View Javadoc
1   package org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception;
3   import;
4   import java.util.HashMap;
5   import java.util.HashSet;
6   import java.util.Iterator;
7   import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
8   import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
9   import java.util.List;
10  import java.util.Map;
11  import java.util.Set;
12  import java.util.SortedSet;
13  import java.util.TreeMap;
14  import java.util.TreeSet;
16  import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Length;
17  import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Time;
18  import org.djutils.exceptions.Throw;
19  import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.GTUDirectionality;
20  import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.GTUException;
21  import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.GTUType;
22  import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.RelativePosition;
23  import;
24  import;
25  import;
26  import;
27  import org.opentrafficsim.core.perception.Historical;
28  import org.opentrafficsim.core.perception.HistoricalValue;
29  import org.opentrafficsim.core.perception.HistoryManager;
30  import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.LaneBasedGTU;
31  import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.RollingLaneStructureRecord.RecordLink;
32  import;
33  import;
34  import;
35  import;
36  import;
38  /**
39   * This data structure can clearly indicate the lane structure ahead of us, e.g. in the following situation:
40   * 
41   * <pre>
42   *     (---- a ----)(---- b ----)(---- c ----)(---- d ----)(---- e ----)(---- f ----)(---- g ----)  
43   *                                             __________                             __________
44   *                                            / _________ 1                          / _________ 2
45   *                                           / /                                    / /
46   *                                __________/ /             _______________________/ /
47   *  1  ____________ ____________ /_ _ _ _ _ _/____________ /_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ /      
48   *  0 |_ _X_ _ _ _ |_ _ _ _ _ _ |_ _ _ _ _ _ |_ _ _ _ _ _ |_ _ _ _ _ _ |_ _ _ _ _ _ \____________
49   * -1 |____________|_ _ _ _ _ _ |____________|____________|  __________|____________|____________| 3
50   * -2              / __________/                           \ \  
51   *        ________/ /                                       \ \___________  
52   *      5 _________/                                         \____________  4
53   * </pre>
54   * 
55   * When the GTU is looking ahead, it needs to know that when it continues to destination 3, it needs to shift one lane to the
56   * right at some point, but <b>not</b> two lanes to the right in link b, and not later than at the end of link f. When it needs
57   * to go to destination 1, it needs to shift to the left in link c. When it has to go to destination 2, it has to shift to the
58   * left, but not earlier than at link e. At node [de], it is possible to leave the rightmost lane of link e, and go to
59   * destination 4. The rightmost lane just splits into two lanes at the end of link d, and the GTU can either continue driving to
60   * destination 3, turn right to destination 4. This means that the right lane of link d has <b>two</b> successor lanes.
61   * <p>
62   * In the data structures, lanes are numbered laterally. Suppose that the lane where vehicle X resides would be number 0.
63   * Consistent with "left is positive" for angles, the lane right of X would have number -1, and entry 5 would have number -2.
64   * <p>
65   * In the data structure, this can be indicated as follows (N = next, P = previous, L = left, R = right, D = lane drop, . =
66   * continued but not in this structure). The merge lane in b is considered "off limits" for the GTUs on the "main" lane -1; the
67   * "main" lane 0 is considered off limits from the exit lanes on c, e, and f. Still, we need to maintain pointers to these
68   * lanes, as we are interested in the GTUs potentially driving next to us, feeding into our lane, etc.
69   * 
70   * <pre>
71   *       1                0               -1               -2
72   *       
73   *                       ROOT 
74   *                   _____|_____      ___________      ___________            
75   *                  |_-_|_._|_R_|----|_L_|_._|_-_|    |_-_|_._|_-_|  a           
76   *                        |                |                |
77   *                   _____V_____      _____V_____      _____V_____            
78   *                  |_-_|_N_|_R_|----|_L_|_N_|_R_|&lt;---|_L_|_D_|_-_|  b           
79   *                        |                |                 
80   *  ___________      _____V_____      _____V_____                 
81   * |_-_|_N_|_R_|&lt;---|_L_|_N_|_R_|----|_L_|_N_|_-_|                   c
82   *       |                |                |                 
83   *  _____V_____      _____V_____      _____V_____                 
84   * |_-_|_._|_-_|    |_-_|_N_|_R_|----|_L_|_NN|_-_|                   d          
85   *                        |                ||_______________ 
86   *  ___________      _____V_____      _____V_____      _____V_____            
87   * |_-_|_N_|_R_|&lt;---|_L_|_N_|_R_|----|_L_|_N_|_-_|    |_-_|_N_|_-_|  e          
88   *       |                |                |                |
89   *  _____V_____      _____V_____      _____V_____      _____V_____            
90   * |_-_|_N_|_R_|&lt;---|_L_|_D_|_R_|----|_L_|_N_|_-_|    |_-_|_._|_-_|  f          
91   *       |                                 |                 
92   *  _____V_____                       _____V_____                             
93   * |_-_|_._|_-_|                     |_-_|_._|_-_|                   g
94   * </pre>
95   * <p>
96   * Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. <br>
97   * BSD-style license. See <a href="">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
98   * </p>
99   * $LastChangedDate: 2015-07-24 02:58:59 +0200 (Fri, 24 Jul 2015) $, @version $Revision: 1147 $, by $Author: averbraeck $,
100  * initial version Feb 20, 2016 <br>
101  * @author <a href="">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
102  */
103 public class RollingLaneStructure implements LaneStructure, Serializable
104 {
105     /** */
106     private static final long serialVersionUID = 20160400L;
108     /** The lanes from which we observe the situation. */
109     private final Historical<RollingLaneStructureRecord> root;
111     /** Look ahead distance. */
112     private Length lookAhead;
114     /** Route the structure is based on. */
115     private Route previousRoute;
117     /** Lane structure records of the cross section. */
118     private TreeMap<RelativeLane, RollingLaneStructureRecord> crossSectionRecords = new TreeMap<>();
120     /** First lane structure records. */
121     private TreeMap<RelativeLane, RollingLaneStructureRecord> firstRecords = new TreeMap<>();
123     /** Lane structure records grouped per relative lane. */
124     private Map<RelativeLane, Set<RollingLaneStructureRecord>> relativeLaneMap = new HashMap<>();
126     /** Relative lanes storage per record, such that other records can be linked to the correct relative lane. */
127     private Map<LaneStructureRecord, RelativeLane> relativeLanes = new HashMap<>();
129     /** Set of lanes that can be ignored as they are beyond build bounds. */
130     private final Set<Lane> ignoreSet = new HashSet<>();
132     /** Upstream edges. */
133     private final Set<RollingLaneStructureRecord> upstreamEdge = new LinkedHashSet<>();
135     /** Downstream edges. */
136     private final Set<RollingLaneStructureRecord> downstreamEdge = new LinkedHashSet<>();
138     /** Downstream distance over which the structure is made. */
139     private final Length down;
141     /** Upstream distance over which the structure is made. */
142     private final Length up;
144     /** Downstream distance at splits (links not on route) included in the structure. */
145     private final Length downSplit;
147     /** Upstream distance at downstream merges (links not on route) included in the structure. */
148     private final Length upMerge;
150     /** GTU. */
151     private final LaneBasedGTU containingGtu;
153     /** the animation access. */
154     @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:visibilitymodifier")
155     public AnimationAccess animationAccess = new AnimationAccess();
157     /**
158      * Constructor.
159      * @param lookAhead Length; distance over which visual objects are included
160      * @param down Length; downstream distance over which the structure is made
161      * @param up Length; upstream distance over which the structure is made, should include a margin for reaction time
162      * @param downSplit Length; downstream distance at splits (links not on route) included in the structure
163      * @param upMerge Length; upstream distance at downstream merges (links not on route) included in the structure
164      * @param gtu LaneBasedGTU; GTU
165      */
166     public RollingLaneStructure(final Length lookAhead, final Length down, final Length up, final Length downSplit,
167             final Length upMerge, final LaneBasedGTU gtu)
168     {
169         HistoryManager historyManager = gtu.getSimulator().getReplication().getHistoryManager(gtu.getSimulator());
170         this.root = new HistoricalValue<>(historyManager);
171         this.lookAhead = lookAhead;
172         this.down = down;
173         this.up = up;
174         this.downSplit = downSplit;
175         this.upMerge = upMerge;
176         this.containingGtu = gtu;
177     }
179     /**
180      * Updates the underlying structure shifting the root position to the input.
181      * @param pos DirectedLanePosition; current position of the GTU
182      * @param route Route; current route of the GTU
183      * @param gtuType GTUType; GTU type
184      * @throws GTUException on a problem while updating the structure
185      */
186     @Override
187     public final void update(final DirectedLanePosition pos, final Route route, final GTUType gtuType) throws GTUException
188     {
190         /*
191          * Implementation note: the LaneStructure was previously generated by AbstractLanePerception every time step. This
192          * functionality has been moved to LaneStructure itself, in a manner that can update the LaneStructure. Start distances
193          * of individual records are therefore made dynamic, calculated relative to a neighboring source record. For many time
194          * steps this means that only these distances have to be updated. In other cases, the sources for start distances are
195          * changed concerning the records that were involved in the previous time step. The LaneStructure now also maintains an
196          * upstream and a downstream edge, i.e. set of records. These are moved forward as the GTU moves.
197          */
199         // fractional position
200         Lane lane = pos.getLane();
201         GTUDirectionality direction = pos.getGtuDirection();
202         Length position = pos.getPosition();
203         double fracPos = direction.isPlus() ? / lane.getLength().si : 1.0 - / lane.getLength().si;
205         // TODO on complex networks, e.g. with sections connectors where lane changes are not possible, the update may fail
206         if (this.previousRoute != route || this.root.get() == null)
207         {
208             // create new LaneStructure
209             this.previousRoute = route;
211             // clear
212             this.upstreamEdge.clear();
213             this.downstreamEdge.clear();
214             this.crossSectionRecords.clear();
215             this.relativeLanes.clear();
217             // build cross-section
218             RollingLaneStructureRecord newRoot = constructRecord(lane, direction, null, RecordLink.CROSS, RelativeLane.CURRENT);
219             this.root.set(newRoot);
220             this.crossSectionRecords.put(RelativeLane.CURRENT, newRoot);
221             for (LateralDirectionality latDirection : new LateralDirectionality[] { LateralDirectionality.LEFT,
222                     LateralDirectionality.RIGHT })
223             {
224                 RollingLaneStructureRecord current = newRoot;
225                 RelativeLane relativeLane = RelativeLane.CURRENT;
226                 Set<Lane> adjacentLanes =
227                         current.getLane().accessibleAdjacentLanesPhysical(latDirection, gtuType, current.getDirection());
228                 while (!adjacentLanes.isEmpty())
229                 {
230                     Throw.when(adjacentLanes.size() > 1, RuntimeException.class,
231                             "Multiple adjacent lanes encountered during construction of lane map.");
232                     relativeLane = latDirection.isLeft() ? relativeLane.getLeft() : relativeLane.getRight();
233                     Lane adjacentLane = adjacentLanes.iterator().next();
234                     RollingLaneStructureRecord adjacentRecord =
235                             constructRecord(adjacentLane, direction, current, RecordLink.CROSS, relativeLane);
236                     this.crossSectionRecords.put(relativeLane, adjacentRecord);
237                     if (latDirection.isLeft())
238                     {
239                         if (adjacentLane
240                                 .accessibleAdjacentLanesPhysical(LateralDirectionality.RIGHT, gtuType, current.getDirection())
241                                 .contains(current.getLane()))
242                         {
243                             adjacentRecord.setRight(current, gtuType);
244                         }
245                         current.setLeft(adjacentRecord, gtuType);
246                     }
247                     else
248                     {
249                         if (adjacentLane
250                                 .accessibleAdjacentLanesPhysical(LateralDirectionality.LEFT, gtuType, current.getDirection())
251                                 .contains(current.getLane()))
252                         {
253                             adjacentRecord.setLeft(current, gtuType);
254                         }
255                         current.setRight(adjacentRecord, gtuType);
256                     }
257                     current = adjacentRecord;
258                     adjacentLanes =
259                             current.getLane().accessibleAdjacentLanesPhysical(latDirection, gtuType, current.getDirection());
260                 }
261             }
262             this.upstreamEdge.addAll(this.crossSectionRecords.values());
263             this.downstreamEdge.addAll(this.crossSectionRecords.values());
264             this.firstRecords.putAll(this.crossSectionRecords);
266             // set the start distances so the upstream expand can work
267             newRoot.updateStartDistance(fracPos, this);
269             // expand upstream edge
270             expandUpstreamEdge(gtuType, fracPos);
272             // derive first records
273             deriveFirstRecords();
274         }
275         else
276         {
278             // update LaneStructure
279             RollingLaneStructureRecord newRoot = this.root.get();
280             if (!lane.equals(newRoot.getLane()))
281             {
283                 // find the root, and possible lateral shift if changed lane
284                 newRoot = null;
285                 RelativeLane lateralMove = null;
286                 double closest = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
287                 for (RelativeLane relativeLane : this.relativeLaneMap.keySet())
288                 {
289                     for (RollingLaneStructureRecord record : this.relativeLaneMap.get(relativeLane))
290                     {
291                         if (record.getLane().equals(lane) && record.getStartDistance().si < closest
292                                 && record.getStartDistance().si + record.getLength().si > 0.0)
293                         {
294                             newRoot = record;
295                             lateralMove = relativeLane;
296                             // multiple records may be present for the current lane due to a loop
297                             closest = record.getStartDistance().si;
298                         }
299                     }
300                 }
301                 // newRoot.getPrev().contains(newRoot.getStartDistanceSource())
302                 this.root.set(newRoot);
304                 // update start distance sources
305                 updateStartDistanceSources();
307                 // shift if changed lane
308                 if (!lateralMove.isCurrent())
309                 {
310                     RelativeLane delta =
311                             new RelativeLane(lateralMove.getLateralDirectionality().flip(), lateralMove.getNumLanes());
313                     TreeMap<RelativeLane, Set<RollingLaneStructureRecord>> newRelativeLaneMap = new TreeMap<>();
314                     for (RelativeLane relativeLane : this.relativeLaneMap.keySet())
315                     {
316                         RelativeLane newRelativeLane = relativeLane.add(delta);
317                         newRelativeLaneMap.put(newRelativeLane, this.relativeLaneMap.get(relativeLane));
318                     }
319                     this.relativeLaneMap = newRelativeLaneMap;
321                     Map<LaneStructureRecord, RelativeLane> newRelativeLanes = new HashMap<>();
322                     for (LaneStructureRecord record : this.relativeLanes.keySet())
323                     {
324                         newRelativeLanes.put(record, this.relativeLanes.get(record).add(delta));
325                     }
326                     this.relativeLanes = newRelativeLanes;
327                 }
329                 this.crossSectionRecords.clear();
330                 this.crossSectionRecords.put(RelativeLane.CURRENT, newRoot);
331                 for (LateralDirectionality latDirection : new LateralDirectionality[] { LateralDirectionality.LEFT,
332                         LateralDirectionality.RIGHT })
333                 {
334                     RollingLaneStructureRecord record = newRoot;
335                     RollingLaneStructureRecord next = newRoot;
336                     RelativeLane delta = new RelativeLane(latDirection, 1);
337                     RelativeLane relLane = RelativeLane.CURRENT;
338                     while (next != null)
339                     {
340                         next = latDirection.isLeft() ? record.getLeft() : record.getRight();
341                         if (next != null)
342                         {
343                             next.changeStartDistanceSource(record, RecordLink.CROSS);
344                             relLane = relLane.add(delta);
345                             this.crossSectionRecords.put(relLane, next);
346                             record = next;
347                         }
348                     }
349                 }
351             }
352             newRoot.updateStartDistance(fracPos, this);
354             // update upstream edges
355             retreatUpstreamEdge();
357             // derive first records
358             deriveFirstRecords();
360         }
362         // update downstream edges
363         expandDownstreamEdge(gtuType, fracPos, route);
365     }
367     /**
368      * Derives the first downstream records so the extended cross-section can be returned.
369      */
370     private void deriveFirstRecords()
371     {
372         this.firstRecords.clear();
373         this.firstRecords.putAll(this.crossSectionRecords);
374         for (RelativeLane lane : this.relativeLaneMap.keySet())
375         {
376             getFirstRecord(lane); // store non-null values internally
377         }
378     }
380     /**
381      * Upstream algorithm from the new source, where records along the way are assigned a new start distance source. These
382      * records were downstream in the previous time step, but are now upstream. Hence, their start distance source should now
383      * become their downstream record. This algorithm acts like an upstream tree, where each branch is stopped if there are no
384      * upstream records, or the upstream records already have their downstream record as source (i.e. the record was already
385      * upstream in the previous time step).
386      */
387     private void updateStartDistanceSources()
388     {
390         // initial cross section
391         Set<RollingLaneStructureRecord> set = new HashSet<>();
392         RollingLaneStructureRecord rootRecord = this.root.get();
393         set.add(rootRecord);
394         rootRecord.changeStartDistanceSource(null, RecordLink.CROSS);
395         RollingLaneStructureRecord prev = rootRecord;
396         RollingLaneStructureRecord next = prev.getLeft();
397         while (next != null)
398         {
399             set.add(next);
400             next.changeStartDistanceSource(prev, RecordLink.CROSS);
401             prev = next;
402             next = next.getLeft();
403         }
404         prev = rootRecord;
405         next = prev.getRight();
406         while (next != null)
407         {
408             set.add(next);
409             next.changeStartDistanceSource(prev, RecordLink.CROSS);
410             prev = next;
411             next = next.getRight();
412         }
413         // tree algorithm (branches flattened to a single set)
414         while (!set.isEmpty())
415         {
416             // lateral
417             Set<RollingLaneStructureRecord> newSet = new HashSet<>();
418             for (RollingLaneStructureRecord record : set)
419             {
420                 for (LateralDirectionality latDirection : new LateralDirectionality[] { LateralDirectionality.LEFT,
421                         LateralDirectionality.RIGHT })
422                 {
423                     prev = record;
424                     next = latDirection.isLeft() ? record.getLeft() : record.getRight();
425                     while (next != null && !set.contains(next))
426                     {
427                         next.changeStartDistanceSource(prev, RecordLink.LATERAL_END);
428                         removeDownstream(next, latDirection.flip()); // split not taken can be thrown away
429                         newSet.add(next);
430                         prev = next;
431                         next = latDirection.isLeft() ? next.getLeft() : next.getRight();
432                     }
433                 }
434             }
435             set.addAll(newSet);
437             // longitudinal
438             newSet.clear();
439             for (RollingLaneStructureRecord record : set)
440             {
441                 for (RollingLaneStructureRecord prevRecord : record.getPrev())
442                 {
443                     Iterator<RollingLaneStructureRecord> it = prevRecord.getNext().iterator();
444                     while (it.hasNext())
445                     {
446                         RollingLaneStructureRecord otherDown =;
447                         if (!otherDown.getLane().getParentLink().equals(record.getLane().getParentLink()))
448                         {
449                             // split not taken can be thrown away
450                             otherDown.changeStartDistanceSource(null, null);
451                             // this can throw away records that are laterally connected as they later merge... ??
452                             removeDownstream(otherDown, LateralDirectionality.NONE);
453                             removeRecord(otherDown);
454                             it.remove();
455                         }
456                     }
457                     LaneStructureRecord source = prevRecord.getStartDistanceSource();
458                     if (source == null || (source != null && !source.equals(record)))
459                     {
460                         prevRecord.changeStartDistanceSource(record, RecordLink.UP);
461                         newSet.add(prevRecord);
462                     }
463                 }
464             }
466             // next loop
467             set = newSet;
468         }
469     }
471     /**
472      * Removes all records downstream of the given record from underlying data structures.
473      * @param record RollingLaneStructureRecord; record, downstream of which to remove all records
474      * @param lat LateralDirectionality; records with an adjacent record at this side are not deleted
475      */
476     private void removeDownstream(final RollingLaneStructureRecord record, final LateralDirectionality lat)
477     {
478         for (RollingLaneStructureRecord next : record.getNext())
479         {
480             RollingLaneStructureRecord adj = lat.isLeft() ? next.getLeft() : lat.isRight() ? next.getRight() : null;
481             if (adj == null)
482             {
483                 next.changeStartDistanceSource(null, null);
484                 removeDownstream(next, lat);
485                 removeRecord(next);
486             }
487         }
488         record.clearNextList();
489     }
491     /**
492      * Removes the record from underlying data structures.
493      * @param record RollingLaneStructureRecord; record to remove
494      */
495     private void removeRecord(final RollingLaneStructureRecord record)
496     {
497         RelativeLane lane = this.relativeLanes.get(record);
498         if (lane != null)
499         {
500             this.relativeLanes.remove(record);
501         }
502         record.changeStartDistanceSource(null, null);
504     }
506     /**
507      * On a new build, this method is used to create the upstream map.
508      * @param gtuType GTUType; GTU type
509      * @param fractionalPosition double; fractional position on reference link
510      * @throws GTUException on exception
511      */
512     private void expandUpstreamEdge(final GTUType gtuType, final double fractionalPosition) throws GTUException
513     {
514         this.ignoreSet.clear();
515         for (LaneStructureRecord record : this.upstreamEdge)
516         {
517             this.ignoreSet.add(record.getLane());
518         }
519         Set<RollingLaneStructureRecord> nextSet = new LinkedHashSet<>();
520         boolean expand = true;
521         while (expand)
522         {
523             expand = false;
525             // longitudinal
526             Iterator<RollingLaneStructureRecord> iterator = this.upstreamEdge.iterator();
527             Set<RollingLaneStructureRecord> modifiedEdge = new LinkedHashSet<>(this.upstreamEdge);
528             while (iterator.hasNext())
529             {
530                 RollingLaneStructureRecord prev =;
531                 Map<Lane, GTUDirectionality> nexts = prev.getLane().upstreamLanes(prev.getDirection(), gtuType);
532                 if (prev.getStartDistance().si <
533                 {
534                     // upstream search ends on this lane
535                     prev.setCutOffStart(this.up.minus(prev.getStartDistance()));
536                     for (Lane prevLane : nexts.keySet())
537                     {
538                         this.ignoreSet.add(prevLane); // exclude in lateral search
539                     }
540                 }
541                 else
542                 {
543                     // upstream search goes further upstream
544                     prev.clearCutOffStart();
545                     iterator.remove();
546                     if (!nexts.isEmpty())
547                     {
548                         for (Lane prevLane : nexts.keySet())
549                         {
550                             RelativeLane relativeLane = this.relativeLanes.get(prev);
551                             RollingLaneStructureRecord next =
552                                     constructRecord(prevLane, nexts.get(prevLane), prev, RecordLink.UP, relativeLane);
553                             this.ignoreSet.add(prevLane);
554                             next.updateStartDistance(fractionalPosition, this);
555                             connectLaterally(next, gtuType, modifiedEdge);
556                             next.addNext(prev);
557                             prev.addPrev(next);
558                             nextSet.add(next);
559                             modifiedEdge.add(next);
560                         }
561                     }
562                 }
563             }
564             this.upstreamEdge.addAll(nextSet);
565             expand |= !nextSet.isEmpty();
566             nextSet.clear();
568             // lateral
569             Set<RollingLaneStructureRecord> lateralSet =
570                     expandLateral(this.upstreamEdge, RecordLink.LATERAL_END, gtuType, fractionalPosition);
571             nextSet.addAll(lateralSet);
573             // next iteration
574             this.upstreamEdge.addAll(nextSet);
575             expand |= !nextSet.isEmpty();
576             nextSet.clear();
577         }
578     }
580     /**
581      * Helper method for upstream and downstream expansion. This method returns all lanes that can be laterally found from the
582      * input set.
583      * @param edge Set&lt;RollingLaneStructureRecord&gt;; input set
584      * @param recordLink RecordLink; link to add between lateral records, depends on upstream or downstream search
585      * @param gtuType GTUType; GTU type
586      * @param fractionalPosition double; fractional position on reference link
587      * @return Set&lt;LaneStructureRecord&gt;; output set with all laterally found lanes
588      */
589     private Set<RollingLaneStructureRecord> expandLateral(final Set<RollingLaneStructureRecord> edge,
590             final RecordLink recordLink, final GTUType gtuType, final double fractionalPosition)
591     {
592         Set<RollingLaneStructureRecord> nextSet = new LinkedHashSet<>();
593         Set<Lane> laneSet = new HashSet<>(); // set to check that an adjacent lane is not another lane already in the set
594         for (LaneStructureRecord record : edge)
595         {
596             laneSet.add(record.getLane());
597         }
598         Iterator<RollingLaneStructureRecord> iterator = edge.iterator();
599         while (iterator.hasNext())
600         {
601             RollingLaneStructureRecord record =;
602             for (LateralDirectionality latDirection : new LateralDirectionality[] { LateralDirectionality.LEFT,
603                     LateralDirectionality.RIGHT })
604             {
605                 if (record.getRight() != null && latDirection.isRight() || record.getLeft() != null && latDirection.isLeft())
606                 {
607                     // skip if there already is a record on that side
608                     continue;
609                 }
610                 RelativeLane relativeLane = this.relativeLanes.get(record);
611                 RollingLaneStructureRecord prev = record;
612                 Set<Lane> adjacentLanes =
613                         prev.getLane().accessibleAdjacentLanesPhysical(latDirection, gtuType, prev.getDirection());
614                 while (!adjacentLanes.isEmpty())
615                 {
616                     Throw.when(adjacentLanes.size() > 1, RuntimeException.class,
617                             "Multiple adjacent lanes encountered during construction of lane map.");
618                     relativeLane = latDirection.isLeft() ? relativeLane.getLeft() : relativeLane.getRight();
619                     Lane nextLane = adjacentLanes.iterator().next();
620                     if (!laneSet.contains(nextLane) && !this.ignoreSet.contains(nextLane))
621                     {
622                         RollingLaneStructureRecord next =
623                                 constructRecord(nextLane, record.getDirection(), prev, recordLink, relativeLane);
624                         this.ignoreSet.add(nextLane);
625                         next.updateStartDistance(fractionalPosition, this);
626                         nextSet.add(next);
627                         laneSet.add(nextLane);
628                         if (latDirection.isLeft())
629                         {
630                             prev.setLeft(next, gtuType);
631                             if (nextLane
632                                     .accessibleAdjacentLanesPhysical(LateralDirectionality.RIGHT, gtuType, prev.getDirection())
633                                     .contains(prev.getLane()))
634                             {
635                                 next.setRight(prev, gtuType);
636                             }
637                             for (RollingLaneStructureRecord edgeRecord : edge)
638                             {
639                                 if (!edgeRecord.equals(prev)
640                                         && edgeRecord.getLane().getParentLink().equals(next.getLane().getParentLink()))
641                                 {
642                                     for (Lane adjLane : edgeRecord.getLane().accessibleAdjacentLanesPhysical(
643                                             LateralDirectionality.RIGHT, gtuType, edgeRecord.getDirection()))
644                                     {
645                                         if (adjLane.equals(next.getLane()))
646                                         {
647                                             edgeRecord.setRight(next, gtuType);
648                                             next.setLeft(edgeRecord, gtuType);
649                                         }
650                                     }
651                                 }
652                             }
653                         }
654                         else
655                         {
656                             prev.setRight(next, gtuType);
657                             if (nextLane
658                                     .accessibleAdjacentLanesPhysical(LateralDirectionality.LEFT, gtuType, prev.getDirection())
659                                     .contains(prev.getLane()))
660                             {
661                                 next.setLeft(prev, gtuType);
662                             }
663                             for (RollingLaneStructureRecord edgeRecord : edge)
664                             {
665                                 if (!edgeRecord.equals(prev)
666                                         && edgeRecord.getLane().getParentLink().equals(next.getLane().getParentLink()))
667                                 {
668                                     for (Lane adjLane : edgeRecord.getLane().accessibleAdjacentLanesPhysical(
669                                             LateralDirectionality.LEFT, gtuType, edgeRecord.getDirection()))
670                                     {
671                                         if (adjLane.equals(next.getLane()))
672                                         {
673                                             edgeRecord.setLeft(next, gtuType);
674                                             next.setRight(edgeRecord, gtuType);
675                                         }
676                                     }
677                                 }
678                             }
679                         }
680                         prev = next;
681                         adjacentLanes =
682                                 prev.getLane().accessibleAdjacentLanesPhysical(latDirection, gtuType, prev.getDirection());
683                     }
684                     else
685                     {
686                         break;
687                     }
688                 }
689             }
690         }
691         return nextSet;
692     }
694     /**
695      * This method makes sure that not all history is maintained forever, and the upstream edge moves with the GTU.
696      * @throws GTUException on exception
697      */
698     private void retreatUpstreamEdge() throws GTUException
699     {
700         boolean moved = true;
701         Set<RollingLaneStructureRecord> nexts = new LinkedHashSet<>();
702         while (moved)
703         {
704             moved = false;
705             nexts.clear();
706             Iterator<RollingLaneStructureRecord> iterator = this.upstreamEdge.iterator();
707             while (iterator.hasNext())
708             {
709                 RollingLaneStructureRecord prev =;
710                 // nexts may contain 'prev' as two lanes are removed from the upstream edge that merge in to 1 downstream lane
711                 if (!nexts.contains(prev) && prev.getStartDistance().si + prev.getLane().getLength().si <
712                 {
713                     for (RollingLaneStructureRecord next : prev.getNext())
714                     {
715                         next.clearPrevList();
716                         next.setCutOffStart(this.up.minus(next.getStartDistance()));
717                         moved = true;
718                         nexts.add(next);
719                         RollingLaneStructureRecord lat = next.getLeft();
720                         while (lat != null && lat.getPrev().isEmpty())
721                         {
722                             nexts.add(lat);
723                             lat = lat.getLeft();
724                         }
725                         lat = next.getRight();
726                         while (lat != null && lat.getPrev().isEmpty())
727                         {
728                             nexts.add(lat);
729                             lat = lat.getRight();
730                         }
731                     }
732                     prev.clearNextList();
733                     removeRecord(prev);
734                     iterator.remove();
735                 }
736                 else
737                 {
738                     Length cutOff = this.up.minus(prev.getStartDistance());
739                     if ( > 0)
740                     {
741                         prev.setCutOffStart(cutOff);
742                     }
743                 }
744             }
745             this.upstreamEdge.addAll(nexts);
747             // check adjacent lanes
748             for (RollingLaneStructureRecord record : nexts)
749             {
750                 RollingLaneStructureRecord prev = record;
751                 for (LateralDirectionality latDirection : new LateralDirectionality[] { LateralDirectionality.LEFT,
752                         LateralDirectionality.RIGHT })
753                 {
754                     while (prev != null)
755                     {
756                         RollingLaneStructureRecord next = latDirection.isLeft() ? prev.getLeft() : prev.getRight();
757                         if (next != null && !this.upstreamEdge.contains(next))
758                         {
759                             moved |= findUpstreamEdge(next);
760                         }
761                         prev = next;
762                     }
763                 }
764             }
765         }
766     }
768     /**
769      * Recursive method to find downstream record(s) on the upstream edge, as the edge was moved downstream and a laterally
770      * connected lane was not yet in the upstream edge. All edge records are added to the edge set.
771      * @param record RollingLaneStructureRecord; newly found adjacent record after moving the upstream edge downstream
772      * @return boolean; whether a record was added to the edge, note that no record is added of the record is fully downstream
773      *         of the upstream view distance
774      * @throws GTUException on exception
775      */
776     private boolean findUpstreamEdge(final RollingLaneStructureRecord record) throws GTUException
777     {
778         Length cutOff = this.up.minus(record.getStartDistance());
779         boolean moved = false;
780         if (cutOff.gt0())
781         {
782             if (
783             {
784                 record.clearPrevList();
785                 record.setCutOffStart(cutOff);
786                 this.upstreamEdge.add(record);
787                 moved = true;
788             }
789             else
790             {
791                 if (this.relativeLanes.containsKey(record))
792                 {
793                     // could have been removed from upstream already
794                     removeRecord(record);
795                 }
796                 for (RollingLaneStructureRecord next : record.getNext())
797                 {
798                     moved |= findUpstreamEdge(next);
799                 }
800             }
801         }
802         return moved;
803     }
805     /**
806      * Main downstream search for the map. Can be used at initial build and to update.
807      * @param gtuType GTUType; GTU type
808      * @param fractionalPosition double; fractional position on reference link
809      * @param route Route; route of the GTU
810      * @throws GTUException on exception
811      */
812     private void expandDownstreamEdge(final GTUType gtuType, final double fractionalPosition, final Route route)
813             throws GTUException
814     {
815         this.ignoreSet.clear();
816         for (LaneStructureRecord record : this.downstreamEdge)
817         {
818             this.ignoreSet.add(record.getLane());
819         }
820         Set<RollingLaneStructureRecord> nextSet = new LinkedHashSet<>();
821         Set<RollingLaneStructureRecord> splitSet = new LinkedHashSet<>();
822         boolean expand = true;
823         while (expand)
824         {
825             expand = false;
827             // longitudinal
828             // find links to extend from so we can add lanes if -any- of the next lanes comes within the perception distance
829             Set<Link> linksToExpandFrom = new LinkedHashSet<>();
830             Iterator<RollingLaneStructureRecord> iterator = this.downstreamEdge.iterator();
831             while (iterator.hasNext())
832             {
833                 RollingLaneStructureRecord record =;
834                 if (record.getStartDistance().si + record.getLane().getLength().si <
835                 {
836                     linksToExpandFrom.add(record.getLane().getParentLink());
837                 }
838             }
839             iterator = this.downstreamEdge.iterator();
840             Set<RollingLaneStructureRecord> modifiedEdge = new LinkedHashSet<>(this.downstreamEdge);
841             while (iterator.hasNext())
842             {
843                 RollingLaneStructureRecord record =;
844                 Map<Lane, GTUDirectionality> nexts = record.getLane().downstreamLanes(record.getDirection(), gtuType);
845                 if (!linksToExpandFrom.contains(record.getLane().getParentLink()))
846                 {
847                     // downstream search ends on this lane
848                     record.setCutOffEnd(this.down.minus(record.getStartDistance()));
849                     for (Lane nextLane : nexts.keySet())
850                     {
851                         this.ignoreSet.add(nextLane); // exclude in lateral search
852                     }
853                 }
854                 else
855                 {
856                     // downstream search goes further downstream
858                     // in case there are multiple lanes on the same link after a lane split, we need to choose one
859                     LaneDirection nextLaneDirection =
860                             new LaneDirection(record.getLane(), record.getDirection()).getNextLaneDirection(this.containingGtu);
862                     record.clearCutOffEnd();
863                     iterator.remove(); // can remove from edge, no algorithm needs it anymore in the downstream edge
864                     for (Lane nextLane : nexts.keySet())
865                     {
866                         if (nextLaneDirection != null
867                                 && nextLane.getParentLink().equals(nextLaneDirection.getLane().getParentLink())
868                                 && !nextLane.equals(nextLaneDirection.getLane()))
869                         {
870                             // skip this lane as its a not chosen lane on the next link after a lane split
871                             continue;
872                         }
873                         RelativeLane relativeLane = this.relativeLanes.get(record);
874                         GTUDirectionality dir = nexts.get(nextLane);
875                         RollingLaneStructureRecord next = constructRecord(nextLane, dir, record, RecordLink.DOWN, relativeLane);
876                         this.ignoreSet.add(nextLane);
877                         next.updateStartDistance(fractionalPosition, this);
878                         record.addNext(next);
879                         next.addPrev(record);
880                         connectLaterally(next, gtuType, modifiedEdge);
881                         // check route
882                         int from = route == null ? 0 : route.indexOf(next.getFromNode());
883                         int to = route == null ? 1 : route.indexOf(next.getToNode());
884                         if (to < 0 || to - from != 1)
885                         {
886                             // not on our route, add some distance and stop
887                             splitSet.add(next);
888                         }
889                         else
890                         {
891                             // regular edge
892                             nextSet.add(next);
893                         }
894                         modifiedEdge.add(next);
895                         // expand upstream over any possible other lane that merges in to this
896                         Set<RollingLaneStructureRecord> set = new HashSet<>();
897                         set.add(next);
898                         expandUpstreamMerge(set, gtuType, fractionalPosition, route);
899                     }
900                 }
901             }
902             this.downstreamEdge.addAll(nextSet);
903             expand |= !nextSet.isEmpty();
904             nextSet.clear();
906             // split
907             expandDownstreamSplit(splitSet, gtuType, fractionalPosition, route);
908             splitSet.clear();
910             // lateral
911             Set<RollingLaneStructureRecord> lateralSet =
912                     expandLateral(this.downstreamEdge, RecordLink.LATERAL_END, gtuType, fractionalPosition);
913             nextSet.addAll(lateralSet);
914             expandUpstreamMerge(lateralSet, gtuType, fractionalPosition, route);
916             // next iteration
917             this.downstreamEdge.addAll(nextSet);
918             expand |= !nextSet.isEmpty();
919             nextSet.clear();
920         }
921     }
923     /**
924      * Expand the map to include a limited section downstream of a split, regarding links not on the route.
925      * @param set Set&lt;RollingLaneStructureRecord&gt;; set of lanes that have been laterally found
926      * @param gtuType GTUType; GTU type
927      * @param fractionalPosition double; fractional position on reference link
928      * @param route Route; route
929      * @throws GTUException on exception
930      */
931     private void expandDownstreamSplit(final Set<RollingLaneStructureRecord> set, final GTUType gtuType,
932             final double fractionalPosition, final Route route) throws GTUException
933     {
934         Map<RollingLaneStructureRecord, Length> prevs = new LinkedHashMap<>();
935         Map<RollingLaneStructureRecord, Length> nexts = new LinkedHashMap<>();
936         for (RollingLaneStructureRecord record : set)
937         {
938             prevs.put(record, record.getStartDistance().plus(this.downSplit));
939         }
940         while (!prevs.isEmpty())
941         {
942             for (RollingLaneStructureRecord prev : prevs.keySet())
943             {
944                 Map<Lane, GTUDirectionality> nextLanes = prev.getLane().downstreamLanes(prev.getDirection(), gtuType);
945                 RelativeLane relativeLane = this.relativeLanes.get(prev);
946                 for (Lane nextLane : nextLanes.keySet())
947                 {
948                     GTUDirectionality dir = nextLanes.get(nextLane);
949                     Node fromNode =
950                             dir.isPlus() ? nextLane.getParentLink().getStartNode() : nextLane.getParentLink().getEndNode();
951                     Node toNode =
952                             dir.isPlus() ? nextLane.getParentLink().getEndNode() : nextLane.getParentLink().getStartNode();
953                     int from = route.indexOf(fromNode);
954                     int to = route.indexOf(toNode);
955                     if (from == -1 || to == -1 || to - from != 1)
956                     {
957                         RollingLaneStructureRecord next = constructRecord(nextLane, dir, prev, RecordLink.DOWN, relativeLane);
958                         next.updateStartDistance(fractionalPosition, this);
959                         next.addPrev(prev);
960                         prev.addNext(next);
961                         connectLaterally(next, gtuType, nexts.keySet());
962                         Length downHere = prevs.get(prev);
963                         if (next.getStartDistance().si >
964                         {
965                             next.setCutOffEnd(downHere.minus(next.getStartDistance()));
966                         }
967                         else
968                         {
969                             nexts.put(next, downHere);
970                         }
971                     }
972                 }
973             }
974             prevs = nexts;
975             nexts = new LinkedHashMap<>();
976         }
977     }
979     /**
980      * Expand the map to include a limited section upstream of a merge that is downstream, regarding links not on the route.
981      * @param set Set&lt;RollingLaneStructureRecord&gt;; set of lanes that have been laterally found
982      * @param gtuType GTUType; GTU type
983      * @param fractionalPosition double; fractional position on reference link
984      * @param route Route; route of the GTU
985      * @throws GTUException on exception
986      */
987     private void expandUpstreamMerge(final Set<RollingLaneStructureRecord> set, final GTUType gtuType,
988             final double fractionalPosition, final Route route) throws GTUException
989     {
990         Map<RollingLaneStructureRecord, Length> prevs = new LinkedHashMap<>();
991         Map<RollingLaneStructureRecord, Length> nexts = new LinkedHashMap<>();
992         for (RollingLaneStructureRecord record : set)
993         {
994             prevs.put(record, record.getStartDistance().plus(this.upMerge)); // upMerge is negative
995         }
996         while (!prevs.isEmpty())
997         {
998             for (RollingLaneStructureRecord prev : prevs.keySet())
999             {
1000                 Map<Lane, GTUDirectionality> nextLanes = prev.getLane().upstreamLanes(prev.getDirection(), gtuType);
1001                 boolean anyAdded = false;
1002                 for (Lane nextLane : nextLanes.keySet())
1003                 {
1004                     GTUDirectionality dir = nextLanes.get(nextLane);
1005                     Node fromNode =
1006                             dir.isPlus() ? nextLane.getParentLink().getStartNode() : nextLane.getParentLink().getEndNode();
1007                     Node toNode =
1008                             dir.isPlus() ? nextLane.getParentLink().getEndNode() : nextLane.getParentLink().getStartNode();
1009                     int from = route == null ? 0 : route.indexOf(fromNode);
1010                     int to = route == null ? 1 : route.indexOf(toNode);
1011                     // TODO we now assume everything is on the route, but merges could be ok without route
1012                     // so, without a route we should be able to recognize which upstream 'nextLane' is on the other link
1013                     if (from == -1 || to == -1 || to - from != 1)
1014                     {
1015                         anyAdded = true;
1016                         RelativeLane relativeLane = this.relativeLanes.get(prev);
1017                         RollingLaneStructureRecord next =
1018                                 constructRecord(nextLane, nextLanes.get(nextLane), prev, RecordLink.UP, relativeLane);
1019                         next.updateStartDistance(fractionalPosition, this);
1020                         next.addNext(prev);
1021                         prev.addPrev(next);
1022                         connectLaterally(next, gtuType, nexts.keySet());
1023                         Length upHere = prevs.get(prev);
1024                         if (next.getStartDistance().si <
1025                         {
1026                             next.setCutOffStart(upHere.minus(next.getStartDistance()));
1027                             this.upstreamEdge.add(next);
1028                         }
1029                         else
1030                         {
1031                             nexts.put(next, upHere);
1032                         }
1033                     }
1034                 }
1035                 if (!anyAdded && !set.contains(prev))
1036                 {
1037                     this.upstreamEdge.add(prev);
1038                 }
1039             }
1040             prevs = nexts;
1041             nexts = new LinkedHashMap<>();
1042         }
1043     }
1045     /**
1046      * Helper method of various other methods that laterally couples lanes that have been longitudinally found.
1047      * @param record RollingLaneStructureRecord; longitudinally found lane
1048      * @param gtuType GTUType; GTU type
1049      * @param nextSet Set&lt;RollingLaneStructureRecord&gt;; set of records on current build edge
1050      */
1051     private void connectLaterally(final RollingLaneStructureRecord record, final GTUType gtuType,
1052             final Set<RollingLaneStructureRecord> nextSet)
1053     {
1054         for (RollingLaneStructureRecord other : nextSet)
1055         {
1056             for (LateralDirectionality latDirection : new LateralDirectionality[] { LateralDirectionality.LEFT,
1057                     LateralDirectionality.RIGHT })
1058             {
1059                 if ((latDirection.isLeft() ? other.getLeft() : other.getRight()) == null)
1060                 {
1061                     for (Lane otherLane : other.getLane().accessibleAdjacentLanesPhysical(latDirection, gtuType,
1062                             other.getDirection()))
1063                     {
1064                         if (otherLane.equals(record.getLane()))
1065                         {
1066                             if (latDirection.isLeft())
1067                             {
1068                                 other.setLeft(record, gtuType);
1069                                 record.setRight(other, gtuType);
1070                             }
1071                             else
1072                             {
1073                                 other.setRight(record, gtuType);
1074                                 record.setLeft(other, gtuType);
1075                             }
1076                         }
1077                     }
1078                 }
1079             }
1080         }
1081     }
1083     /**
1084      * Creates a lane structure record and adds it to relevant maps.
1085      * @param lane Lane; lane
1086      * @param direction GTUDirectionality; direction
1087      * @param startDistanceSource RollingLaneStructureRecord; source of the start distance
1088      * @param recordLink RecordLink; record link
1089      * @param relativeLane RelativeLane; relative lane
1090      * @return created lane structure record
1091      */
1092     private RollingLaneStructureRecord constructRecord(final Lane lane, final GTUDirectionality direction,
1093             final RollingLaneStructureRecord startDistanceSource, final RecordLink recordLink, final RelativeLane relativeLane)
1094     {
1095         RollingLaneStructureRecord record = new RollingLaneStructureRecord(lane, direction, startDistanceSource, recordLink);
1096         if (!this.relativeLaneMap.containsKey(relativeLane))
1097         {
1098             this.relativeLaneMap.put(relativeLane, new LinkedHashSet<>());
1099         }
1100         this.relativeLaneMap.get(relativeLane).add(record);
1101         this.relativeLanes.put(record, relativeLane);
1102         return record;
1103     }
1105     /** {@inheritDoc} */
1106     @Override
1107     public final LaneStructureRecord getRootRecord()
1108     {
1109         return this.root.get();
1110     }
1112     /**
1113      * @param time Time; time to obtain the root at
1114      * @return rootRecord
1115      */
1116     public final LaneStructureRecord getRootRecord(final Time time)
1117     {
1118         return this.root.get(time);
1119     }
1121     /** {@inheritDoc} */
1122     @Override
1123     public final SortedSet<RelativeLane> getExtendedCrossSection()
1124     {
1125         return this.firstRecords.navigableKeySet();
1126     }
1128     /**
1129      * Returns the first record on the given lane. This is often a record in the current cross section, but it may be one
1130      * downstream for a lane that starts further downstream.
1131      * @param lane RelativeLane; lane
1132      * @return first record on the given lane, or {@code null} if no such record
1133      */
1134     @Override
1135     public final RollingLaneStructureRecord getFirstRecord(final RelativeLane lane)
1136     {
1137         if (this.firstRecords.containsKey(lane))
1138         {
1139             return this.firstRecords.get(lane);
1140         }
1141         // not in current cross section, get first via downstream
1142         RelativeLane rel = RelativeLane.CURRENT;
1143         int dMin = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
1144         for (RelativeLane relLane : this.crossSectionRecords.keySet())
1145         {
1146             if (relLane.getLateralDirectionality().equals(lane.getLateralDirectionality()))
1147             {
1148                 int d = lane.getNumLanes() - relLane.getNumLanes();
1149                 if (d < dMin)
1150                 {
1151                     rel = relLane;
1152                     d = dMin;
1153                 }
1154             }
1155         }
1156         RollingLaneStructureRecord record = this.crossSectionRecords.get(rel);
1157         // move downstream until a lateral move is made to the right relative lane
1158         while (rel.getNumLanes() < lane.getNumLanes())
1159         {
1160             RollingLaneStructureRecord adj = lane.getLateralDirectionality().isLeft() ? record.getLeft() : record.getRight();
1161             if (adj != null)
1162             {
1163                 rel = lane.getLateralDirectionality().isLeft() ? rel.getLeft() : rel.getRight();
1164                 record = adj;
1165             }
1166             else if (!record.getNext().isEmpty())
1167             {
1168                 LaneDirection laneDir =
1169                         new LaneDirection(record.getLane(), record.getDirection()).getNextLaneDirection(this.containingGtu);
1170                 if (laneDir == null)
1171                 {
1172                     record = null;
1173                     break;
1174                 }
1175                 RollingLaneStructureRecord chosenNext = null;
1176                 for (RollingLaneStructureRecord next : record.getNext())
1177                 {
1178                     if (next.getLane().equals(laneDir.getLane()))
1179                     {
1180                         chosenNext = next;
1181                         break;
1182                     }
1183                 }
1184                 Throw.when(chosenNext == null, RuntimeException.class,
1185                         "Unexpected exception while deriving first record not on the cross-section.");
1186                 record = chosenNext;
1187             }
1188             else
1189             {
1190                 // reached a dead-end
1191                 record = null;
1192                 break;
1193             }
1194         }
1195         if (record != null)
1196         {
1197             // now move upstream until we are at x = 0
1198             while (record.getPrev().size() == 1 && record.getStartDistance().gt0())
1199             {
1200                 record = record.getPrev().get(0);
1201             }
1202             this.firstRecords.put(lane, record);
1203         }
1204         return record;
1205     }
1207     /**
1208      * Retrieve objects of a specific type. Returns objects over a maximum length of the look ahead distance downstream from the
1209      * relative position, or as far as the lane map goes.
1210      * @param clazz Class&lt;T&gt;; class of objects to find
1211      * @param gtu LaneBasedGTU; gtu
1212      * @param pos RelativePosition.TYPE; relative position to start search from
1213      * @param <T> type of objects to find
1214      * @return Sorted set of objects of requested type per lane
1215      * @throws GTUException if lane is not in current set
1216      */
1217     @Override
1218     public final <T extends LaneBasedObject> Map<RelativeLane, SortedSet<Entry<T>>> getDownstreamObjects(final Class<T> clazz,
1219             final LaneBasedGTU gtu, final RelativePosition.TYPE pos) throws GTUException
1220     {
1221         Map<RelativeLane, SortedSet<Entry<T>>> out = new HashMap<>();
1222         for (RelativeLane relativeLane : this.relativeLaneMap.keySet())
1223         {
1224             out.put(relativeLane, getDownstreamObjects(relativeLane, clazz, gtu, pos));
1225         }
1226         return out;
1227     }
1229     /**
1230      * Retrieve objects on a lane of a specific type. Returns objects over a maximum length of the look ahead distance
1231      * downstream from the relative position, or as far as the lane map goes.
1232      * @param lane RelativeLane; lane
1233      * @param clazz Class&lt;T&gt;; class of objects to find
1234      * @param gtu LaneBasedGTU; gtu
1235      * @param pos RelativePosition.TYPE; relative position to start search from
1236      * @param <T> type of objects to find
1237      * @return Sorted set of objects of requested type
1238      * @throws GTUException if lane is not in current set
1239      */
1240     @Override
1241     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
1242     public final <T extends LaneBasedObject> SortedSet<Entry<T>> getDownstreamObjects(final RelativeLane lane,
1243             final Class<T> clazz, final LaneBasedGTU gtu, final RelativePosition.TYPE pos) throws GTUException
1244     {
1245         LaneStructureRecord record = getFirstRecord(lane);
1246         SortedSet<Entry<T>> set = new TreeSet<>();
1247         if (record != null)
1248         {
1249             double ds = gtu.getRelativePositions().get(pos).getDx().si - gtu.getReference().getDx().si;
1250             if (record.isDownstreamBranch())
1251             {
1252                 // the list is ordered, but only for DIR_PLUS, need to do our own ordering
1253                 Length minimumPosition;
1254                 Length maximumPosition;
1255                 if (record.getDirection().isPlus())
1256                 {
1257                     minimumPosition = Length.createSI(ds - record.getStartDistance().si);
1258                     maximumPosition = Length.createSI(record.getLane().getLength().si);
1259                 }
1260                 else
1261                 {
1262                     minimumPosition = Length.ZERO;
1263                     maximumPosition = Length.createSI(record.getLane().getLength().si + record.getStartDistance().si - ds);
1264                 }
1266                 for (LaneBasedObject object : record.getLane().getLaneBasedObjects(minimumPosition, maximumPosition))
1267                 {
1268                     if (clazz.isAssignableFrom(object.getClass())
1269                             && ((record.getDirection().isPlus() && object.getDirection().isForwardOrBoth())
1270                                     || (record.getDirection().isMinus() && object.getDirection().isBackwardOrBoth())))
1271                     {
1272                         // unchecked, but the above isAssignableFrom assures correctness
1273                         double distance = record.getDistanceToPosition(object.getLongitudinalPosition()).si - ds;
1274                         if (distance <=
1275                         {
1276                             set.add(new Entry<>(Length.createSI(distance), (T) object));
1277                         }
1278                     }
1279                 }
1280             }
1281             getDownstreamObjectsRecursive(set, record, clazz, ds);
1282         }
1283         return set;
1284     }
1286     /**
1287      * Retrieve objects on a lane of a specific type. Returns objects over a maximum length of the look ahead distance
1288      * downstream from the relative position, or as far as the lane map goes. Objects on links not on the route are ignored.
1289      * @param lane RelativeLane; lane
1290      * @param clazz Class&lt;T&gt;; class of objects to find
1291      * @param gtu LaneBasedGTU; gtu
1292      * @param pos RelativePosition.TYPE; relative position to start search from
1293      * @param <T> type of objects to find
1294      * @param route Route; the route
1295      * @return Sorted set of objects of requested type
1296      * @throws GTUException if lane is not in current set
1297      */
1298     @Override
1299     public final <T extends LaneBasedObject> SortedSet<Entry<T>> getDownstreamObjectsOnRoute(final RelativeLane lane,
1300             final Class<T> clazz, final LaneBasedGTU gtu, final RelativePosition.TYPE pos, final Route route)
1301             throws GTUException
1302     {
1303         SortedSet<Entry<T>> set = getDownstreamObjects(lane, clazz, gtu, pos);
1304         if (route != null)
1305         {
1306             Iterator<Entry<T>> iterator = set.iterator();
1307             while (iterator.hasNext())
1308             {
1309                 Entry<T> entry =;
1310                 CrossSectionLink link = entry.getLaneBasedObject().getLane().getParentLink();
1311                 if (!route.contains(link.getStartNode()) || !route.contains(link.getEndNode())
1312                         || Math.abs(route.indexOf(link.getStartNode()) - route.indexOf(link.getEndNode())) != 1)
1313                 {
1314                     iterator.remove();
1315                 }
1316             }
1317         }
1318         return set;
1319     }
1321     /**
1322      * Recursive search for lane based objects downstream.
1323      * @param set SortedSet&lt;Entry&lt;T&gt;&gt;; set to store entries into
1324      * @param record LaneStructureRecord; current record
1325      * @param clazz Class&lt;T&gt;; class of objects to find
1326      * @param ds double; distance from reference to chosen relative position
1327      * @param <T> type of objects to find
1328      */
1329     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
1330     private <T extends LaneBasedObject> void getDownstreamObjectsRecursive(final SortedSet<Entry<T>> set,
1331             final LaneStructureRecord record, final Class<T> clazz, final double ds)
1332     {
1333         if (record.getNext().isEmpty() || record.getNext().get(0).getStartDistance().gt(this.lookAhead))
1334         {
1335             return;
1336         }
1337         for (LaneStructureRecord next : record.getNext())
1338         {
1339             if (next.isDownstreamBranch())
1340             {
1341                 List<LaneBasedObject> list = next.getLane().getLaneBasedObjects();
1342                 int iStart, di;
1343                 if (record.getDirection().isPlus())
1344                 {
1345                     iStart = 0;
1346                     di = 1;
1347                 }
1348                 else
1349                 {
1350                     iStart = list.size() - 1;
1351                     di = -1;
1352                 }
1353                 for (int i = iStart; i >= 0 & i < list.size(); i += di)
1354                 {
1355                     LaneBasedObject object = list.get(i);
1356                     if (clazz.isAssignableFrom(object.getClass())
1357                             && ((record.getDirection().isPlus() && object.getDirection().isForwardOrBoth())
1358                                     || (record.getDirection().isMinus() && object.getDirection().isBackwardOrBoth())))
1359                     {
1360                         // unchecked, but the above isAssignableFrom assures correctness
1361                         double distance = next.getDistanceToPosition(object.getLongitudinalPosition()).si - ds;
1362                         if (distance <=
1363                         {
1364                             set.add(new Entry<>(Length.createSI(distance), (T) object));
1365                         }
1366                         else
1367                         {
1368                             return;
1369                         }
1370                     }
1371                 }
1372             }
1373             getDownstreamObjectsRecursive(set, next, clazz, ds);
1374         }
1375     }
1377     /**
1378      * Retrieve objects of a specific type. Returns objects over a maximum length of the look ahead distance downstream from the
1379      * relative position, or as far as the lane map goes. Objects on links not on the route are ignored.
1380      * @param clazz Class&lt;T&gt;; class of objects to find
1381      * @param gtu LaneBasedGTU; gtu
1382      * @param pos RelativePosition.TYPE; relative position to start search from
1383      * @param <T> type of objects to find
1384      * @param route Route; the route
1385      * @return Sorted set of objects of requested type per lane
1386      * @throws GTUException if lane is not in current set
1387      */
1388     @Override
1389     public final <T extends LaneBasedObject> Map<RelativeLane, SortedSet<Entry<T>>> getDownstreamObjectsOnRoute(
1390             final Class<T> clazz, final LaneBasedGTU gtu, final RelativePosition.TYPE pos, final Route route)
1391             throws GTUException
1392     {
1393         Map<RelativeLane, SortedSet<Entry<T>>> out = new HashMap<>();
1394         for (RelativeLane relativeLane : this.relativeLaneMap.keySet())
1395         {
1396             out.put(relativeLane, getDownstreamObjectsOnRoute(relativeLane, clazz, gtu, pos, route));
1397         }
1398         return out;
1399     }
1401     /**
1402      * Retrieve objects on a lane of a specific type. Returns upstream objects from the relative position for as far as the lane
1403      * map goes. Distances to upstream objects are given as positive values.
1404      * @param lane RelativeLane; lane
1405      * @param clazz Class&lt;T&gt;; class of objects to find
1406      * @param gtu LaneBasedGTU; gtu
1407      * @param pos RelativePosition.TYPE; relative position to start search from
1408      * @param <T> type of objects to find
1409      * @return Sorted set of objects of requested type
1410      * @throws GTUException if lane is not in current set
1411      */
1412     @Override
1413     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
1414     public final <T extends LaneBasedObject> SortedSet<Entry<T>> getUpstreamObjects(final RelativeLane lane,
1415             final Class<T> clazz, final LaneBasedGTU gtu, final RelativePosition.TYPE pos) throws GTUException
1416     {
1417         SortedSet<Entry<T>> set = new TreeSet<>();
1418         LaneStructureRecord record = this.getFirstRecord(lane);
1419         if (record.getStartDistance().gt0())
1420         {
1421             return set; // this lane is only downstream
1422         }
1423         Length ds = gtu.getReference().getDx().minus(gtu.getRelativePositions().get(pos).getDx());
1424         // the list is ordered, but only for DIR_PLUS, need to do our own ordering
1425         Length minimumPosition;
1426         Length maximumPosition;
1427         if (record.getDirection().isPlus())
1428         {
1429             minimumPosition = Length.ZERO;
1430             maximumPosition = record.getStartDistance().neg().minus(ds);
1431         }
1432         else
1433         {
1434             minimumPosition = record.getLane().getLength().plus(record.getStartDistance()).plus(ds);
1435             maximumPosition = record.getLane().getLength();
1436         }
1437         Length distance;
1438         for (LaneBasedObject object : record.getLane().getLaneBasedObjects(minimumPosition, maximumPosition))
1439         {
1440             if (clazz.isAssignableFrom(object.getClass())
1441                     && ((record.getDirection().isPlus() && object.getDirection().isForwardOrBoth())
1442                             || (record.getDirection().isMinus() && object.getDirection().isBackwardOrBoth())))
1443             {
1444                 distance = record.getDistanceToPosition(object.getLongitudinalPosition()).neg().minus(ds);
1445                 // unchecked, but the above isAssignableFrom assures correctness
1446                 set.add(new Entry<>(distance, (T) object));
1447             }
1448         }
1449         getUpstreamObjectsRecursive(set, record, clazz, ds);
1450         return set;
1451     }
1453     /**
1454      * Recursive search for lane based objects upstream.
1455      * @param set SortedSet&lt;Entry&lt;T&gt;&gt;; set to store entries into
1456      * @param record LaneStructureRecord; current record
1457      * @param clazz Class&lt;T&gt;; class of objects to find
1458      * @param ds Length; distance from reference to chosen relative position
1459      * @param <T> type of objects to find
1460      */
1461     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
1462     private <T extends LaneBasedObject> void getUpstreamObjectsRecursive(final SortedSet<Entry<T>> set,
1463             final LaneStructureRecord record, final Class<T> clazz, final Length ds)
1464     {
1465         for (LaneStructureRecord prev : record.getPrev())
1466         {
1467             Length distance;
1468             for (LaneBasedObject object : prev.getLane().getLaneBasedObjects())
1469             {
1470                 if (clazz.isAssignableFrom(object.getClass())
1471                         && ((record.getDirection().isPlus() && object.getDirection().isForwardOrBoth())
1472                                 || (record.getDirection().isMinus() && object.getDirection().isBackwardOrBoth())))
1473                 {
1474                     distance = prev.getDistanceToPosition(object.getLongitudinalPosition()).neg().minus(ds);
1475                     // unchecked, but the above isAssignableFrom assures correctness
1476                     set.add(new Entry<>(distance, (T) object));
1477                 }
1478             }
1479             getUpstreamObjectsRecursive(set, prev, clazz, ds);
1480         }
1481     }
1483     /** {@inheritDoc} */
1484     @Override
1485     public final String toString()
1486     {
1487         return "LaneStructure [rootLSR=" + this.root + "]";
1488     }
1490     /**
1491      * AnimationAccess provides access to a number of private fields in the structure, which should only be used read-only! <br>
1492      * <br>
1493      * Copyright (c) 2003-2019 Delft University of Technology, Jaffalaan 5, 2628 BX Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
1494      * See for project information <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.
1495      * The source code and binary code of this software is proprietary information of Delft University of Technology.
1496      * @author <a href="" target="_blank">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
1497      */
1498     public class AnimationAccess
1499     {
1500         /**
1501          * @return the lane structure records of the cross section
1502          */
1503         @SuppressWarnings("synthetic-access")
1504         public TreeMap<RelativeLane, RollingLaneStructureRecord> getCrossSectionRecords()
1505         {
1506             return RollingLaneStructure.this.crossSectionRecords;
1507         }
1509         /**
1510          * @return the upstream edge
1511          */
1512         @SuppressWarnings("synthetic-access")
1513         public Set<RollingLaneStructureRecord> getUpstreamEdge()
1514         {
1515             return RollingLaneStructure.this.upstreamEdge;
1516         }
1518         /**
1519          * @return the downstream edge
1520          */
1521         @SuppressWarnings("synthetic-access")
1522         public Set<RollingLaneStructureRecord> getDownstreamEdge()
1523         {
1524             return RollingLaneStructure.this.downstreamEdge;
1525         }
1526     }
1527 }