PMD Results
The following document contains the results of PMD 7.3.0.
Violations By Priority
Priority 3
Rule | Violation | Line |
EmptyCatchBlock | Avoid empty catch blocks | 55–58 |
EmptyCatchBlock | Avoid empty catch blocks | 90–93 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'evalChanged': the method is declared in an interface type | 318 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 355 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 356 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 357 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 357 |
EmptyCatchBlock | Avoid empty catch blocks | 363–366 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 473 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 474 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 474 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 663 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 683 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 694 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 735 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 738 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 764 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 784 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 896 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 1364 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 1373 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 1382 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 1391 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 1406 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 1556 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 1557 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 1636 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 1665 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 1884 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 2014 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 2014 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
EmptyCatchBlock | Avoid empty catch blocks | 632–635 |
UnusedFormalParameter | Avoid unused method parameters such as 'field'. | 2055 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 46 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 55 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 57 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 47 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 57 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 63 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 60 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 59 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 60 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 63 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 73 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'final' on method 'nodesEqual': private methods cannot be overridden | 123 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 149 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 151 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 159 |
MisplacedNullCheck | The null check here is misplaced; if the variable 'parent' is null there will be a NullPointerException | 173 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'final' on method 'updateAllActive': private methods cannot be overridden | 226 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'final' on method 'getLayoutFromLink': private methods cannot be overridden | 397 |
UnnecessarySemicolon | Unnecessary semicolon | 415 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'static' on enum 'LayoutCoupling': nested enums are implicitly static | 426 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
CollapsibleIfStatements | This if statement could be combined with its parent | 120–125 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
EmptyCatchBlock | Avoid empty catch blocks | 351–354 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'final' on method 'nodesEqual': private methods cannot be overridden | 93 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
EmptyCatchBlock | Avoid empty catch blocks | 68–71 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
EmptyControlStatement | Empty if statement | 421–433 |
EmptyControlStatement | Empty if statement | 425–433 |
EmptyCatchBlock | Avoid empty catch blocks | 770–773 |
SimplifiedTernary | This conditional expression can be simplified with || or && | 1325 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
UnnecessaryReturn | Unnecessary return statement | 49 |
CollapsibleIfStatements | This if statement could be combined with its parent | 74–77 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
CollapsibleIfStatements | This if statement could be combined with its parent | 144–147 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 443 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 444 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
SimplifiedTernary | This conditional expression can be simplified with || or && | 77 |
Priority 4
Rule | Violation | Line |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'DocumentReader': 'getChildren' is already in scope | 73 |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'DocumentReader': 'getChildren' is already in scope | 75 |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'DocumentReader': 'getAttribute' is already in scope | 77 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
UselessParentheses | Useless parentheses. | 814 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
UselessParentheses | Useless parentheses. | 326 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'Node': 'TEXT_NODE' is already in scope because it is inherited by an enclosing type | 59 |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'Node': 'ATTRIBUTE_NODE' is already in scope because it is inherited by an enclosing type | 322 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
UselessParentheses | Useless parentheses. | 349 |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'XsdTreeNodeRoot': 'XsdTreeNode::OPTION_CHANGED' is already in scope because it is declared in an enclosing type | 478 |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'XsdTreeNodeRoot': 'XsdTreeNode::ACTIVATION_CHANGED' is already in scope because it is declared in an enclosing type | 1037 |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'XsdTreeNodeRoot': 'XsdTreeNode::ACTIVATION_CHANGED' is already in scope because it is declared in an enclosing type | 1058 |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'XsdTreeNode': 'ACTIVATION_CHANGED' is already in scope because it is declared in an enclosing type | 1073 |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'XsdTreeNode': 'ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED' is already in scope because it is declared in an enclosing type | 2734 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'XsdTreeNodeUtil': 'ref' is already in scope | 110 |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'XsdTreeNodeUtil': 'append' is already in scope | 111 |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'XsdTreeNodeUtil': 'type' is already in scope | 115 |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'XsdTreeNodeUtil': 'append' is already in scope | 119 |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'XsdTreeNodeUtil': 'append' is already in scope | 123 |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'XsdTreeNodeUtil': 'append' is already in scope | 128 |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'XsdTreeNodeUtil': 'append' is already in scope | 142 |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'XsdTreeNodeUtil': 'append' is already in scope | 148 |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'XsdTreeNodeUtil': 'append' is already in scope | 161 |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'XsdTreeNodeUtil': 'append' is already in scope | 180 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
UnnecessaryImport | Unused import 'org.opentrafficsim.editor.XsdTreeNodeRoot' | 8 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
UselessParentheses | Useless parentheses. | 63 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
UselessParentheses | Useless parentheses. | 86 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'Component': 'LEFT_ALIGNMENT' is already in scope because it is inherited by an enclosing type | 486 |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'ChangeListener': 'CHANGE_EVENT' is already in scope because it is inherited by an enclosing type | 592 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'java.util': 'Map' is already in scope because it is imported in this file | 158 |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'java.util': 'Map' is already in scope because it is imported in this file | 161 |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'java.util': 'Map' is already in scope because it is imported in this file | 627 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
UselessParentheses | Useless parentheses. | 55 |
UselessParentheses | Useless parentheses. | 65 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
UselessParentheses | Useless parentheses. | 109 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'SwingConstants': 'CENTER' is already in scope because it is inherited by an enclosing type | 204 |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'SwingConstants': 'LEFT' is already in scope because it is inherited by an enclosing type | 208 |
Rule | Violation | Line |
UselessParentheses | Useless parentheses. | 63–64 |
UselessParentheses | Useless parentheses. | 64 |
UselessParentheses | Useless parentheses. | 77 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
EmptyCatchBlock | Avoid empty catch blocks | 3 | 55–58 |
EmptyCatchBlock | Avoid empty catch blocks | 3 | 90–93 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'DocumentReader': 'getChildren' is already in scope | 4 | 73 |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'DocumentReader': 'getChildren' is already in scope | 4 | 75 |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'DocumentReader': 'getAttribute' is already in scope | 4 | 77 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'evalChanged': the method is declared in an interface type | 3 | 318 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 3 | 355 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 3 | 356 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 3 | 357 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 3 | 357 |
EmptyCatchBlock | Avoid empty catch blocks | 3 | 363–366 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 3 | 473 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 3 | 474 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 3 | 474 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 3 | 663 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 3 | 683 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 3 | 694 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 3 | 735 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 3 | 738 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 3 | 764 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 3 | 784 |
UselessParentheses | Useless parentheses. | 4 | 814 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 3 | 896 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 3 | 1364 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 3 | 1373 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 3 | 1382 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 3 | 1391 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 3 | 1406 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 3 | 1556 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 3 | 1557 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 3 | 1636 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 3 | 1665 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 3 | 1884 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 3 | 2014 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 3 | 2014 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
UselessParentheses | Useless parentheses. | 4 | 326 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'Node': 'TEXT_NODE' is already in scope because it is inherited by an enclosing type | 4 | 59 |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'Node': 'ATTRIBUTE_NODE' is already in scope because it is inherited by an enclosing type | 4 | 322 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
UselessParentheses | Useless parentheses. | 4 | 349 |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'XsdTreeNodeRoot': 'XsdTreeNode::OPTION_CHANGED' is already in scope because it is declared in an enclosing type | 4 | 478 |
EmptyCatchBlock | Avoid empty catch blocks | 3 | 632–635 |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'XsdTreeNodeRoot': 'XsdTreeNode::ACTIVATION_CHANGED' is already in scope because it is declared in an enclosing type | 4 | 1037 |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'XsdTreeNodeRoot': 'XsdTreeNode::ACTIVATION_CHANGED' is already in scope because it is declared in an enclosing type | 4 | 1058 |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'XsdTreeNode': 'ACTIVATION_CHANGED' is already in scope because it is declared in an enclosing type | 4 | 1073 |
UnusedFormalParameter | Avoid unused method parameters such as 'field'. | 3 | 2055 |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'XsdTreeNode': 'ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED' is already in scope because it is declared in an enclosing type | 4 | 2734 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'XsdTreeNodeUtil': 'ref' is already in scope | 4 | 110 |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'XsdTreeNodeUtil': 'append' is already in scope | 4 | 111 |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'XsdTreeNodeUtil': 'type' is already in scope | 4 | 115 |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'XsdTreeNodeUtil': 'append' is already in scope | 4 | 119 |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'XsdTreeNodeUtil': 'append' is already in scope | 4 | 123 |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'XsdTreeNodeUtil': 'append' is already in scope | 4 | 128 |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'XsdTreeNodeUtil': 'append' is already in scope | 4 | 142 |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'XsdTreeNodeUtil': 'append' is already in scope | 4 | 148 |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'XsdTreeNodeUtil': 'append' is already in scope | 4 | 161 |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'XsdTreeNodeUtil': 'append' is already in scope | 4 | 180 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 3 | 46 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 3 | 55 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 3 | 57 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 3 | 47 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 3 | 57 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 3 | 63 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 3 | 60 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
UnnecessaryImport | Unused import 'org.opentrafficsim.editor.XsdTreeNodeRoot' | 4 | 8 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 3 | 59 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 3 | 60 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 3 | 63 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 3 | 73 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'final' on method 'nodesEqual': private methods cannot be overridden | 3 | 123 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 3 | 149 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 3 | 151 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 3 | 159 |
MisplacedNullCheck | The null check here is misplaced; if the variable 'parent' is null there will be a NullPointerException | 3 | 173 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'final' on method 'updateAllActive': private methods cannot be overridden | 3 | 226 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'final' on method 'getLayoutFromLink': private methods cannot be overridden | 3 | 397 |
UnnecessarySemicolon | Unnecessary semicolon | 3 | 415 |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'static' on enum 'LayoutCoupling': nested enums are implicitly static | 3 | 426 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
CollapsibleIfStatements | This if statement could be combined with its parent | 3 | 120–125 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
EmptyCatchBlock | Avoid empty catch blocks | 3 | 351–354 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
UnnecessaryModifier | Unnecessary modifier 'final' on method 'nodesEqual': private methods cannot be overridden | 3 | 93 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
UselessParentheses | Useless parentheses. | 4 | 63 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
UselessParentheses | Useless parentheses. | 4 | 86 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'Component': 'LEFT_ALIGNMENT' is already in scope because it is inherited by an enclosing type | 4 | 486 |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'ChangeListener': 'CHANGE_EVENT' is already in scope because it is inherited by an enclosing type | 4 | 592 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
EmptyCatchBlock | Avoid empty catch blocks | 3 | 68–71 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'java.util': 'Map' is already in scope because it is imported in this file | 4 | 158 |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'java.util': 'Map' is already in scope because it is imported in this file | 4 | 161 |
EmptyControlStatement | Empty if statement | 3 | 421–433 |
EmptyControlStatement | Empty if statement | 3 | 425–433 |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'java.util': 'Map' is already in scope because it is imported in this file | 4 | 627 |
EmptyCatchBlock | Avoid empty catch blocks | 3 | 770–773 |
SimplifiedTernary | This conditional expression can be simplified with || or && | 3 | 1325 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
UselessParentheses | Useless parentheses. | 4 | 55 |
UselessParentheses | Useless parentheses. | 4 | 65 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
UselessParentheses | Useless parentheses. | 4 | 109 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
UnnecessaryReturn | Unnecessary return statement | 3 | 49 |
CollapsibleIfStatements | This if statement could be combined with its parent | 3 | 74–77 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
CollapsibleIfStatements | This if statement could be combined with its parent | 3 | 144–147 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 3 | 443 |
UselessQualifiedThis | Useless qualified this usage in the same class. | 3 | 444 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'SwingConstants': 'CENTER' is already in scope because it is inherited by an enclosing type | 4 | 204 |
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName | Unnecessary qualifier 'SwingConstants': 'LEFT' is already in scope because it is inherited by an enclosing type | 4 | 208 |
Rule | Violation | Priority | Line |
UselessParentheses | Useless parentheses. | 4 | 63–64 |
UselessParentheses | Useless parentheses. | 4 | 64 |
SimplifiedTernary | This conditional expression can be simplified with || or && | 3 | 77 |
UselessParentheses | Useless parentheses. | 4 | 77 |