Uses of Package
Classes concerning generation of
for vehicle generation.The lane-based GTUs are the Generalized Travel Units that travel in lanes, and need to switch lanes to overtake.
Classes about vehicle control, including ACC and CACC.
Implementation of lane-based perception for the GTU.
Categories define a set of perceivable information.
Contains perception categories to perceive neighbors.
Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
Mental mechanisms are a part of perception.
Package for the Stochastic Distraction Model by and in cooperation with Manuel Lindorfer (
The lane structure provides a way to see the world for a lane based model.
Specific operational plan method for road-vehicles operating in a lane-based network.
Tactical planners for a lane-based GTU.
Classes that deal with lane changing models.
GTU (Car) following models such as IDM+.
Classes that deal with lane changing models.
Classes that implement the LMRS lane change model integrated with a car-following model forming a tactical planner.
Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
Static methods for composition in tactical planners.
LMRS (Lane change Model with Relaxation and Synchronization) utilities for tactical planner.
Strategical planners for a road-based GTU.
Classes that provide detailed cross-sections of a link using lanes, markers and sensors.
Contains classes describing intersection conflicts.
Lane-based objects that act as sensors.
Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
ClassDescriptionInterface for vehicle models.Factory for vehicle models.
ClassDescriptionAbstract class that listens to move events of GTUs so checks can be performed.This class contains most of the code that is needed to run a lane based GTU.Interface for vehicle models.Factory for vehicle models.
ClassDescriptionThis class contains most of the code that is needed to run a lane based GTU.
ClassDescriptionThis class contains most of the code that is needed to run a lane based GTU.
ClassDescriptionThis class contains most of the code that is needed to run a lane based GTU.
ClassDescriptionThis class contains most of the code that is needed to run a lane based GTU.
ClassDescriptionThis class contains most of the code that is needed to run a lane based GTU.
ClassDescriptionThis class contains most of the code that is needed to run a lane based GTU.
ClassDescriptionThis class contains most of the code that is needed to run a lane based GTU.
ClassDescriptionThis class contains most of the code that is needed to run a lane based GTU.
ClassDescriptionThis class contains most of the code that is needed to run a lane based GTU.
ClassDescriptionThis class contains most of the code that is needed to run a lane based GTU.
ClassDescriptionThis class contains most of the code that is needed to run a lane based GTU.
ClassDescriptionThis class contains most of the code that is needed to run a lane based GTU.
ClassDescriptionThis class contains most of the code that is needed to run a lane based GTU.
ClassDescriptionThis class contains most of the code that is needed to run a lane based GTU.
ClassDescriptionThis class contains most of the code that is needed to run a lane based GTU.
ClassDescriptionThis class contains most of the code that is needed to run a lane based GTU.
ClassDescriptionThis class contains most of the code that is needed to run a lane based GTU.
ClassDescriptionThis class contains most of the code that is needed to run a lane based GTU.
ClassDescriptionThis class contains most of the code that is needed to run a lane based GTU.
ClassDescriptionThis class contains most of the code that is needed to run a lane based GTU.
ClassDescriptionThis class contains most of the code that is needed to run a lane based GTU.
ClassDescriptionThis class contains most of the code that is needed to run a lane based GTU.