exception
634     {
635         final int[] startPositions = {0, 1, -1, 20, -20};
636         final double[] angles = {0, Math.PI * 0.01, Math.PI / 3, Math.PI / 2, Math.PI * 2 / 3, Math.PI * 0.99, Math.PI,
637                 Math.PI * 1.01, Math.PI * 4 / 3, Math.PI * 3 / 2, Math.PI * 1.99, Math.PI * 2, Math.PI * (-0.2)};
638         int laneNum = 0;
639         for (int xStart : startPositions)
640         {
641             for (int yStart : startPositions)
642             {
643                 for (double angle : angles)
644                 {
645                     OtsSimulatorInterface simulator = new OtsSimulator("LaneTest");
646                     Model model = new Model(simulator);
647                     simulator.initialize(Time.ZERO, Duration.ZERO, new Duration(3600.0, DurationUnit.SECOND), model);
648                     RoadNetwork network = new RoadNetwork("contour test network", simulator);
649                     LaneType laneType = DefaultsRoadNl.TWO_WAY_LANE;
650                     laneType.addCompatibleGtuType(DefaultsNl.VEHICLE);
651                     Map<GtuType, Speed> speedMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
652                     speedMap.put(DefaultsNl.VEHICLE, new Speed(50, KM_PER_HOUR));
653                     Node start = new Node(network, "start", new Point2d(xStart, yStart), Direction.instantiateSI(angle));
654                     double linkLength = 1000;
655                     double xEnd = xStart + linkLength * Math.cos(angle);
656                     double yEnd = yStart + linkLength * Math.sin(angle);
657                     Node end = new Node(network, "end", new Point2d(xEnd, yEnd), Direction.instantiateSI(angle));
658                     Point2d[] coordinates = new Point2d[2];
659                     coordinates[0] = start.getPoint();
660                     coordinates[1] = end.getPoint();
661                     OtsLine2d line = new OtsLine2d(coordinates);
662                     CrossSectionLink link = new CrossSectionLink(network, "A to B", start, end, DefaultsNl.ROAD, line, null,
663                             LaneKeepingPolicy.KEEPRIGHT);
664                     final int[] lateralOffsets = {-10, -3, -1, 0, 1, 3, 10};
665                     for (int startLateralOffset : lateralOffsets)
666                     {
667                         for (int endLateralOffset : lateralOffsets)
668                         {
669                             int startWidth = 4; // This one is not varied
670                             for (int endWidth : new int[] {2, 4, 6})
671                             {
672                                 // Now we can construct a Lane
673                                 // FIXME what overtaking conditions do we want to test in this unit test?
674                                 Lane lane = LaneGeometryUtil.createStraightLane(link, "lane." + ++laneNum,
675                                         new Length(startLateralOffset, METER), new Length(endLateralOffset, METER),
676                                         new Length(startWidth, METER), new Length(endWidth, METER), laneType, speedMap);
677                                 // Verify a couple of points that should be inside the contour of the Lane
678                                 // One meter along the lane design line
679                                 checkInside(lane, 1, startLateralOffset, true);
680                                 // One meter before the end along the lane design line
681                                 checkInside(lane, link.getLength().getSI() - 1, endLateralOffset, true);
682                                 // One meter before the start of the lane along the lane design line
683                                 checkInside(lane, -1, startLateralOffset, false);
684                                 // One meter beyond the end of the lane along the lane design line
685                                 checkInside(lane, link.getLength().getSI() + 1, endLateralOffset, false);
686                                 // One meter along the lane design line, left outside the lane
687                                 checkInside(lane, 1, startLateralOffset - startWidth / 2 - 1, false);
688                                 // One meter along the lane design line, right outside the lane
689                                 checkInside(lane, 1, startLateralOffset + startWidth / 2 + 1, false);
690                                 // One meter before the end, left outside the lane
691                                 checkInside(lane, link.getLength().getSI() - 1, endLateralOffset - endWidth / 2 - 1, false);
692                                 // One meter before the end, right outside the lane
693                                 checkInside(lane, link.getLength().getSI() - 1, endLateralOffset + endWidth / 2 + 1, false);
694                                 // Check the result of getBounds.
695                                 OrientedPoint2d l = lane.getLocation();
696                                 // System.out.println("bb is " + bb);
697                                 // System.out.println("l is " + l.x + "," + l.y + "," + l.z);
698                                 // System.out.println("start is at " + start.getX() + ", " + start.getY());
699                                 // System.out.println(" end is at " + end.getX() + ", " + end.getY());
700                                 Point2D.Double[] cornerPoints = new Point2D.Double[4];
701                                 cornerPoints[0] =
702                                         new Point2D.Double(xStart - (startLateralOffset + startWidth / 2) * Math.sin(angle),
703                                                 yStart + (startLateralOffset + startWidth / 2) * Math.cos(angle));
704                                 cornerPoints[1] =
705                                         new Point2D.Double(xStart - (startLateralOffset - startWidth / 2) * Math.sin(angle),
706                                                 yStart + (startLateralOffset - startWidth / 2) * Math.cos(angle));
707                                 cornerPoints[2] = new Point2D.Double(xEnd - (endLateralOffset + endWidth / 2) * Math.sin(angle),
708                                         yEnd + (endLateralOffset + endWidth / 2) * Math.cos(angle));
709                                 cornerPoints[3] = new Point2D.Double(xEnd - (endLateralOffset - endWidth / 2) * Math.sin(angle),
710                                         yEnd + (endLateralOffset - endWidth / 2) * Math.cos(angle));
711                                 // for (int i = 0; i < cornerPoints.length; i++)
712                                 // {
713                                 // System.out.println("p" + i + ": " + cornerPoints[i].x + "," + cornerPoints[i].y);
714                                 // }
715                                 double minX = cornerPoints[0].getX();
716                                 double maxX = cornerPoints[0].getX();
717                                 double minY = cornerPoints[0].getY();
718                                 double maxY = cornerPoints[0].getY();
719                                 for (int i = 1; i < cornerPoints.length; i++)
720                                 {
721                                     Point2D.Double p = cornerPoints[i];
722                                     minX = Math.min(minX, p.getX());
723                                     minY = Math.min(minY, p.getY());
724                                     maxX = Math.max(maxX, p.getX());
725                                     maxY = Math.max(maxY, p.getY());
726                                 }
727                                 // System.out.println(" my bbox is " + minX + "," + minY + " - " + maxX + "," + maxY);
728                                 // System.out.println("the bbox is " + (bbLow.x + l.x) + "," + (bbLow.y + l.y) + " - "
729                                 // + (bbHigh.x + l.x) + "," + (bbHigh.y + l.y));
730                                 Transform2d transform = new Transform2d();
731                                 transform.translate(l.x, l.y);
732                                 transform.rotation(l.dirZ);
733                                 Polygon2d pol = new Polygon2d(transform.transform(lane.getBounds().asPolygon().getPoints()));
734                                 Bounds<?, ?, ?> bb = pol.getBounds();
735                                 double boundsMinX = bb.getMinX();
736                                 double boundsMinY = bb.getMinY();
737                                 double boundsMaxX = bb.getMaxX();
738                                 double boundsMaxY = bb.getMaxY();
739                                 assertEquals(minX, boundsMinX, 0.1, "low x boundary");
740                                 assertEquals(minY, boundsMinY, 0.1, "low y boundary");
741                                 assertEquals(maxX, boundsMaxX, 0.1, "high x boundary");
742                                 assertEquals(maxY, boundsMaxY, 0.1, "high y boundary");
743                             }
744                         }
745                     }
746                 }
747             }
748         }
749     }
751     /**
752      * Verify that a point at specified distance along and across from the design line of the parent Link of a Lane is inside
753      * c.q. outside the contour of a Lane. The test uses an implementation that is as independent as possible of the Geometry
754      * class methods.
755      * @param lane Lane; the lane
756      * @param longitudinal double; the longitudinal position along the design line of the parent Link of the Lane. This design
757      *            line is expected to be straight and the longitudinal position may be negative (indicating a point before the
758      *            start of the Link) and it may exceed the length of the Link (indicating a point beyond the end of the Link)
759      * @param lateral double; the lateral offset from the design line of the link (positive is left, negative is right)
760      * @param expectedResult boolean; true if the calling method expects the point to be within the contour of the Lane, false
761      *            if the calling method expects the point to be outside the contour of the Lane
762      */
763     private void checkInside(final Lane lane, final double longitudinal, final double lateral, final boolean expectedResult)
764     {
765         CrossSectionLink parentLink = lane.getLink();
766         Node start = parentLink.getStartNode();
767         Node end = parentLink.getEndNode();
768         double startX = start.getPoint().x;
769         double startY = start.getPoint().y;
770         double endX = end.getPoint().x;
771         double endY = end.getPoint().y;
772         double length = Math.sqrt((endX - startX) * (endX - startX) + (endY - startY) * (endY - startY));
773         double ratio = longitudinal / length;
774         double designLineX = startX + (endX - startX) * ratio;
775         double designLineY = startY + (endY - startY) * ratio;
776         double lateralAngle = Math.atan2(endY - startY, endX - startX) + Math.PI / 2;
777         double px = designLineX + lateral * Math.cos(lateralAngle);
778         double py = designLineY + lateral * Math.sin(lateralAngle);
779         Polygon2d contour = lane.getContour();
780         // GeometryFactory factory = new GeometryFactory();
781         // Geometry p = factory.createPoint(new Coordinate(px, py));
782         Point2d p = new Point2d(px, py);
783         // CrossSectionElement.printCoordinates("contour: ", contour);
784         // System.out.println("p: " + p);
785         boolean result2 = contour.contains(p);
786         boolean result = contains(contour, p);
787         if (expectedResult)
788         {
789             assertTrue(result, "Point at " + longitudinal + " along and " + lateral + " lateral is within lane");
790         }
791         else
792         {
793             assertFalse(result, "Point at " + longitudinal + " along and " + lateral + " lateral is outside lane");
794         }
795     }
797     /*
798      * TODO: remove this method Pending djutils issue #15, this method should be removed. Then, 'result2' above should become
799      * 'result' instead.
800      */
801     private boolean contains(final Polygon2d contour, final Point2d p)
802     {
803         if (!contour.getBounds().contains(p.x, p.y))
804         {
805             return false;
806         }
807         int counter = 0;
808         // Unlike Paul Bourke, we initialize prevPoint to the last point of the polygon (so we never have to wrap around)
809         double prevPointX = contour.getX(contour.size() - 1);
810         double prevPointY = contour.getY(contour.size() - 1);
811         for (int i = 0; i < contour.size(); i++)
812         {
813             double curPointX = contour.getX(i);
814             double curPointY = contour.getY(i);
815             // Combined 4 if statements into one; I trust that the java compiler will short-circuit this nicely
816             if (p.y >= Math.min(prevPointY, curPointY) && p.y < Math.max(prevPointY, curPointY)
817                     && p.x <= Math.max(prevPointX, curPointX) && prevPointY != curPointY)
818             {
819                 double xIntersection = (p.y - prevPointY) * (curPointX - prevPointX) / (curPointY - prevPointY) + prevPointX;
820                 if (prevPointX == curPointX || p.x <= xIntersection)
821                 {
822                     counter++;
823                 }
824             }
825             prevPointX = curPointX;
826             prevPointY = curPointY;
827         }
828         return counter % 2 != 0;
829     }
831     /** The helper model. */
832     protected static class Model extends AbstractOtsModel
833     {
834         /** */
835         private static final long serialVersionUID = 20141027L;
837         /**
838          * @param simulator the simulator to use
839          */
840         public Model(final OtsSimulatorInterface simulator)
841         {
842             super(simulator);
843         }
845         /** {@inheritDoc} */
846         @Override
847         public final void constructModel() throws SimRuntimeException
848         {
849             //
850         }
852         /** {@inheritDoc} */
853         @Override
854         public final RoadNetwork getNetwork()
855         {
856             return null;
857         }
858     }
860 }