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1   /*
2    * @(#)
3    *
4    * $Date: 2014-06-06 13:04:49 -0500 (Fri, 06 Jun 2014) $
5    *
6    * Copyright (c) 2011 by Jeremy Wood.
7    * All rights reserved.
8    *
9    * The copyright of this software is owned by Jeremy Wood. 
10   * You may not use, copy or modify this software, except in  
11   * accordance with the license agreement you entered into with  
12   * Jeremy Wood. For details see accompanying license terms.
13   * 
14   * This software is probably, but not necessarily, discussed here:
15   *
16   * 
17   * That site should also contain the most recent official version
18   * of this software.  (See the SVN repository for more details.)
19   */
20  package com.bric.multislider;
22  import java.awt.Shape;
23  import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
24  import java.awt.geom.PathIterator;
25  import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
27  /**
28   * This class features an efficient and accurate <code>getBounds()</code> method. The <code>java.awt.Shape</code> API clearly
29   * states that the <code>Shape.getBounds2D()</code> method may return a rectangle larger than the bounds of the actual shape, so
30   * here I present a method to get the bounds without resorting to the very-accurate-but-very-slow
31   * <code>java.awt.geom.Area</code> class.
32   */
33  public class ShapeBounds
34  {
35      /**
36       * This calculates the precise bounds of a shape.
37       * @param shape the shape you want the bounds of. This method throws a NullPointerException if this is null.
38       * @return the bounds of <code>shape</code>.
39       * @throws EmptyPathException if the shape argument is empty.
40       */
41      public static Rectangle2D getBounds(Shape shape) throws EmptyPathException
42      {
43          return getBounds(shape, null, null);
44      }
46      public static Rectangle2D getBounds(Shape[] shapes)
47      {
48          Rectangle2D r = null;
49          for (int a = 0; a < shapes.length; a++)
50          {
51              try
52              {
53                  Rectangle2D t = getBounds(shapes[a]);
54                  if (r == null)
55                  {
56                      r = t;
57                  }
58                  else
59                  {
60                      r.add(t);
61                  }
62              }
63              catch (EmptyPathException e)
64              {
65              }
66          }
67          return r;
68      }
70      /**
71       * This calculates the precise bounds of a shape.
72       * @param shape the shape you want the bounds of. This method throws a NullPointerException if this is null.
73       * @param transform if this is non-null, then this method returns the bounds of <code>shape</code> as seen through
74       *            <code>t</code>.
75       * @return the bounds of <code>shape</code>, as seen through <code>transform</code>.
76       * @throws EmptyPathException if the shape argument is empty.
77       */
78      public static Rectangle2D getBounds(Shape shape, AffineTransform transform) throws EmptyPathException
79      {
80          return getBounds(shape, transform, null);
81      }
83      /**
84       * This calculates the precise bounds of a shape.
85       * @param shape the shape you want the bounds of. This method throws a NullPointerException if this is null.
86       * @param transform if this is non-null, then this method returns the bounds of <code>shape</code> as seen through
87       *            <code>t</code>.
88       * @param r if this is non-null, then the result is stored in this rectangle. This is useful when you need to call this
89       *            method repeatedly without allocating a lot of memory.
90       * @return the bounds of <code>shape</code>, as seen through <code>transform</code>.
91       * @throws EmptyPathException if the shape argument is empty.
92       */
93      public static Rectangle2D getBounds(Shape shape, AffineTransform transform, Rectangle2D r) throws EmptyPathException
94      {
95          PathIterator i = shape.getPathIterator(transform);
96          return getBounds(i, r);
97      }
99      /**
100      * This calculates the precise bounds of a shape.
101      * @param shape the shape you want the bounds of. This method throws a NullPointerException if this is null.
102      * @param r if this is non-null, then the result is stored in this rectangle. This is useful when you need to call this
103      *            method repeatedly without allocating a lot of memory.
104      * @return the bounds of <code>shape</code>.
105      * @throws EmptyPathException if the shape argument is empty.
106      */
107     public static Rectangle2D getBounds(Shape shape, Rectangle2D r) throws EmptyPathException
108     {
109         return getBounds(shape, null, r);
110     }
112     /**
113      * This calculates the precise bounds of a shape.
114      * @param i the shape you want the bounds of. This method throws a NullPointerException if this is null.
115      * @return the bounds of <code>i</code>.
116      */
117     public static Rectangle2D getBounds(PathIterator i)
118     {
119         return getBounds(i, null);
120     }
122     /**
123      * This calculates the precise bounds of a shape.
124      * @param i the shape you want the bounds of. This method throws a NullPointerException if this is null.
125      * @param r if this is non-null, then the result is stored in this rectangle. This is useful when you need to call this
126      *            method repeatedly without allocating a lot of memory.
127      * @return the bounds of <code>i</code>.
128      */
129     public static Rectangle2D getBounds(PathIterator i, Rectangle2D r)
130     {
131         float[] f = new float[6];
133         int k;
135         /** left, top, right, and bottom bounds */
136         float[] bounds = null;
138         float lastX = 0;
139         float lastY = 0;
141         // A, B, C, and D in the equation x = a*t^3+b*t^2+c*t+d
142         // or A, B, and C in the equation x = a*t^2+b*t+c
143         float[] x_coeff = new float[4];
144         float[] y_coeff = new float[4];
146         float t, x, y, det;
147         while (i.isDone() == false)
148         {
149             k = i.currentSegment(f);
150             if (k == PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO)
151             {
152                 lastX = f[0];
153                 lastY = f[1];
154             }
155             else if (k == PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE)
156             {
157                 // do nothing
158                 // note if we had a simple MOVETO and SEG_CLOSE then
159                 // we haven't changed "bounds". This is intentional,
160                 // so if the shape is badly defined the bounds
161                 // should still make sense.
162             }
163             else
164             {
165                 if (bounds == null)
166                 {
167                     bounds = new float[] {lastX, lastY, lastX, lastY};
168                 }
169                 else
170                 {
171                     if (lastX < bounds[0])
172                         bounds[0] = lastX;
173                     if (lastY < bounds[1])
174                         bounds[1] = lastY;
175                     if (lastX > bounds[2])
176                         bounds[2] = lastX;
177                     if (lastY > bounds[3])
178                         bounds[3] = lastY;
179                 }
181                 if (k == PathIterator.SEG_LINETO)
182                 {
183                     if (f[0] < bounds[0])
184                         bounds[0] = f[0];
185                     if (f[1] < bounds[1])
186                         bounds[1] = f[1];
187                     if (f[0] > bounds[2])
188                         bounds[2] = f[0];
189                     if (f[1] > bounds[3])
190                         bounds[3] = f[1];
191                     lastX = f[0];
192                     lastY = f[1];
193                 }
194                 else if (k == PathIterator.SEG_QUADTO)
195                 {
196                     // check the end point
197                     if (f[2] < bounds[0])
198                         bounds[0] = f[2];
199                     if (f[3] < bounds[1])
200                         bounds[1] = f[3];
201                     if (f[2] > bounds[2])
202                         bounds[2] = f[2];
203                     if (f[3] > bounds[3])
204                         bounds[3] = f[3];
206                     // find the extrema
207                     x_coeff[0] = lastX - 2 * f[0] + f[2];
208                     x_coeff[1] = -2 * lastX + 2 * f[0];
209                     x_coeff[2] = lastX;
210                     y_coeff[0] = lastY - 2 * f[1] + f[3];
211                     y_coeff[1] = -2 * lastY + 2 * f[1];
212                     y_coeff[2] = lastY;
214                     // x = a*t^2+b*t+c
215                     // dx/dt = 0 = 2*a*t+b
216                     // t = -b/(2a)
217                     t = -x_coeff[1] / (2 * x_coeff[0]);
218                     if (t > 0 && t < 1)
219                     {
220                         x = x_coeff[0] * t * t + x_coeff[1] * t + x_coeff[2];
221                         if (x < bounds[0])
222                             bounds[0] = x;
223                         if (x > bounds[2])
224                             bounds[2] = x;
225                     }
226                     t = -y_coeff[1] / (2 * y_coeff[0]);
227                     if (t > 0 && t < 1)
228                     {
229                         y = y_coeff[0] * t * t + y_coeff[1] * t + y_coeff[2];
230                         if (y < bounds[1])
231                             bounds[1] = y;
232                         if (y > bounds[3])
233                             bounds[3] = y;
234                     }
235                     lastX = f[2];
236                     lastY = f[3];
237                 }
238                 else if (k == PathIterator.SEG_CUBICTO)
239                 {
240                     if (f[4] < bounds[0])
241                         bounds[0] = f[4];
242                     if (f[5] < bounds[1])
243                         bounds[1] = f[5];
244                     if (f[4] > bounds[2])
245                         bounds[2] = f[4];
246                     if (f[5] > bounds[3])
247                         bounds[3] = f[5];
249                     x_coeff[0] = -lastX + 3 * f[0] - 3 * f[2] + f[4];
250                     x_coeff[1] = 3 * lastX - 6 * f[0] + 3 * f[2];
251                     x_coeff[2] = -3 * lastX + 3 * f[0];
252                     x_coeff[3] = lastX;
254                     y_coeff[0] = -lastY + 3 * f[1] - 3 * f[3] + f[5];
255                     y_coeff[1] = 3 * lastY - 6 * f[1] + 3 * f[3];
256                     y_coeff[2] = -3 * lastY + 3 * f[1];
257                     y_coeff[3] = lastY;
259                     // x = a*t*t*t+b*t*t+c*t+d
260                     // dx/dt = 3*a*t*t+2*b*t+c
261                     // t = [-B+-sqrt(B^2-4*A*C)]/(2A)
262                     // A = 3*a
263                     // B = 2*b
264                     // C = c
265                     // t = (-2*b+-sqrt(4*b*b-12*a*c)]/(6*a)
266                     det = (4 * x_coeff[1] * x_coeff[1] - 12 * x_coeff[0] * x_coeff[2]);
267                     if (det < 0)
268                     {
269                         // there are no solutions! nothing to do here
270                     }
271                     else if (det == 0)
272                     {
273                         // there is 1 solution
274                         t = -2 * x_coeff[1] / (6 * x_coeff[0]);
275                         if (t > 0 && t < 1)
276                         {
277                             x = x_coeff[0] * t * t * t + x_coeff[1] * t * t + x_coeff[2] * t + x_coeff[3];
278                             if (x < bounds[0])
279                                 bounds[0] = x;
280                             if (x > bounds[2])
281                                 bounds[2] = x;
282                         }
283                     }
284                     else
285                     {
286                         // there are 2 solutions:
287                         det = (float) Math.sqrt(det);
288                         t = (-2 * x_coeff[1] + det) / (6 * x_coeff[0]);
289                         if (t > 0 && t < 1)
290                         {
291                             x = x_coeff[0] * t * t * t + x_coeff[1] * t * t + x_coeff[2] * t + x_coeff[3];
292                             if (x < bounds[0])
293                                 bounds[0] = x;
294                             if (x > bounds[2])
295                                 bounds[2] = x;
296                         }
298                         t = (-2 * x_coeff[1] - det) / (6 * x_coeff[0]);
299                         if (t > 0 && t < 1)
300                         {
301                             x = x_coeff[0] * t * t * t + x_coeff[1] * t * t + x_coeff[2] * t + x_coeff[3];
302                             if (x < bounds[0])
303                                 bounds[0] = x;
304                             if (x > bounds[2])
305                                 bounds[2] = x;
306                         }
307                     }
309                     det = (4 * y_coeff[1] * y_coeff[1] - 12 * y_coeff[0] * y_coeff[2]);
310                     if (det < 0)
311                     {
312                         // there are no solutions! nothing to do here
313                     }
314                     else if (det == 0)
315                     {
316                         // there is 1 solution
317                         t = -2 * y_coeff[1] / (6 * y_coeff[0]);
318                         if (t > 0 && t < 1)
319                         {
320                             y = y_coeff[0] * t * t * t + y_coeff[1] * t * t + y_coeff[2] * t + y_coeff[3];
321                             if (y < bounds[1])
322                                 bounds[1] = y;
323                             if (y > bounds[3])
324                                 bounds[3] = y;
325                         }
326                     }
327                     else
328                     {
329                         // there are 2 solutions:
330                         det = (float) Math.sqrt(det);
331                         t = (-2 * y_coeff[1] + det) / (6 * y_coeff[0]);
332                         if (t > 0 && t < 1)
333                         {
334                             y = y_coeff[0] * t * t * t + y_coeff[1] * t * t + y_coeff[2] * t + y_coeff[3];
335                             if (y < bounds[1])
336                                 bounds[1] = y;
337                             if (y > bounds[3])
338                                 bounds[3] = y;
339                         }
341                         t = (-2 * y_coeff[1] - det) / (6 * y_coeff[0]);
342                         if (t > 0 && t < 1)
343                         {
344                             y = y_coeff[0] * t * t * t + y_coeff[1] * t * t + y_coeff[2] * t + y_coeff[3];
345                             if (y < bounds[1])
346                                 bounds[1] = y;
347                             if (y > bounds[3])
348                                 bounds[3] = y;
349                         }
350                     }
352                     lastX = f[4];
353                     lastY = f[5];
354                 }
355             }
356   ;
357         }
359         if (bounds == null)
360         {
361             throw new EmptyPathException();
362         }
363         if (r != null)
364         {
365             r.setFrame(bounds[0], bounds[1], bounds[2] - bounds[0], bounds[3] - bounds[1]);
366             return r;
367         }
368         return new Rectangle2D.Float(bounds[0], bounds[1], bounds[2] - bounds[0], bounds[3] - bounds[1]);
369     }
370 }