View Javadoc
1   package;
3   import;
4   import java.util.ArrayList;
5   import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
6   import java.util.List;
7   import java.util.Map;
8   import java.util.SortedSet;
9   import java.util.TreeSet;
11  import org.djunits.unit.LengthUnit;
12  import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Acceleration;
13  import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Duration;
14  import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Length;
15  import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Speed;
16  import org.djutils.exceptions.Throw;
18  /**
19   * Prospect of speed limits ahead, both legal and otherwise (e.g. curve, speed bump).
20   * <p>
21   * Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. <br>
22   * BSD-style license. See <a href="">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
23   * </p>
24   * @author <a href="">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
25   * @author <a href="">Wouter Schakel</a>
26   */
27  public class SpeedLimitProspect implements Serializable
28  {
30      /** */
31      private static final long serialVersionUID = 20160501L;
33      /** Spatial prospect of speed info. */
34      private final SortedSet<SpeedLimitEntry<?>> prospect = new TreeSet<>();
36      /** Source objects for the speed info additions. */
37      private final Map<Object, SpeedLimitEntry<?>> addSources = new LinkedHashMap<>();
39      /** Source objects for the speed info removals. */
40      private final Map<Object, SpeedLimitEntry<?>> removeSources = new LinkedHashMap<>();
42      /** Last odometer value. */
43      private Length odometer;
45      /**
46       * Constructor.
47       * @param odometer odometer value
48       */
49      public SpeedLimitProspect(final Length odometer)
50      {
51          this.odometer = odometer;
52      }
54      /**
55       * Updates the distance values.
56       * @param newOdometer odometer value
57       */
58      public void update(final Length newOdometer)
59      {
60          Length dx = newOdometer.minus(this.odometer);
61          for (SpeedLimitEntry<?> entry : this.prospect)
62          {
63              entry.move(dx);
64          }
65      }
67      /**
68       * Returns whether the given source is already added in the prospect.
69       * @param source source
70       * @return whether the given source is already added in the prospect
71       */
72      public final boolean containsAddSource(final Object source)
73      {
74          return this.addSources.containsKey(source);
75      }
77      /**
78       * Returns whether the given source is already removed in the prospect.
79       * @param source source
80       * @return whether the given source is already removed in the prospect
81       */
82      public final boolean containsRemoveSource(final Object source)
83      {
84          return this.removeSources.containsKey(source);
85      }
87      /**
88       * Returns the odometer value at which the last update was performed.
89       * @return odometer value at which the last update was performed
90       */
91      public final Length getOdometer()
92      {
93          return this.odometer;
94      }
96      /**
97       * Sets the speed info of a speed limit type.
98       * @param distance location to set info for a speed limit type
99       * @param speedLimitType speed limit type to set the info for
100      * @param speedInfo speed info to set
101      * @param source source object
102      * @param <T> class of speed info
103      * @throws IllegalStateException if speed info for a specific speed limit type is set or removed twice at the same distance
104      * @throws IllegalStateException if speed info for a specific speed limit type is set twice with negative distance
105      * @throws NullPointerException if any input is null
106      */
107     public final <T> void addSpeedInfo(final Length distance, final SpeedLimitType<T> speedLimitType, final T speedInfo,
108             final Object source)
109     {
110         Throw.whenNull(distance, "Distance may not be null.");
111         Throw.whenNull(speedLimitType, "Speed limit type may not be null.");
112         Throw.whenNull(speedInfo, "Speed info may not be null.");
113         checkAndAdd(new SpeedLimitEntry<>(distance, speedLimitType, speedInfo), source, false);
114     }
116     /**
117      * Removes the speed info of a speed limit type.
118      * @param distance distance to remove speed info of a speed limit type
119      * @param speedLimitType speed limit type to remove speed info of
120      * @param source source object
121      * @throws IllegalStateException if speed info for a specific speed limit type is set or removed twice at the same distance
122      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the speed limit type is {@code MAX_VEHICLE_SPEED}
123      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the distance is negative
124      * @throws NullPointerException if any input is null
125      */
126     @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
127     public final void removeSpeedInfo(final Length distance, final SpeedLimitType<?> speedLimitType, final Object source)
128     {
129         Throw.whenNull(distance, "Distance may not be null.");
130         Throw.when( < 0, IllegalArgumentException.class,
131                 "Removing speed info in the past is not allowed. " + "Only add still active speed info.");
132         Throw.whenNull(speedLimitType, "Speed limit type may not be null.");
133         Throw.when(speedLimitType.equals(SpeedLimitTypes.MAX_VEHICLE_SPEED), IllegalArgumentException.class,
134                 "May not remove the maximum vehicle speed.");
135         // null value does not comply to being a T for SpeedLimitType<T> but is separately treated
136         checkAndAdd(new SpeedLimitEntry(distance, speedLimitType, null), source, true);
137     }
139     /**
140      * Checks the speed limit entry before adding to the prospect.
141      * @param speedLimitEntry speed limit entry to add
142      * @param source source object
143      * @param remove whether the source causes a removal of info
144      * @throws IllegalStateException if the speed entry forms an undefined set with any existing entry
145      */
146     private void checkAndAdd(final SpeedLimitEntry<?> speedLimitEntry, final Object source, final boolean remove)
147     {
148         for (SpeedLimitEntry<?> s : this.prospect)
149         {
150             if (s.getSpeedLimitType().equals(speedLimitEntry.getSpeedLimitType()))
151             {
152                 /*
153                  * For entries at the same distance, the speed limit type may not be the same, this leaves us with an undefined
154                  * state as it cannot be derived which remains valid further on.
155                  */
156                 Throw.when(s.getDistance().equals(speedLimitEntry.getDistance()), IllegalStateException.class,
157                         "Info " + "of speed limit type '%s' is set twice at the same location (%s). This is undefined. "
158                                 + "Either remove speed info, or overwrite with new speed info.",
159                         s.getSpeedLimitType(), s.getDistance());
160             }
161         }
162         if (remove)
163         {
164             SpeedLimitEntry<?> prev = this.removeSources.get(source);
165             if (prev != null)
166             {
167                 this.prospect.remove(prev);
168             }
169             this.removeSources.put(source, speedLimitEntry);
170         }
171         else
172         {
173             SpeedLimitEntry<?> prev = this.addSources.get(source);
174             if (prev != null)
175             {
176                 this.prospect.remove(prev);
177             }
178             this.addSources.put(source, speedLimitEntry);
179         }
180         this.prospect.add(speedLimitEntry);
181     }
183     /**
184      * Returns the distances at which a change in the prospect is present in order (upstream first). If multiple changes are
185      * present at the same distance, only one distance is returned in the list.
186      * @return distances at which a change in the prospect is present in order (upstream first)
187      */
188     public final List<Length> getDistances()
189     {
190         List<Length> list = new ArrayList<>();
191         for (SpeedLimitEntry<?> speedLimitEntry : this.prospect)
192         {
193             list.add(speedLimitEntry.getDistance());
194         }
195         return list;
196     }
198     /**
199      * Returns the distances at which a change of the given speed limit type in the prospect is present in order (most upstream
200      * first). If multiple changes are present at the same distance, only one distance is returned in the list.
201      * @param speedLimitType speed limit type to get the distances of
202      * @return distances at which a change of the given speed limit type in the prospect is present in order
203      */
204     public final List<Length> getDistances(final SpeedLimitType<?> speedLimitType)
205     {
206         return getDistancesInRange(speedLimitType, null, null);
207     }
209     /**
210      * Returns the upstream distances at which a change of the given speed limit type in the prospect is present in order (most
211      * upstream first). If multiple changes are present at the same distance, only one distance is returned in the list.
212      * @param speedLimitType speed limit type to get the distances of
213      * @return distances at which a change of the given speed limit type in the prospect is present in order
214      */
215     public final List<Length> getUpstreamDistances(final SpeedLimitType<?> speedLimitType)
216     {
217         return getDistancesInRange(speedLimitType, null, Length.ZERO);
218     }
220     /**
221      * Returns the downstream distances at which a change of the given speed limit type in the prospect is present in order
222      * (most upstream first). If multiple changes are present at the same distance, only one distance is returned in the list.
223      * @param speedLimitType speed limit type to get the distances of
224      * @return distances at which a change of the given speed limit type in the prospect is present in order
225      */
226     public final List<Length> getDownstreamDistances(final SpeedLimitType<?> speedLimitType)
227     {
228         return getDistancesInRange(speedLimitType, Length.ZERO, null);
229     }
231     /**
232      * Returns the distances between limits at which a change of the given speed limit type in the prospect is present in order
233      * (most upstream first). If multiple changes are present at the same distance, only one distance is returned in the list.
234      * @param speedLimitType speed limit type to get the distances of
235      * @param min minimum distance, may be {@code null} for no minimum limit
236      * @param max maximum distance, may be {@code null} for no maximum limit
237      * @return distances at which a change of the given speed limit type in the prospect is present in order
238      */
239     private List<Length> getDistancesInRange(final SpeedLimitType<?> speedLimitType, final Length min, final Length max)
240     {
241         List<Length> list = new ArrayList<>();
242         for (SpeedLimitEntry<?> speedLimitEntry : this.prospect)
243         {
244             if (speedLimitEntry.getSpeedLimitType().equals(speedLimitType)
245                     && (min == null || speedLimitEntry.getDistance().gt(min))
246                     && (max == null || speedLimitEntry.getDistance().le(max)))
247             {
248                 list.add(speedLimitEntry.getDistance());
249             }
250         }
251         return list;
252     }
254     /**
255      * Returns whether the given speed limit type is changed at the given distance.
256      * @param distance distance to check
257      * @param speedLimitType speed limit type to check
258      * @return whether the given speed limit type is changed at the given distance
259      * @throws NullPointerException if distance is null
260      */
261     public final boolean speedInfoChanged(final Length distance, final SpeedLimitType<?> speedLimitType)
262     {
263         Throw.whenNull(distance, "Distance may not be null.");
264         for (SpeedLimitEntry<?> sle : this.prospect)
265         {
266             if (sle.getDistance().eq(distance) && sle.getSpeedLimitType().equals(speedLimitType))
267             {
268                 return true;
269             }
270         }
271         return false;
272     }
274     /**
275      * Returns the speed info of given speed limit type where it changed. If the change was removing the speed limit type (e.g.
276      * end of corner), then {@code null} is returned.
277      * @param distance distance where the info changed
278      * @param speedLimitType speed limit type
279      * @return speed info of given speed limit type where it changed, {@code null} if speed limit type is removed
280      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the speed info did not change at the given distance for the speed limit type
281      * @param <T> class of the speed limit type info
282      */
283     public final <T> T getSpeedInfoChange(final Length distance, final SpeedLimitType<T> speedLimitType)
284     {
285         for (SpeedLimitEntry<?> sle : this.prospect)
286         {
287             if (sle.getDistance().eq(distance) && sle.getSpeedLimitType().equals(speedLimitType))
288             {
289                 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
290                 T info = (T) sle.getSpeedInfo();
291                 return info;
292             }
293         }
294         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Speed info of speed limit type '" + speedLimitType.getId()
295                 + "' is requested at a distance '" + distance + "' where the info is not changed.");
296     }
298     /**
299      * Returns the speed info at a given location.
300      * @param distance where to get the speed info
301      * @return speed info at a given distance
302      * @throws NullPointerException if distance is null
303      */
304     public final SpeedLimitInfo getSpeedLimitInfo(final Length distance)
305     {
306         Throw.whenNull(distance, "Distance may not be null.");
307         SpeedLimitInfo speedLimitInfo = new SpeedLimitInfo();
308         for (SpeedLimitEntry<?> speedLimitEntry : this.prospect)
309         {
310             // use compareTo as this also determines order in this.prospect
311             if (speedLimitEntry.getDistance().compareTo(distance) > 0)
312             {
313                 // remaining entries are further ahead
314                 return speedLimitInfo;
315             }
316             // make appropriate change to speedLimitInfo
317             if (speedLimitEntry.getSpeedInfo() == null)
318             {
319                 speedLimitInfo.removeSpeedInfo(speedLimitEntry.getSpeedLimitType());
320             }
321             else
322             {
323                 // method addSpeedInfo guarantees that speedInfo in speedLimitEntry is T
324                 // for speedLimitType in speedLimitEntry is SpeedLimitType<T>, null is checked above
325                 setAsType(speedLimitInfo, speedLimitEntry);
326             }
327         }
328         return speedLimitInfo;
329     }
331     /**
332      * Returns the speed info at a location following an acceleration over some duration.
333      * @param speed current speed
334      * @param acceleration acceleration to apply
335      * @param time duration of acceleration
336      * @return speed info at a given distance
337      * @throws NullPointerException if any input is null
338      */
339     public final SpeedLimitInfo getSpeedLimitInfo(final Speed speed, final Acceleration acceleration, final Duration time)
340     {
341         Throw.whenNull(speed, "Speed may not be null.");
342         Throw.whenNull(acceleration, "Acceleration may not be null.");
343         Throw.whenNull(time, "Time may not be null.");
344         return getSpeedLimitInfo(new Length( * + .5 * * *, LengthUnit.SI));
345     }
347     /**
348      * Sets speed info for a speed limit type in speed limit info by explicitly casting the types. From the context it should be
349      * certain that the speed info inside the speed limit entry matches the declared info type of the speed limit type inside
350      * the entry, i.e. {@code speedLimitEntry.getSpeedLimitType() = SpeedLimitType<T>} and
351      * {@code speedLimitEntry.getSpeedInfo() = T}.
352      * @param speedLimitInfo speed limit info to put speed info in
353      * @param speedLimitEntry entry with speed limit type and speed info to set
354      * @param <T> underlying speed info class depending on speed limit type
355      */
356     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
357     private <T> void setAsType(final SpeedLimitInfo speedLimitInfo, final SpeedLimitEntry<?> speedLimitEntry)
358     {
359         SpeedLimitType<T> speedLimitType = (SpeedLimitType<T>) speedLimitEntry.getSpeedLimitType();
360         T speedInfoOfType = (T) speedLimitEntry.getSpeedInfo();
361         speedLimitInfo.addSpeedInfo(speedLimitType, speedInfoOfType);
362     }
364     /**
365      * Builds speed limit info with only MAX_VEHICLE_SPEED and the given speed limit type, where the speed info is obtained at
366      * the given distance.
367      * @param distance distance to get the speed info at
368      * @param speedLimitType speed limit type of which to include the info
369      * @param <T> class of speed info of given speed limit type
370      * @return speed limit info with only MAX_VEHICLE_SPEED and the given speed limit type
371      */
372     public final <T> SpeedLimitInfo buildSpeedLimitInfo(final Length distance, final SpeedLimitType<T> speedLimitType)
373     {
374         SpeedLimitInfo out = new SpeedLimitInfo();
375         out.addSpeedInfo(speedLimitType, getSpeedInfoChange(distance, speedLimitType));
376         for (SpeedLimitEntry<?> speedLimitEntry : this.prospect)
377         {
378             if (speedLimitEntry.getDistance().gt(distance))
379             {
380                 break;
381             }
382             if (speedLimitEntry.getSpeedLimitType().equals(SpeedLimitTypes.MAX_VEHICLE_SPEED))
383             {
384                 out.addSpeedInfo(SpeedLimitTypes.MAX_VEHICLE_SPEED,
385                         SpeedLimitTypes.MAX_VEHICLE_SPEED.getInfoClass().cast(speedLimitEntry.getSpeedInfo()));
386             }
387         }
388         return out;
389     }
391     @Override
392     public final String toString()
393     {
394         StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder("SpeedLimitProspect [");
395         String sep = "";
396         for (SpeedLimitEntry<?> sle : this.prospect)
397         {
398             stringBuilder.append(sep).append(sle.getDistance()).append(": ");
399             if (sle.getSpeedInfo() == null)
400             {
401                 stringBuilder.append(sle.getSpeedLimitType().getId()).append("=END");
402             }
403             else
404             {
405                 stringBuilder.append(sle.getSpeedLimitType().getId()).append("=");
406                 stringBuilder.append(sle.getSpeedInfo());
407             }
408             sep = ", ";
409         }
410         stringBuilder.append("]");
411         return stringBuilder.toString();
412     }
414     /**
415      * Stores speed limit type and it's speed info with a location.
416      * <p>
417      * Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
418      * <br>
419      * BSD-style license. See <a href="">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
420      * </p>
421      * @author <a href="">Wouter Schakel</a>
422      * @param <T> class of speed info
423      */
424     private static class SpeedLimitEntry<T> implements Comparable<SpeedLimitEntry<?>>, Serializable
425     {
427         /** */
428         private static final long serialVersionUID = 20160501L;
430         /** Location of the speed info. */
431         private Length distance;
433         /** Speed limit type. */
434         private final SpeedLimitType<T> speedLimitType;
436         /** Speed info. */
437         private final T speedInfo;
439         /**
440          * Constructor.
441          * @param distance location of the speed info
442          * @param speedLimitType speed limit type
443          * @param speedInfo speed info
444          */
445         SpeedLimitEntry(final Length distance, final SpeedLimitType<T> speedLimitType, final T speedInfo)
446         {
447             this.distance = distance;
448             this.speedLimitType = speedLimitType;
449             this.speedInfo = speedInfo;
450         }
452         /**
453          * Returns the location of the speed info.
454          * @return location of the speed info
455          */
456         public final Length getDistance()
457         {
458             return this.distance;
459         }
461         /**
462          * Returns the speed limit type.
463          * @return speed limit type
464          */
465         public final SpeedLimitType<T> getSpeedLimitType()
466         {
467             return this.speedLimitType;
468         }
470         /**
471          * Returns the speed info.
472          * @return the speed info
473          */
474         public final T getSpeedInfo()
475         {
476             return this.speedInfo;
477         }
479         /**
480          * Move the record by a given distance.
481          * @param dist distance to move
482          */
483         public final void move(final Length dist)
484         {
485             this.distance = this.distance.minus(dist);
486         }
488         @Override
489         public final int hashCode()
490         {
491             final int prime = 31;
492             int result = 1;
493             result = prime * result + this.distance.hashCode();
494             result = prime * result + this.speedInfo.hashCode();
495             result = prime * result + this.speedLimitType.hashCode();
496             return result;
497         }
499         @Override
500         public final boolean equals(final Object obj)
501         {
502             if (this == obj)
503             {
504                 return true;
505             }
506             if (obj == null)
507             {
508                 return false;
509             }
510             if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
511             {
512                 return false;
513             }
514             SpeedLimitEntry<?> other = (SpeedLimitEntry<?>) obj;
515             if (!this.distance.equals(other.distance))
516             {
517                 return false;
518             }
519             if (!this.speedLimitType.equals(other.speedLimitType))
520             {
521                 return false;
522             }
523             if (this.speedInfo == null)
524             {
525                 if (other.speedInfo != null)
526                 {
527                     return false;
528                 }
529             }
530             else if (!this.speedInfo.equals(other.speedInfo))
531             {
532                 return false;
533             }
534             return true;
535         }
537         @Override
538         public final int compareTo(final SpeedLimitEntry<?> speedLimitEntry)
539         {
540             if (this.equals(speedLimitEntry))
541             {
542                 return 0;
543             }
544             // order by distance
545             int comp = this.distance.compareTo(speedLimitEntry.distance);
546             if (comp != 0)
547             {
548                 return comp;
549             }
550             // order by speed limit type
551             comp = this.speedLimitType.getId().compareTo(speedLimitEntry.speedLimitType.getId());
552             if (comp != 0)
553             {
554                 return comp;
555             }
556             // equal distance and speed limit type is not allowed, so below code is not used
557             // if this requirement changes, compareTo should still work
558             if (this.speedInfo == null)
559             {
560                 if (speedLimitEntry.speedInfo == null)
561                 {
562                     return 0; // both null
563                 }
564                 return -1; // null under non-null
565             }
566             else if (speedLimitEntry.speedInfo == null)
567             {
568                 return 1; // non-null over null
569             }
570             return this.speedInfo.hashCode() < speedLimitEntry.speedInfo.hashCode() ? -1 : 1;
571         }
573         @Override
574         public final String toString()
575         {
576             return "SpeedLimitEntry [distance=" + this.distance + ", speedLimitType=" + this.speedLimitType + ", speedInfo="
577                     + this.speedInfo + "]";
578         }
580     }
582 }