Interface TrafCODObject

All Known Implementing Classes:
DetectorImage, TrafficLightImage

interface TrafCODObject
Interface for objects that can draw themselves onto a Graphics2D and may want to show their own tool tip text when the mouse hits them.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Draw yourself at the indicated location.
    toolTipHit(int testX, int testY)
    Check if the given coordinates hit the TrafCODObject.
  • Method Details

    • draw

      void draw(Graphics2D g2)
      Draw yourself at the indicated location.
      g2 - the graphics context
    • toolTipHit

      String toolTipHit(int testX, int testY)
      Check if the given coordinates hit the TrafCODObject. If it does return a String to be used as a tool tip text. If the coordinates do not hit this TrafCODObject return null.
      testX - the x-coordinate
      testY - the y-coordinate
      the tool tip text or null if the coordinates do not hit the TrafCodObject