Class DetectorImage

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Remote, EventListener, org.djutils.event.EventListener, TrafCODObject

class DetectorImage extends Object implements TrafCODObject, org.djutils.event.EventListener
Draws a detector.
  • Constructor Details

    • DetectorImage

      DetectorImage(TrafCodDisplay display, Point2D center, String id, String description)
      Construct a new DetectorImage.
      display - the TrafCOD display on which this detector image will be rendered
      center - the center location of the detector image on the TrafCOD display
      id - id used to match this detector with the TrafCOD detector input
      description - name of the detector (displayed as tool tip text)
  • Method Details

    • draw

      public void draw(Graphics2D g2)
      Description copied from interface: TrafCODObject
      Draw yourself at the indicated location.
      Specified by:
      draw in interface TrafCODObject
      g2 - the graphics context
    • notify

      public void notify(org.djutils.event.Event event) throws RemoteException
      Specified by:
      notify in interface org.djutils.event.EventListener
    • toolTipHit

      public String toolTipHit(int testX, int testY)
      Description copied from interface: TrafCODObject
      Check if the given coordinates hit the TrafCODObject. If it does return a String to be used as a tool tip text. If the coordinates do not hit this TrafCODObject return null.
      Specified by:
      toolTipHit in interface TrafCODObject
      testX - the x-coordinate
      testY - the y-coordinate
      the tool tip text or null if the coordinates do not hit the TrafCodObject
    • getId

      public String getId()
      Retrieve the id of this DetectorImage.
      the id of this DetectorImage