Class LaneBasedAbstractPerceptionCategory

    • Field Detail


        public static final Acceleration MAX_YELLOW_DECELERATION
        Maximum deceleration that is used to determine if a vehicle will attempt to stop for a yellow light.
        Derived from the report Onderzoek geeltijden by Goudappel Coffeng.

        public static final Acceleration MAX_RED_DECELERATION
        Maximum deceleration that is used to determine if a vehicle will attempt to stop for a red light.
        Not based on any scientific source; sorry.
    • Constructor Detail

      • LaneBasedAbstractPerceptionCategory

        public LaneBasedAbstractPerceptionCategory​(LanePerception perception)
        perception - LanePerception; perception
    • Method Detail

      • computeIfAbsent

        protected <T> T computeIfAbsent​(Object key,
                                        Supplier<T> supplier)
        Returns the cached value for the given key, or computes it if it's absent or not from the current simulation time. The key represents a type of information, e.g. 'ego speed'.

        This method will compute the information if required. A simple manner to define a Supplier<T> is to create a method and invoke it using a lambda expression. For example, suppose we have the method public Speed getEgoSpeed() for the tactical planner to use, and private Speed computeEgoSpeed() for internal use, then we could use the following line inside getEgoSpeed():

         return computeIfAbsent("speedLimit", () -> computeEgoSpeed());
        Type Parameters:
        T - value type
        key - Object; key defining which information is requested
        supplier - Supplier<T>;
        T; cached or computed value
      • computeIfAbsent

        protected <T> T computeIfAbsent​(Object key,
                                        Supplier<T> supplier,
                                        Object context)
        Returns the cached value for the given key, or computes it if it's absent or not from the current simulation time. The key represents a type of information, e.g. 'leading GTUs'. This information is context specific, namely the lane for which 'leading GTUs' are requested.

        This method will compute the information if required. A simple manner to define a Supplier<T> is to create a method and invoke it using a lambda expression. For example, suppose we have the method public List<HeadwayGTU> getLeaders(Lane) for the tactical planner to use, and private List<HeadwayGTU> computeLeaders(Lane) for internal use, then we could use the following line inside getLeaders(Lane):

         return computeIfAbsent("leaders", () -> computeLeaders(lane))
        Type Parameters:
        T - value type
        key - Object; key defining which information is requested, it may be contextual if it's context dependent
        supplier - Supplier<T>;
        context - Object; object defining the context, e.g. the lane for which the information is requested
        T; cached or computed value
      • computeIfAbsent

        protected <T> T computeIfAbsent​(Object key,
                                        Supplier<T> supplier,
                                        Object... context)
        Returns the cached value for the given key, or computes it if it's absent or not from the current simulation time. The key represents a type of information, e.g. 'neighboring GTUs'. This information is context specific, namely the lane for which 'neighboring GTUs' are requested, as well as the longitudinal direction.

        It is not advised to use this method at high frequency as it contains slight overhead. Instead, consider defining keys directly for various contexts. For example:

         private final Object leftLaneLeadersKey = new Object();
         private final Object leftLaneFollowersKey = new Object();
         private final Object righttLaneLeadersKey = new Object();
         private final Object rightLaneFollowersKey = new Object();
        This method will compute the information if required. A simple manner to define a Supplier<T> is to create a method and invoke it using a lambda expression. For example, suppose we have the method public List<HeadwayGTU> getNeighbors(Lane, LongiudinalDirection) for the tactical planner to use, and private List<HeadwayGTU> computeNeighbors(Lane, LongiudinalDirection) for internal use, then we could use the following line inside getNeighbors(Lane, LongiudinalDirection):
         return computeIfAbsent("neighbors", () -> computeNeighbors(lane, longDir))
        Type Parameters:
        T - value type
        key - Object; key defining which information is requested, it may be contextual if it's context dependent
        supplier - Supplier<T>;
        context - Object...; objects defining the context, e.g. the lane and direction for which the information is requested
        T; cached or computed value