View Javadoc
1   package org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.tactical.util.lmrs;
3   import java.util.HashMap;
4   import java.util.Map;
5   import java.util.SortedSet;
7   import org.djunits.unit.AccelerationUnit;
8   import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Acceleration;
9   import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Duration;
10  import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Length;
11  import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Speed;
12  import org.djutils.exceptions.Try;
13  import org.opentrafficsim.base.parameters.ParameterException;
14  import org.opentrafficsim.base.parameters.ParameterTypes;
15  import org.opentrafficsim.base.parameters.Parameters;
16  import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.GTUException;
17  import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.perception.EgoPerception;
18  import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.plan.operational.OperationalPlanException;
19  import;
20  import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.LaneBasedGTU;
21  import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.InfrastructureLaneChangeInfo;
22  import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.LanePerception;
23  import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.PerceptionCollectable;
24  import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.RelativeLane;
25  import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.SortedSetPerceptionIterable;
26  import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.categories.InfrastructurePerception;
27  import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.categories.IntersectionPerception;
28  import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.categories.neighbors.NeighborsPerception;
29  import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.headway.HeadwayConflict;
30  import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.headway.HeadwayGTU;
31  import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.tactical.following.CarFollowingModel;
32  import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.tactical.util.CarFollowingUtil;
33  import;
34  import;
36  /**
37   * Different forms of synchronization.
38   * <p>
39   * Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. <br>
40   * BSD-style license. See <a href="">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
41   * <p>
42   * @version $Revision$, $LastChangedDate$, by $Author$, initial version 3 apr. 2017 <br>
43   * @author <a href="">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
44   * @author <a href="">Peter Knoppers</a>
45   * @author <a href="">Wouter Schakel</a>
46   */
47  public interface Synchronization extends LmrsParameters
48  {
50      /** Synchronization that only includes stopping for a dead-end. */
51      Synchronization DEADEND = new Synchronization()
52      {
53          @Override
54          public Acceleration synchronize(final LanePerception perception, final Parameters params, final SpeedLimitInfo sli,
55                  final CarFollowingModel cfm, final double desire, final LateralDirectionality lat, final LmrsData lmrsData)
56                  throws ParameterException, OperationalPlanException
57          {
59              Acceleration a = Acceleration.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
60              // stop for end
61              Length remainingDist = null;
62              for (InfrastructureLaneChangeInfo ili : perception.getPerceptionCategory(InfrastructurePerception.class)
63                      .getInfrastructureLaneChangeInfo(RelativeLane.CURRENT))
64              {
65                  if (remainingDist == null ||
66                  {
67                      remainingDist = ili.getRemainingDistance();
68                  }
69              }
70              if (remainingDist != null)
71              {
72                  Speed speed = perception.getPerceptionCategory(EgoPerception.class).getSpeed();
73                  Acceleration bCrit = params.getParameter(ParameterTypes.BCRIT);
74                  remainingDist = remainingDist.minus(params.getParameter(ParameterTypes.S0));
75                  // TODO replace this hack with something that properly accounts for overshoot
76                  // this method also introduces very strong deceleration at low speeds, as the time step makes bMin go from 3.4
77                  // (ignored, so maybe 1.25 acceleration applied) to >10
78                  remainingDist = remainingDist.minus(Length.createSI(10));
79                  if (remainingDist.le0())
80                  {
81                      if (speed.gt0())
82                      {
83                          a = Acceleration.min(a, bCrit.neg());
84                      }
85                      else
86                      {
87                          a = Acceleration.min(a, Acceleration.ZERO);
88                      }
89                  }
90                  else
91                  {
92                      Acceleration bMin = new Acceleration(.5 * * /, AccelerationUnit.SI);
93                      if (
94                      {
95                          a = Acceleration.min(a, bMin.neg());
96                      }
97                  }
98              }
99              return a;
100         }
102     };
104     /** Synchronization where current leaders are taken. */
105     Synchronization PASSIVE = new Synchronization()
106     {
107         @Override
108         public Acceleration synchronize(final LanePerception perception, final Parameters params, final SpeedLimitInfo sli,
109                 final CarFollowingModel cfm, final double desire, final LateralDirectionality lat, final LmrsData lmrsData)
110                 throws ParameterException, OperationalPlanException
111         {
112             Acceleration a = Acceleration.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
113             double dCoop = params.getParameter(DCOOP);
114             RelativeLane relativeLane = new RelativeLane(lat, 1);
116             PerceptionCollectable<HeadwayGTU,
117                     LaneBasedGTU> set =
118                             removeAllUpstreamOfConflicts(
119                                     removeAllUpstreamOfConflicts(perception.getPerceptionCategory(NeighborsPerception.class)
120                                             .getLeaders(relativeLane), perception, relativeLane),
121                                     perception, RelativeLane.CURRENT);
122             HeadwayGTU leader = null;
123             if (set != null)
124             {
125                 if (desire >= dCoop && !set.isEmpty())
126                 {
127                     leader = set.first();
128                 }
129                 else
130                 {
131                     for (HeadwayGTU gtu : set)
132                     {
133                         if (gtu.getSpeed().gt0())
134                         {
135                             leader = gtu;
136                             break;
137                         }
138                     }
139                 }
140             }
141             Speed ownSpeed = perception.getPerceptionCategory(EgoPerception.class).getSpeed();
142             if (leader != null)
143             {
144                 Acceleration aSingle = LmrsUtil.singleAcceleration(leader.getDistance(), ownSpeed, leader.getSpeed(), desire,
145                         params, sli, cfm);
146                 a = Acceleration.min(a, aSingle);
147                 a = gentleUrgency(a, desire, params);
148                 // dead end
149                 a = Acceleration.min(a, DEADEND.synchronize(perception, params, sli, cfm, desire, lat, lmrsData));
151             }
153             // check merge distance
154             Length xMerge =
155                     getMergeDistance(perception, lat).minus(perception.getPerceptionCategory(EgoPerception.class).getLength());
156             if (xMerge.gt0())
157             {
158                 Acceleration aMerge = LmrsUtil.singleAcceleration(xMerge, ownSpeed, Speed.ZERO, desire, params, sli, cfm);
159                 a = Acceleration.max(a, aMerge);
160             }
161             return a;
162         }
164     };
166     /**
167      * Synchronization by following the adjacent leader or aligning with the middle of the gap, whichever allows the largest
168      * acceleration. Note that aligning with the middle of the gap then means the gap is too small, as following would cause
169      * lower acceleration. Aligning with the middle of the gap will however provide a better starting point for the rest of the
170      * process. Mainly, the adjacent follower can decelerate less, allowing more smooth merging.
171      */
172     Synchronization ALIGN_GAP = new Synchronization()
173     {
174         @Override
175         public Acceleration synchronize(final LanePerception perception, final Parameters params, final SpeedLimitInfo sli,
176                 final CarFollowingModel cfm, final double desire, final LateralDirectionality lat, final LmrsData lmrsData)
177                 throws ParameterException, OperationalPlanException
178         {
179             Acceleration a = Acceleration.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
180             EgoPerception<?, ?> ego = perception.getPerceptionCategory(EgoPerception.class);
181             Speed ownSpeed = ego.getSpeed();
182             RelativeLane relativeLane = new RelativeLane(lat, 1);
183             PerceptionCollectable<HeadwayGTU, LaneBasedGTU> leaders =
184                     perception.getPerceptionCategory(NeighborsPerception.class).getLeaders(relativeLane);
185             if (!leaders.isEmpty())
186             {
187                 HeadwayGTU leader = leaders.first();
188                 Length gap = leader.getDistance();
189                 LmrsUtil.setDesiredHeadway(params, desire);
190                 PerceptionCollectable<HeadwayGTU, LaneBasedGTU> followers =
191                         perception.getPerceptionCategory(NeighborsPerception.class).getFollowers(relativeLane);
192                 if (!followers.isEmpty())
193                 {
194                     HeadwayGTU follower = followers.first();
195                     Length netGap = leader.getDistance().plus(follower.getDistance()).multiplyBy(0.5);
196                     gap = Length.max(gap, leader.getDistance().minus(netGap).plus(cfm.desiredHeadway(params, ownSpeed)));
197                 }
198                 a = CarFollowingUtil.followSingleLeader(cfm, params, ownSpeed, sli, gap, leader.getSpeed());
199                 LmrsUtil.resetDesiredHeadway(params);
200                 // limit deceleration based on desire
201                 a = gentleUrgency(a, desire, params);
203                 // brake for dead-end
204                 // a = Acceleration.min(a, DEADEND.synchronize(perception, params, sli, cfm, desire, lat, lmrsData));
205             }
206             // brake for dead-end
207             Length remainingDist = null;
208             for (InfrastructureLaneChangeInfo ili : perception.getPerceptionCategory(InfrastructurePerception.class)
209                     .getInfrastructureLaneChangeInfo(RelativeLane.CURRENT))
210             {
211                 if (remainingDist == null ||
212                 {
213                     remainingDist = ili.getRemainingDistance();
214                 }
215             }
216             if (remainingDist != null)
217             {
218                 params.setParameterResettable(ParameterTypes.B, Acceleration.interpolate(params.getParameter(ParameterTypes.B),
219                         params.getParameter(ParameterTypes.BCRIT), 0.99));
220                 a = Acceleration.min(a, CarFollowingUtil.stop(cfm, params, ownSpeed, sli, remainingDist));
221                 params.resetParameter(ParameterTypes.B);
222             }
223             // never stop before we can actually merge
224             // TODO: this ignores the front it seems!
225             Length xMerge = getMergeDistance(perception, lat);
226             if (xMerge.gt0())
227             {
228                 Acceleration aMerge = LmrsUtil.singleAcceleration(xMerge, ownSpeed, Speed.ZERO, desire, params, sli, cfm);
229                 a = Acceleration.max(a, aMerge);
230             }
231             return a;
232         }
233     };
235     /** Synchronization where current leaders are taken. Synchronization is disabled for d_sync&lt;d&lt;d_coop at low speeds. */
236     Synchronization PASSIVE_MOVING = new Synchronization()
237     {
238         @Override
239         public Acceleration synchronize(final LanePerception perception, final Parameters params, final SpeedLimitInfo sli,
240                 final CarFollowingModel cfm, final double desire, final LateralDirectionality lat, final LmrsData lmrsData)
241                 throws ParameterException, OperationalPlanException
242         {
243             double dCoop = params.getParameter(DCOOP);
244             Speed ownSpeed = perception.getPerceptionCategory(EgoPerception.class).getSpeed();
245             if (desire < dCoop && < params.getParameter(ParameterTypes.LOOKAHEAD).si
246                     / params.getParameter(ParameterTypes.T0).si)
247             {
248                 return Acceleration.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
249             }
250             return PASSIVE.synchronize(perception, params, sli, cfm, desire, lat, lmrsData);
251         }
252     };
254     /** Synchronization where a suitable leader is actively targeted, in relation to infrastructure. */
255     Synchronization ACTIVE = new Synchronization()
256     {
257         @Override
258         public Acceleration synchronize(final LanePerception perception, final Parameters params, final SpeedLimitInfo sli,
259                 final CarFollowingModel cfm, final double desire, final LateralDirectionality lat, final LmrsData lmrsData)
260                 throws ParameterException, OperationalPlanException
261         {
263             Acceleration b = params.getParameter(ParameterTypes.B);
264             Duration tMin = params.getParameter(ParameterTypes.TMIN);
265             Duration tMax = params.getParameter(ParameterTypes.TMAX);
266             Speed vCong = params.getParameter(ParameterTypes.VCONG);
267             Length x0 = params.getParameter(ParameterTypes.LOOKAHEAD);
268             Duration t0 = params.getParameter(ParameterTypes.T0);
269             Duration lc = params.getParameter(ParameterTypes.LCDUR);
270             Speed tagSpeed = x0.divideBy(t0);
271             double dCoop = params.getParameter(DCOOP);
272             EgoPerception<?, ?> ego = perception.getPerceptionCategory(EgoPerception.class);
273             Speed ownSpeed = ego.getSpeed();
274             Length ownLength = ego.getLength();
275             Length dx;
276             try
277             {
278                 dx = perception.getGtu().getFront().getDx();
279             }
280             catch (GTUException exception)
281             {
282                 throw new OperationalPlanException(exception);
283             }
285             // get xMergeSync, the distance within which a gap is pointless as the lane change is not possible
286             InfrastructurePerception infra = perception.getPerceptionCategory(InfrastructurePerception.class);
287             SortedSet<InfrastructureLaneChangeInfo> info = infra.getInfrastructureLaneChangeInfo(RelativeLane.CURRENT);
288             // Length xMerge = infra.getLegalLaneChangePossibility(RelativeLane.CURRENT, lat).minus(dx);
289             // xMerge = xMerge.lt0() ? xMerge.neg() : Length.ZERO; // zero or positive value where lane change is not possible
290             Length xMerge = getMergeDistance(perception, lat);
291             int nCur = 0;
292             Length xCur = Length.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
293             for (InfrastructureLaneChangeInfo lcInfo : info)
294             {
295                 int nCurTmp = lcInfo.getRequiredNumberOfLaneChanges();
296                 // subtract minimum lane change distance per lane change
297                 Length xCurTmp = lcInfo.getRemainingDistance().minus(ownLength.multiplyBy(2.0 * nCurTmp)).minus(dx);
298                 if (
299                 {
300                     nCur = nCurTmp;
301                     xCur = xCurTmp;
302                 }
303             }
305             // for short ramps, include braking distance, i.e. we -do- select a gap somewhat upstream of the merge point;
306             // should we abandon this gap, we still have braking distance and minimum lane change distance left
307             Length xMergeSync = xCur.minus(Length.createSI(.5 * * /;
308             xMergeSync = Length.min(xMerge, xMergeSync);
310             // abandon the gap if the sync vehicle is no longer adjacent, in congestion within xMergeSync, or too far
311             NeighborsPerception neighbors = perception.getPerceptionCategory(NeighborsPerception.class);
312             RelativeLane lane = new RelativeLane(lat, 1);
313             PerceptionCollectable<HeadwayGTU, LaneBasedGTU> leaders =
314                     removeAllUpstreamOfConflicts(removeAllUpstreamOfConflicts(neighbors.getLeaders(lane), perception, lane),
315                             perception, RelativeLane.CURRENT);
316             HeadwayGTU syncVehicle = lmrsData.getSyncVehicle(leaders);
317             if (syncVehicle != null && ((syncVehicle.getSpeed().lt(vCong) && syncVehicle.getDistance().lt(xMergeSync))
318                     || syncVehicle.getDistance().gt(xCur)))
319             {
320                 syncVehicle = null;
321             }
323             // if there is no sync vehicle, select the first one to which current deceleration < b (it may become larger later)
324             if (leaders != null && syncVehicle == null)
325             {
326                 Length maxDistance = Length.min(x0, xCur);
327                 for (HeadwayGTU leader : leaders)
328                 {
329                     if (leader.getDistance().lt(maxDistance))
330                     {
331                         if ((leader.getDistance().gt(xMergeSync) || leader.getSpeed().gt(vCong))
332                                 && tagAlongAcceleration(leader, ownSpeed, ownLength, tagSpeed, desire, params, sli, cfm)
333                                         .gt(b.neg()))
334                         {
335                             syncVehicle = leader;
336                             break;
337                         }
338                     }
339                     else
340                     {
341                         break;
342                     }
343                 }
344             }
346             // select upstream vehicle if we can safely follow that, or if we cannot stay ahead of it (infrastructure, in coop)
347             HeadwayGTU up;
348             PerceptionCollectable<HeadwayGTU, LaneBasedGTU> followers =
349                     removeAllUpstreamOfConflicts(removeAllUpstreamOfConflicts(neighbors.getFollowers(lane), perception, lane),
350                             perception, RelativeLane.CURRENT);
351             HeadwayGTU follower = followers == null || followers.isEmpty() ? null
352                     : followers.first().moved(
353                             followers.first().getDistance().plus(ownLength).plus(followers.first().getLength()).neg(),
354                             followers.first().getSpeed(), followers.first().getAcceleration());
355             boolean upOk;
356             if (syncVehicle == null)
357             {
358                 up = null;
359                 upOk = false;
360             }
361             else
362             {
363                 up = getFollower(syncVehicle, leaders, follower, ownLength);
364                 upOk = up == null ? false
365                         : tagAlongAcceleration(up, ownSpeed, ownLength, tagSpeed, desire, params, sli, cfm).gt(b.neg());
366             }
367             while (syncVehicle != null
368                     && up != null && (upOk || (!canBeAhead(up, xCur, nCur, ownSpeed, ownLength, tagSpeed, dCoop, b, tMin, tMax,
369                             x0, t0, lc, desire) && desire > dCoop))
370                     && (up.getDistance().gt(xMergeSync) || up.getSpeed().gt(vCong)))
371             {
372                 if (up.equals(follower))
373                 {
374                     // no suitable downstream vehicle to follow found
375                     syncVehicle = null;
376                     up = null;
377                     break;
378                 }
379                 syncVehicle = up;
380                 up = getFollower(syncVehicle, leaders, follower, ownLength);
381                 upOk = up == null ? false
382                         : tagAlongAcceleration(up, ownSpeed, ownLength, tagSpeed, desire, params, sli, cfm).gt(b.neg());
383             }
384             lmrsData.setSyncVehicle(syncVehicle);
386             // actual synchronization
387             Acceleration a = Acceleration.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
388             if (syncVehicle != null)
389             {
390                 a = gentleUrgency(tagAlongAcceleration(syncVehicle, ownSpeed, ownLength, tagSpeed, desire, params, sli, cfm),
391                         desire, params);
392             }
393             else if (nCur > 0 && (follower != null || (leaders != null && !leaders.isEmpty())))
394             {
395                 // no gap to synchronize with, but there is a follower to account for
396                 if (follower != null && !canBeAhead(follower, xCur, nCur, ownSpeed, ownLength, tagSpeed, dCoop, b, tMin, tMax,
397                         x0, t0, lc, desire))
398                 {
399                     // get behind follower
400                     double c = requiredBufferSpace(ownSpeed, nCur, x0, t0, lc, dCoop).si;
401                     double t = ( - follower.getDistance().si - c) / follower.getSpeed().si;
402                     double xGap = * ( + desire * ( -;
403                     Acceleration acc = Acceleration.createSI(2 * ( - c - * t - xGap) / (t * t));
404                     if (follower.getSpeed().eq0() || < / t || t < 0)
405                     {
406                         // inappropriate to get behind
407                         // note: if minimum lane change space is more than infrastructure, deceleration will simply be limited
408                         a = stopForEnd(xCur, xMerge, params, ownSpeed, cfm, sli);
409                     }
410                     else
411                     {
412                         a = gentleUrgency(acc, desire, params);
413                     }
414                 }
415                 else if (!LmrsUtil.acceptLaneChange(perception, params, sli, cfm, desire, ownSpeed, Acceleration.ZERO, lat,
416                         lmrsData.getGapAcceptance()))
417                 {
418                     a = stopForEnd(xCur, xMerge, params, ownSpeed, cfm, sli);
419                     // but no stronger than getting behind the leader
420                     if (leaders != null && !leaders.isEmpty())
421                     {
422                         double c = requiredBufferSpace(ownSpeed, nCur, x0, t0, lc, dCoop).si;
423                         double t = ( - leaders.first().getDistance().si - c) / leaders.first().getSpeed().si;
424                         double xGap = * ( + desire * ( -;
425                         Acceleration acc = Acceleration.createSI(2 * ( - c - * t - xGap) / (t * t));
426                         if (!(leaders.first().getSpeed().eq0() || < / t || t < 0))
427                         {
428                             a = Acceleration.max(a, acc);
429                         }
430                     }
431                 }
432             }
434             // slow down to have sufficient time for further lane changes
435             if (nCur > 1)
436             {
437                 if (xMerge.gt0())
438                 {
439                     // achieve speed to have sufficient time as soon as a lane change becomes possible (infrastructure)
440                     Speed vMerge = ? Speed.ZERO
441                             : xCur.minus(xMerge).divideBy(t0.multiplyBy((1 - dCoop) * (nCur - 1)).plus(lc));
442                     vMerge = Speed.max(vMerge, x0.divideBy(t0));
443                     a = Acceleration.min(a, CarFollowingUtil.approachTargetSpeed(cfm, params, ownSpeed, sli, xMerge, vMerge));
444                 }
445                 else
446                 {
447                     // slow down by b if our speed is too high beyond the merge point
448                     Length c = requiredBufferSpace(ownSpeed, nCur, x0, t0, lc, dCoop);
449                     if (
450                     {
451                         a = Acceleration.min(a, b.neg());
452                     }
453                 }
454             }
455             return a;
456         }
457     };
459     /**
460      * Returns the distance to the next merge, stopping within this distance is futile for a lane change.
461      * @param perception LanePerception; perception
462      * @param lat LateralDirectionality; lateral direction
463      * @return Length; distance to the next merge
464      * @throws OperationalPlanException if there is no infrastructure perception
465      */
466     static Length getMergeDistance(final LanePerception perception, final LateralDirectionality lat)
467             throws OperationalPlanException
468     {
469         InfrastructurePerception infra = perception.getPerceptionCategory(InfrastructurePerception.class);
470         Length dx = Try.assign(() -> perception.getGtu().getFront().getDx(), "Could not obtain GTU.");
471         Length xMerge = infra.getLegalLaneChangePossibility(RelativeLane.CURRENT, lat).minus(dx);
472         return xMerge.lt0() ? xMerge.neg() : Length.ZERO; // zero or positive value where lane change is not possible
473     }
475     /**
476      * Determine acceleration for synchronization.
477      * @param perception LanePerception; perception
478      * @param params Parameters; parameters
479      * @param sli SpeedLimitInfo; speed limit info
480      * @param cfm CarFollowingModel; car-following model
481      * @param desire double; level of lane change desire
482      * @param lat LateralDirectionality; lateral direction for synchronization
483      * @param lmrsData LmrsData; LMRS data
484      * @return acceleration for synchronization
485      * @throws ParameterException if a parameter is not defined
486      * @throws OperationalPlanException perception exception
487      */
488     Acceleration synchronize(LanePerception perception, Parameters params, SpeedLimitInfo sli, CarFollowingModel cfm,
489             double desire, LateralDirectionality lat, LmrsData lmrsData) throws ParameterException, OperationalPlanException;
491     /**
492      * Removes all GTUs from the set, that are found upstream on the conflicting lane of a conflict in the current lane.
493      * @param set PerceptionCollectable&lt;HeadwayGTU,LaneBasedGTU&gt;; set of GTUs
494      * @param perception LanePerception; perception
495      * @param relativeLane RelativeLane; relative lane
496      * @return the input set, for chained use
497      * @throws OperationalPlanException if the {@code IntersectionPerception} category is not present
498      */
499     static PerceptionCollectable<HeadwayGTU, LaneBasedGTU> removeAllUpstreamOfConflicts(
500             final PerceptionCollectable<HeadwayGTU, LaneBasedGTU> set, final LanePerception perception,
501             final RelativeLane relativeLane) throws OperationalPlanException
502     {
503         // if (true)
504         // {
505         // return set;
506         // }
507         // TODO find a better solution for this inefficient hack... when to ignore a vehicle for synchronization?
508         SortedSetPerceptionIterable<HeadwayGTU> out;
509         try
510         {
511             out = new SortedSetPerceptionIterable<HeadwayGTU>(
512                     (OTSRoadNetwork) perception.getGtu().getReferencePosition().getLane().getParentLink().getNetwork());
513         }
514         catch (GTUException exception)
515         {
516             throw new OperationalPlanException(exception);
517         }
518         if (set == null)
519         {
520             return out;
521         }
522         IntersectionPerception intersection = perception.getPerceptionCategoryOrNull(IntersectionPerception.class);
523         if (intersection == null)
524         {
525             return set;
526         }
527         Map<String, HeadwayGTU> map = new HashMap<>();
528         for (HeadwayGTU gtu : set)
529         {
530             map.put(gtu.getId(), gtu);
531         }
532         Iterable<HeadwayConflict> conflicts = intersection.getConflicts(relativeLane);
533         if (conflicts != null)
534         {
535             for (HeadwayConflict conflict : conflicts)
536             {
537                 if (conflict.isCrossing() || conflict.isMerge())
538                 {
539                     for (HeadwayGTU conflictGtu : conflict.getUpstreamConflictingGTUs())
540                     {
541                         if (map.containsKey(conflictGtu.getId()))
542                         {
543                             map.remove(conflictGtu.getId());
544                         }
545                     }
546                 }
547             }
548         }
549         out.addAll(map.values());
550         return out;
552     }
554     /**
555      * Return limited deceleration. Deceleration is limited to {@code b} for {@code d < dCoop}. Beyond {@code dCoop} the limit
556      * is a linear interpolation between {@code b} and {@code bCrit}.
557      * @param a Acceleration; acceleration to limit
558      * @param desire double; lane change desire
559      * @param params Parameters; parameters
560      * @return limited deceleration
561      * @throws ParameterException when parameter is no available or value out of range
562      */
563     static Acceleration gentleUrgency(final Acceleration a, final double desire, final Parameters params)
564             throws ParameterException
565     {
566         Acceleration b = params.getParameter(ParameterTypes.B);
567         if ( >
568         {
569             return a;
570         }
571         double dCoop = params.getParameter(DCOOP);
572         if (desire < dCoop)
573         {
574             return b.neg();
575         }
576         Acceleration bCrit = params.getParameter(ParameterTypes.BCRIT);
577         double f = (desire - dCoop) / (1.0 - dCoop);
578         Acceleration lim = Acceleration.interpolate(b.neg(), bCrit.neg(), f);
579         return Acceleration.max(a, lim);
580     }
582     /**
583      * Returns the upstream gtu of the given gtu.
584      * @param gtu HeadwayGTU; gtu
585      * @param leaders PerceptionCollectable&lt;HeadwayGTU,LaneBasedGTU&gt;; leaders of own vehicle
586      * @param follower HeadwayGTU; following vehicle of own vehicle
587      * @param ownLength Length; own vehicle length
588      * @return upstream gtu of the given gtu
589      */
590     static HeadwayGTU getFollower(final HeadwayGTU gtu, final PerceptionCollectable<HeadwayGTU, LaneBasedGTU> leaders,
591             final HeadwayGTU follower, final Length ownLength)
592     {
593         HeadwayGTU last = null;
594         for (HeadwayGTU leader : leaders)
595         {
596             if (leader.equals(gtu))
597             {
598                 return last == null ? follower : last;
599             }
600             last = leader;
601         }
602         return null;
603     }
605     /**
606      * Calculates acceleration by following an adjacent vehicle, with tagging along if desire is not very high and speed is low.
607      * @param leader HeadwayGTU; leader
608      * @param followerSpeed Speed; follower speed
609      * @param followerLength Length; follower length
610      * @param tagSpeed Speed; maximum tag along speed
611      * @param desire double; lane change desire
612      * @param params Parameters; parameters
613      * @param sli SpeedLimitInfo; speed limit info
614      * @param cfm CarFollowingModel; car-following model
615      * @return acceleration by following an adjacent vehicle including tagging along
616      * @throws ParameterException if a parameter is not present
617      */
618     @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:parameternumber")
619     static Acceleration tagAlongAcceleration(final HeadwayGTU leader, final Speed followerSpeed, final Length followerLength,
620             final Speed tagSpeed, final double desire, final Parameters params, final SpeedLimitInfo sli,
621             final CarFollowingModel cfm) throws ParameterException
622     {
623         double dCoop = params.getParameter(DCOOP);
624         double tagV = ? 1.0 - / : 0.0;
625         double tagD = desire <= dCoop ? 1.0 : 1.0 - (desire - dCoop) / (1.0 - dCoop);
626         double tagExtent = tagV < tagD ? tagV : tagD;
628         /*-
629          * Maximum extent is half a vehicle length, being the minimum of the own vehicle or adjacent vehicle length. At
630          * standstill we get: 
631          *
632          * car>car:    __       car>truck:       ______ 
633          *            __                        __ 
634          *                                                   driving direction -->
635          * truck>car:      __   truck>truck:       ______ 
636          *            ______                    ______
637          */
638         Length headwayAdjustment = params.getParameter(ParameterTypes.S0)
639                 .plus(Length.min(followerLength, leader.getLength()).multiplyBy(0.5)).multiplyBy(tagExtent);
640         Acceleration a = LmrsUtil.singleAcceleration(leader.getDistance().plus(headwayAdjustment), followerSpeed,
641                 leader.getSpeed(), desire, params, sli, cfm);
642         return a;
643     }
645     /**
646      * Returns whether a driver estimates it can be ahead of an adjacent vehicle for merging.
647      * @param adjacentVehicle HeadwayGTU; adjacent vehicle
648      * @param xCur Length; remaining distance
649      * @param nCur int; number of lane changes to perform
650      * @param ownSpeed Speed; own speed
651      * @param ownLength Length; own length
652      * @param tagSpeed Speed; maximum tag along speed
653      * @param dCoop double; cooperation threshold
654      * @param b Acceleration; critical deceleration
655      * @param tMin Duration; minimum headway
656      * @param tMax Duration; normal headway
657      * @param x0 Length; anticipation distance
658      * @param t0 Duration; anticipation time
659      * @param lc Duration; lane change duration
660      * @param desire double; lane change desire
661      * @return whether a driver estimates it can be ahead of an adjacent vehicle for merging
662      * @throws ParameterException if parameter is not defined
663      */
664     static boolean canBeAhead(final HeadwayGTU adjacentVehicle, final Length xCur, final int nCur, final Speed ownSpeed,
665             final Length ownLength, final Speed tagSpeed, final double dCoop, final Acceleration b, final Duration tMin,
666             final Duration tMax, final Length x0, final Duration t0, final Duration lc, final double desire)
667             throws ParameterException
668     {
670         // always true if adjacent vehicle is behind and i) both vehicles very slow, or ii) cooperation assumed and possible
671         boolean tmp = LmrsUtil
672                 .singleAcceleration(adjacentVehicle.getDistance().neg().minus(adjacentVehicle.getLength()).minus(ownLength),
673                         adjacentVehicle.getSpeed(), ownSpeed, desire, adjacentVehicle.getParameters(),
674                         adjacentVehicle.getSpeedLimitInfo(), adjacentVehicle.getCarFollowingModel())
675                 .gt(b.neg());
676         if (adjacentVehicle.getDistance().lt(ownLength.neg())
677                 && ((desire > dCoop && tmp) || ( && adjacentVehicle.getSpeed().lt(tagSpeed))))
678         {
679             return true;
680         }
681         /*-
682          * Check that we cover distance (xCur - c) before adjacent vehicle will no longer leave a space of xGap.
683          * _______________________________________________________________________________
684          *                 ___b           ___b (at +t)
685          * _____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _______
686          *       _____x                              _____x (at +t)                /
687          * _______________________________________________________________________/
688          *            (---------------------------xCur---------------------------)
689          *            (-s-)(l)               (-xGap-)(-l-)(----------c-----------)
690          *            
691          *            (----------------------------------) x should cover this distance before
692          *                    (-------------) b covers this distance; then we can be ahead (otherwise, follow b)
693          */
694         Length c = requiredBufferSpace(ownSpeed, nCur, x0, t0, lc, dCoop);
695         double t = ( - /;
696         double xGap = adjacentVehicle.getSpeed().si * ( + desire * ( -;
697         return 0.0 < t && t < ( - adjacentVehicle.getDistance().si - - adjacentVehicle.getLength().si -
698                 - xGap) / adjacentVehicle.getSpeed().si;
699     }
701     /**
702      * Returns the required buffer space to perform a lane change and further lane changes.
703      * @param speed Speed; representative speed
704      * @param nCur int; number of required lane changes
705      * @param x0 Length; anticipation distance
706      * @param t0 Duration; anticipation time
707      * @param lc Duration; lane change duration
708      * @param dCoop double; cooperation threshold
709      * @return required buffer space to perform a lane change and further lane changes
710      */
711     static Length requiredBufferSpace(final Speed speed, final int nCur, final Length x0, final Duration t0, final Duration lc,
712             final double dCoop)
713     {
714         Length xCrit = speed.multiplyBy(t0);
715         xCrit = Length.max(xCrit, x0);
716         return speed.multiplyBy(lc).plus(xCrit.multiplyBy((nCur - 1.0) * (1.0 - dCoop)));
717     }
719     /**
720      * Calculates acceleration to stop for a split or dead-end, accounting for infrastructure.
721      * @param xCur Length; remaining distance to end
722      * @param xMerge Length; distance until merge point
723      * @param params Parameters; parameters
724      * @param ownSpeed Speed; own speed
725      * @param cfm CarFollowingModel; car-following model
726      * @param sli SpeedLimitInfo; speed limit info
727      * @return acceleration to stop for a split or dead-end, accounting for infrastructure
728      * @throws ParameterException if parameter is not defined
729      */
730     static Acceleration stopForEnd(final Length xCur, final Length xMerge, final Parameters params, final Speed ownSpeed,
731             final CarFollowingModel cfm, final SpeedLimitInfo sli) throws ParameterException
732     {
733         if (xCur.lt0())
734         {
735             // missed our final lane change spot, but space remains
736             return Acceleration.max(params.getParameter(ParameterTypes.BCRIT).neg(),
737                     CarFollowingUtil.stop(cfm, params, ownSpeed, sli, xMerge));
738         }
739         LmrsUtil.setDesiredHeadway(params, 1.0);
740         Acceleration a = CarFollowingUtil.stop(cfm, params, ownSpeed, sli, xCur);
741         if (a.lt0())
742         {
743             // decelerate even more if still comfortable, leaving space for acceleration later
744             a = Acceleration.min(a, params.getParameter(ParameterTypes.B).neg());
745             // but never decelerate such that stand-still is reached within xMerge
746             if (xMerge.gt0())
747             {
748                 a = Acceleration.max(a, CarFollowingUtil.stop(cfm, params, ownSpeed, sli, xMerge));
749             }
750         }
751         else
752         {
753             a = Acceleration.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
754         }
755         LmrsUtil.resetDesiredHeadway(params);
756         return a;
757     }
759     /**
760      * Returns the leader of one gtu from a set.
761      * @param gtu HeadwayGTU; gtu
762      * @param leaders SortedSet&lt;HeadwayGTU&gt;; leaders
763      * @return leader of one gtu from a set
764      */
765     static HeadwayGTU getTargetLeader(final HeadwayGTU gtu, final SortedSet<HeadwayGTU> leaders)
766     {
767         for (HeadwayGTU leader : leaders)
768         {
769             if (leader.getDistance().gt(gtu.getDistance()))
770             {
771                 return leader;
772             }
773         }
774         return null;
775     }
777 }