View Javadoc
1   package;
3   import java.rmi.RemoteException;
4   import java.util.ArrayList;
5   import java.util.HashSet;
6   import java.util.List;
7   import java.util.Map;
8   import java.util.Set;
10  import;
12  import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Length;
13  import org.djutils.exceptions.Throw;
14  import org.opentrafficsim.core.compatibility.Compatible;
15  import org.opentrafficsim.core.geometry.OTSGeometryException;
16  import org.opentrafficsim.core.geometry.OTSLine3D;
17  import org.opentrafficsim.core.geometry.OTSPoint3D;
18  import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.GTUDirectionality;
19  import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.GTUException;
20  import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.RelativePosition.TYPE;
21  import;
22  import;
23  import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.LaneBasedGTU;
24  import;
25  import;
27  import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.animation.Locatable;
28  import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.simulators.DEVSSimulatorInterface;
29  import nl.tudelft.simulation.event.EventInterface;
30  import nl.tudelft.simulation.event.EventListenerInterface;
31  import nl.tudelft.simulation.event.EventProducer;
32  import nl.tudelft.simulation.event.EventProducerInterface;
33  import nl.tudelft.simulation.language.d3.DirectedPoint;
35  /**
36   * This traffic light sensor reports whether it whether any GTUs are within its area. The area is a sub-section of a Lane. This
37   * traffic sensor does <b>not</b> report the total number of GTUs within the area; only whether that number is zero or non-zero.
38   * <p>
39   * Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. <br>
40   * BSD-style license. See <a href="">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
41   * <p>
42   * @version $Revision$, $LastChangedDate$, by $Author$, initial version Oct 27, 2016 <br>
43   * @author <a href="">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
44   * @author <a href="">Peter Knoppers</a>
45   * @author <a href="">Wouter Schakel</a>
46   */
47  public class TrafficLightSensor extends EventProducer
48          implements EventListenerInterface, NonDirectionalOccupancySensor, EventProducerInterface, Locatable, Sensor
49  {
50      /** */
51      private static final long serialVersionUID = 20161103L;
53      /** Id of this TrafficLightSensor. */
54      private final String id;
56      /** The sensor that detects when a GTU enters the sensor area at point A. */
57      private final FlankSensor entryA;
59      /** The sensor that detects when a GTU exits the sensor area at point A. */
60      private final FlankSensor exitA;
62      /** The sensor that detects when a GTU enters the sensor area at point B. */
63      private final FlankSensor entryB;
65      /** The sensor that detects when a GTU exits the sensor area at point B. */
66      private final FlankSensor exitB;
68      /** GTUs detected by the upSensor, but not yet removed by the downSensor. */
69      private final Set<LaneBasedGTU> currentGTUs = new HashSet<>();
71      /** The lanes that the detector (partly) covers. */
72      private final Set<Lane> lanes = new HashSet<>();
74      /** Which side of the position of flank sensor A is the TrafficLightSensor. */
75      private final GTUDirectionality directionalityA;
77      /** Which side of the position of flank sensor B is the TrafficLightSensor. */
78      private final GTUDirectionality directionalityB;
80      /** Design line of the sensor. */
81      private final OTSLine3D path;
83      /**
84       * Construct a new traffic light sensor.<br>
85       * TODO Possibly provide the GTUTypes that trigger the sensor as an argument for the constructor
86       * @param id String; id of this sensor
87       * @param laneA Lane; the lane of the A detection point of this traffic light sensor
88       * @param positionA Length; the position of the A detection point of this traffic light sensor
89       * @param laneB Lane; the lane of the B detection point of this traffic light sensor
90       * @param positionB Length; the position of the B detection point of this traffic light sensor
91       * @param intermediateLanes List&lt;Lane&gt;; list of intermediate lanes
92       * @param entryPosition TYPE; the position on the GTUs that trigger the entry events
93       * @param exitPosition TYPE; the position on the GTUs that trigger the exit events
94       * @param simulator DEVSSimulatorInterface.TimeDoubleUnit; the simulator
95       * @param compatible Compatible; object that checks that the detector detects a GTU.
96       * @throws NetworkException when the network is inconsistent.
97       */
98      @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:parameternumber")
99      public TrafficLightSensor(final String id, final Lane laneA, final Length positionA, final Lane laneB,
100             final Length positionB, final List<Lane> intermediateLanes, final TYPE entryPosition, final TYPE exitPosition,
101             final DEVSSimulatorInterface.TimeDoubleUnit simulator, final Compatible compatible) throws NetworkException
102     {
103         Throw.whenNull(id, "id may not be null");
104 = id;
105         this.entryA = new FlankSensor(id + ".entryA", laneA, positionA, entryPosition, simulator, this, compatible);
106         this.exitA = new FlankSensor(id + ".exitA", laneA, positionA, exitPosition, simulator, this, compatible);
107         this.entryB = new FlankSensor(id + ".entryB", laneB, positionB, entryPosition, simulator, this, compatible);
108         this.exitB = new FlankSensor(id + ".exitB", laneB, positionB, exitPosition, simulator, this, compatible);
109         // Set up detection of GTUs that enter or leave the sensor laterally or appear due to a generator or disappear due to a
110         // sink
111         this.lanes.add(laneA);
112         if (null != intermediateLanes)
113         {
114             this.lanes.addAll(intermediateLanes);
115         }
116         this.lanes.add(laneB);
117         for (Lane lane : this.lanes)
118         {
119             lane.addListener(this, Lane.GTU_ADD_EVENT);
120             lane.addListener(this, Lane.GTU_REMOVE_EVENT);
121         }
122         if (laneA.equals(laneB))
123         {
124             this.directionalityA = positionA.le(positionB) ? GTUDirectionality.DIR_PLUS : GTUDirectionality.DIR_MINUS;
125             this.directionalityB = this.directionalityA;
126         }
127         else
128         {
129             this.directionalityA = findDirectionality(laneA, intermediateLanes);
130             this.directionalityB = GTUDirectionality.DIR_PLUS == findDirectionality(laneB, intermediateLanes)
131                     ? GTUDirectionality.DIR_MINUS : GTUDirectionality.DIR_PLUS;
132             // System.out.println("Directionality on B is " + this.directionalityB);
133         }
134         List<OTSPoint3D> outLine = new ArrayList<>();
135         outLine.add(fixElevation(this.entryA.getGeometry().getCentroid()));
136         if (null != intermediateLanes && intermediateLanes.size() > 0)
137         {
138             Lane prevLane = laneA;
139             List<Lane> remainingLanes = new ArrayList<>();
140             remainingLanes.addAll(intermediateLanes);
141             remainingLanes.add(laneB);
142             while (remainingLanes.size() > 0)
143             {
144                 Lane continuingLane = null;
145                 Node node = prevLane.getParentLink().getEndNode();
146                 for (Lane nextLane : intermediateLanes)
147                 {
148                     if (nextLane.getParentLink().getStartNode().equals(node))
149                     {
150                         continuingLane = nextLane;
151                         outLine.add(fixElevation(nextLane.getCenterLine().getFirst()));
152                         break;
153                     }
154                     else if (nextLane.getParentLink().getEndNode().equals(node))
155                     {
156                         continuingLane = nextLane;
157                         outLine.add(fixElevation(nextLane.getCenterLine().getLast()));
158                         break;
159                     }
160                 }
161                 if (null == continuingLane)
162                 {
163                     throw new NetworkException("Cannot find route from laneA to laneB using the provided intermediateLanes");
164                 }
165                 remainingLanes.remove(continuingLane);
166             }
167         }
168         outLine.add(fixElevation(this.exitB.getGeometry().getCentroid()));
169         try
170         {
171             this.path = OTSLine3D.createAndCleanOTSLine3D(outLine);
172         }
173         catch (OTSGeometryException exception)
174         {
175             // This happens if A and B are the same
176             throw new NetworkException(exception);
177         }
178     }
180     /**
181      * Increase the elevation of an OTSPoint3D.
182      * @param point OTSPoint3D; the point
183      * @return OTSPoint3D
184      */
185     private OTSPoint3D fixElevation(final OTSPoint3D point)
186     {
187         return new OTSPoint3D(point.x, point.y, point.z +;
188     }
190     /**
191      * Figure out which part of a lane is covered by the TrafficLightSensor.
192      * @param lane Lane; the lane
193      * @param intermediateLanes List&lt;Lane&gt;; TODO
194      * @return GTUDirectionality; DIR_PLUS if the detector covers the section with higher longitudinal position; DIR_MINUS if
195      *         the detector covers the section with lower longitudinal position
196      * @throws NetworkException if the lane is not connected to any of the lanes in this.lanes
197      */
198     private GTUDirectionality findDirectionality(final Lane lane, final List<Lane> intermediateLanes) throws NetworkException
199     {
200         Node startNode = lane.getParentLink().getStartNode();
201         Node endNode = lane.getParentLink().getEndNode();
202         for (Lane otherLane : intermediateLanes)
203         {
204             if (lane.equals(otherLane))
205             {
206                 continue;
207             }
208             Node intermediateNode = otherLane.getParentLink().getStartNode();
209             if (intermediateNode == startNode)
210             {
211                 return GTUDirectionality.DIR_MINUS;
212             }
213             if (intermediateNode == endNode)
214             {
215                 return GTUDirectionality.DIR_PLUS;
216             }
217             intermediateNode = otherLane.getParentLink().getEndNode();
218             if (intermediateNode == startNode)
219             {
220                 return GTUDirectionality.DIR_MINUS;
221             }
222             if (intermediateNode == endNode)
223             {
224                 return GTUDirectionality.DIR_PLUS;
225             }
226         }
227         throw new NetworkException("lane " + lane + " is not connected to any intermediate lane or the other lane");
228     }
230     /**
231      * Add a GTU to the set.
232      * @param gtu LaneBasedGTU; the GTU that must be added
233      */
234     protected final void addGTU(final LaneBasedGTU gtu)
235     {
236         if (this.currentGTUs.add(gtu) && this.currentGTUs.size() == 1)
237         {
238             fireTimedEvent(NonDirectionalOccupancySensor.NON_DIRECTIONAL_OCCUPANCY_SENSOR_TRIGGER_ENTRY_EVENT,
239                     new Object[] {getId()}, getSimulator().getSimulatorTime());
240         }
241     }
243     /**
244      * Remove a GTU from the set.
245      * @param gtu LaneBasedGTU; the GTU that must be removed
246      */
247     protected final void removeGTU(final LaneBasedGTU gtu)
248     {
249         if (this.currentGTUs.remove(gtu) && this.currentGTUs.size() == 0)
250         {
251             fireTimedEvent(NonDirectionalOccupancySensor.NON_DIRECTIONAL_OCCUPANCY_SENSOR_TRIGGER_EXIT_EVENT,
252                     new Object[] {getId()}, getSimulator().getSimulatorTime());
253         }
254     }
256     /** {@inheritDoc} */
257     @Override
258     public final void notify(final EventInterface event) throws RemoteException
259     {
260         // System.out.println("Received notification: " + event);
261         LaneBasedGTU gtu = (LaneBasedGTU) ((Object[]) event.getContent())[1];
262         if (Lane.GTU_REMOVE_EVENT.equals(event.getType()))
263         {
264             if (!this.currentGTUs.contains(gtu))
265             {
266                 return; // GTU is not currently detected; nothing to do
267             }
268             try
269             {
270                 Map<Lane, Length> frontPositions = gtu.positions(gtu.getRelativePositions().get(this.entryA.getPositionType()));
271                 Set<Lane> remainingLanes = new HashSet<>(frontPositions.keySet());
272                 remainingLanes.retainAll(this.lanes);
273                 if (remainingLanes.size() == 0)
274                 {
275                     removeGTU(gtu);
276                 }
277                 // else: GTU is still in one of our lanes and we will get another GTU_REMOVE_EVENT or the GTU will trigger one
278                 // of our exit flank sensors or when the GTU leaves this detector laterally
279                 return;
280             }
281             catch (GTUException exception)
282             {
283                 System.err.println("Caught GTU exception trying to get the frontPositions");
284                 exception.printStackTrace();
285             }
286         }
287         else if (Lane.GTU_ADD_EVENT.equals(event.getType()))
288         {
289             if (this.currentGTUs.contains(gtu))
290             {
291                 return; // GTU is already detected; nothing to do
292             }
293             // Determine whether the GTU is in our range
294             try
295             {
296                 Map<Lane, Length> frontPositions = gtu.positions(gtu.getRelativePositions().get(this.entryA.getPositionType()));
297                 Set<Lane> remainingLanes = new HashSet<>(frontPositions.keySet());
298                 remainingLanes.retainAll(this.lanes);
299                 if (remainingLanes.size() == 0)
300                 {
301                     System.err.println("GTU is not in any or our lanes - CANNOT HAPPEN");
302                 }
303                 Map<Lane, Length> rearPositions = gtu.positions(gtu.getRelativePositions().get(this.exitA.getPositionType()));
304                 for (Lane remainingLane : remainingLanes)
305                 {
306                     Length frontPosition = frontPositions.get(remainingLane);
307                     Length rearPosition = rearPositions.get(remainingLane);
308                     Length laneLength = remainingLane.getLength();
309                     // System.out.println("frontPosition " + frontPosition + ", rearPosition " + rearPosition + ", laneLength "
310                     // + laneLength + ", directionalityB " + this.directionalityB);
312                     if (frontPosition.lt0() && rearPosition.lt0()
313                             || &&
314                     {
315                         continue; // Not detected on this lane
316                     }
317                     // The active part of the GTU covers some part of this lane
318                     if (this.entryA.getLane() != remainingLane && this.entryB.getLane() != remainingLane)
319                     {
320                         // The active part covers (part of) an intermediate lane; therefore this detector detects the GTU
321                         addGTU(gtu);
322                         return;
323                     }
324                     // The GTU is on the A lane and/or the B lane; in this case the driving direction matters
325                     GTUDirectionality drivingDirection = gtu.getDirection(remainingLane);
326                     if (this.entryA.getLane().equals(this.entryB.getLane()))
327                     {
328                         // A lane equals B lane; does the active part of the GTU cover the detector?
329                         // TODO: not handling backwards driving GTU
330                         if (GTUDirectionality.DIR_PLUS == drivingDirection)
331                         {
332                             // GTU is driving in direction of increasing longitudinal distance
333                             if (this.directionalityA == GTUDirectionality.DIR_PLUS)
334                             {
335                                 if (
336                                         &&
337                                 {
338                                     addGTU(gtu);
339                                     return;
340                                 }
341                             }
342                             else
343                             {
344                                 if (frontPosition.le(this.entryB.getLongitudinalPosition())
345                                         &&
346                                 {
347                                     addGTU(gtu);
348                                     return;
349                                 }
350                             }
351                         }
352                         else
353                         {
354                             // GTU is driving in direction of decreasing longitudinal distance
355                             if (this.directionalityA == GTUDirectionality.DIR_MINUS)
356                             {
357                                 if (frontPosition.le(this.entryB.getLongitudinalPosition())
358                                         &&
359                                 {
360                                     addGTU(gtu);
361                                     return;
362                                 }
363                             }
364                             else
365                             {
366                                 if (frontPosition.le(this.entryB.getLongitudinalPosition())
367                                         &&
368                                 {
369                                     addGTU(gtu);
370                                     return;
371                                 }
372                             }
373                         }
374                     }
375                     else
376                     // Lane A is not equal to lane B; the GTU is on of these
377                     {
378                         Length detectionPosition;
379                         GTUDirectionality detectorDirectionality;
380                         if (this.entryA.getLane() == remainingLane)
381                         {
382                             detectionPosition = this.entryA.getLongitudinalPosition();
383                             detectorDirectionality = this.directionalityA;
384                         }
385                         else
386                         {
387                             detectionPosition = this.entryB.getLongitudinalPosition();
388                             detectorDirectionality = this.directionalityB;
389                         }
390                         if (GTUDirectionality.DIR_PLUS == drivingDirection)
391                         {
392                             if (GTUDirectionality.DIR_PLUS == detectorDirectionality)
393                             {
394                                 if (
395                                 {
396                                     addGTU(gtu);
397                                     return;
398                                 }
399                             }
400                             else
401                             {
402                                 if (rearPosition.le(detectionPosition))
403                                 {
404                                     addGTU(gtu);
405                                     return;
406                                 }
407                             }
408                         }
409                         else
410                         {
411                             // GTU is driving in direction of decreasing longitudinal distance
412                             if (GTUDirectionality.DIR_PLUS == detectorDirectionality)
413                             {
414                                 if (
415                                 {
416                                     addGTU(gtu);
417                                     return;
418                                 }
419                             }
420                             else
421                             {
422                                 if (frontPosition.le(detectionPosition))
423                                 {
424                                     addGTU(gtu);
425                                     return;
426                                 }
427                             }
428                         }
429                     }
430                 }
431                 return;
432             }
433             catch (GTUException exception)
434             {
435                 System.err.println("Caught GTU exception trying to get the frontPositions");
436                 exception.printStackTrace();
437             }
438         }
439         else
440         {
441             System.err.println("Unexpected event: " + event);
442         }
443     }
445     /** {@inheritDoc} */
446     @Override
447     public final TYPE getPositionTypeEntry()
448     {
449         return this.entryA.getPositionType();
450     }
452     /** {@inheritDoc} */
453     @Override
454     public final TYPE getPositionTypeExit()
455     {
456         return this.exitA.getPositionType();
457     }
459     /** {@inheritDoc} */
460     @Override
461     public final Length getLanePositionA()
462     {
463         return this.entryA.getLongitudinalPosition();
464     }
466     /** {@inheritDoc} */
467     @Override
468     public final Length getLanePositionB()
469     {
470         return this.entryB.getLongitudinalPosition();
471     }
473     /**
474      * One of our flank sensors has triggered.
475      * @param sensor FlankSensor; the sensor that was triggered
476      * @param gtu LaneBasedGTU; the gtu that triggered the flank sensor
477      */
478     public final void signalDetection(final FlankSensor sensor, final LaneBasedGTU gtu)
479     {
480         GTUDirectionality gtuDirection = null;
481         try
482         {
483             gtuDirection = gtu.getDirection(sensor.getLane());
484         }
485         catch (GTUException exception)
486         {
487             exception.printStackTrace();
488         }
489         // String source =
490         // this.entryA == sensor ? "entryA" : this.entryB == sensor ? "entryB" : this.exitA == sensor ? "exitA"
491         // : this.exitB == sensor ? "exitB" : "???";
492         // System.out.println("Time " + sensor.getSimulator().getSimulatorTime() + ": " + + " " + source
493         // + " triggered on " + gtu + " driving direction is " + gtuDirection);
494         if (this.entryA == sensor && gtuDirection == this.directionalityA
495                 || this.entryB == sensor && gtuDirection != this.directionalityB)
496         {
497             addGTU(gtu);
498         }
499         else if (this.exitA == sensor && gtuDirection != this.directionalityA
500                 || this.exitB == sensor && gtuDirection == this.directionalityB)
501         // Some exit sensor has triggered
502         {
503             removeGTU(gtu);
504         }
505         // else
506         // {
507         // // System.out.println("Ignoring event (GTU is driving in wrong direction)");
508         // }
509     }
511     /** {@inheritDoc} */
512     @Override
513     public final String getId()
514     {
515         return;
516     }
518     /** {@inheritDoc} */
519     @Override
520     public final DEVSSimulatorInterface.TimeDoubleUnit getSimulator()
521     {
522         return this.entryA.getSimulator();
523     }
525     /** {@inheritDoc} */
526     @Override
527     public final DirectedPoint getLocation() throws RemoteException
528     {
529         return this.path.getLocation();
530     }
532     /** {@inheritDoc} */
533     @Override
534     public final Bounds getBounds() throws RemoteException
535     {
536         return this.path.getBounds();
537     }
539     /**
540      * Return the path of this traffic light sensor.
541      * @return OTSLine3D; the path of this traffic light sensor
542      */
543     public final OTSLine3D getPath()
544     {
545         return this.path;
546     }
548     /**
549      * Return the state of this traffic light sensor.
550      * @return boolean; true if one or more GTUs are currently detected; false of no GTUs are currently detected
551      */
552     public final boolean getOccupancy()
553     {
554         return this.currentGTUs.size() > 0;
555     }
557     /** {@inheritDoc} */
558     @Override
559     public final String toString()
560     {
561         return "TrafficLightSensor [id=" + + ", entryA=" + this.entryA + ", exitA=" + this.exitA + ", entryB="
562                 + this.entryB + ", exitB=" + this.exitB + ", currentGTUs=" + this.currentGTUs + ", lanes=" + this.lanes
563                 + ", directionalityA=" + this.directionalityA + ", directionalityB=" + this.directionalityB + ", path="
564                 + this.path + "]";
565     }
567 }