Class AbstractLaneBasedTacticalPlanner

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, TacticalPlanner<LaneBasedGtu,LanePerception>, LaneBasedTacticalPlanner
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractIncentivesTacticalPlanner, LaneBasedCfLcTacticalPlanner, LaneBasedGtuFollowingTacticalPlanner, Toledo

public abstract class AbstractLaneBasedTacticalPlanner extends Object implements LaneBasedTacticalPlanner, Serializable
A lane-based tactical planner generates an operational plan for the lane-based GTU. It can ask the strategic planner for assistance on the route to take when the network splits. This abstract class contains a number of helper methods that make it easy to implement a tactical planner.

Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
BSD-style license. See OpenTrafficSim License.

Alexander Verbraeck, Peter Knoppers
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final org.opentrafficsim.base.parameters.ParameterTypeClass<LaneBasedTacticalPlanner> LANE_TACTICAL_PLANNER
      Tactical planner parameter.

      protected static final org.opentrafficsim.base.parameters.ParameterTypeLength LOOKAHEAD
      Look ahead parameter type.
    • DT

      protected static final org.opentrafficsim.base.parameters.ParameterTypeDuration DT
      Time step parameter type.
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractLaneBasedTacticalPlanner

      public AbstractLaneBasedTacticalPlanner(CarFollowingModel carFollowingModel, LaneBasedGtu gtu, LanePerception lanePerception)
      Instantiates a tactical planner.
      carFollowingModel - car-following model
      gtu - GTU
      lanePerception - perception
  • Method Details

    • getGtu

      public final LaneBasedGtu getGtu()
      Specified by:
      getGtu in interface TacticalPlanner<LaneBasedGtu,LanePerception>
    • buildLanePathInfo

      public static LanePathInfo buildLanePathInfo(LaneBasedGtu gtu, org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Length maxHeadway) throws GtuException, NetworkException
      Build a list of lanes forward, with a maximum headway relative to the reference point of the GTU.
      gtu - the GTU for which to calculate the lane list
      maxHeadway - the maximum length for which lanes should be returned
      an instance that provides the following information for an operational plan: the lanes to follow, and the path to follow when staying on the same lane.
      GtuException - when the vehicle is not on one of the lanes on which it is registered
      NetworkException - when the strategic planner is not able to return a next node in the route
    • buildLanePathInfo

      public static LanePathInfo buildLanePathInfo(LaneBasedGtu gtu, org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Length maxHeadway, Lane startLane, org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Length position) throws GtuException, NetworkException
      Build a list of lanes forward, with a maximum headway relative to the reference point of the GTU.
      gtu - the GTU for which to calculate the lane list
      maxHeadway - the maximum length for which lanes should be returned
      startLane - the lane in which the path starts
      position - the position on the start lane
      an instance that provides the following information for an operational plan: the lanes to follow, and the path to follow when staying on the same lane.
      GtuException - when the vehicle is not on one of the lanes on which it is registered
      NetworkException - when the strategic planner is not able to return a next node in the route
      GtuException - when the vehicle is not on one of the lanes on which it is registered
      NetworkException - when the strategic planner is not able to return a next node in the route
    • concatenateNull

      public static org.opentrafficsim.base.geometry.OtsLine2d concatenateNull(org.opentrafficsim.base.geometry.OtsLine2d path, org.opentrafficsim.base.geometry.OtsLine2d centerLine)
      Concatenate two paths, where the first may be null.
      path - path, may be null
      centerLine - center line of lane to add
      concatenated line
    • determineNextSplit

      public static NextSplitInfo determineNextSplit(LaneBasedGtu gtu, org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Length maxHeadway) throws GtuException, NetworkException
      Calculate the next location where the network splits, with a maximum headway relative to the reference point of the GTU. Note: a lane drop is also considered a split (!).
      gtu - the GTU for which to calculate the lane list
      maxHeadway - the maximum length for which lanes should be returned
      an instance that provides the following information for an operational plan: whether the network splits, the node where it splits, and the current lanes that lead to the right node after the split node.
      GtuException - when the vehicle is not on one of the lanes on which it is registered
      NetworkException - when the strategic planner is not able to return a next node in the route
    • connectsToPath

      protected static boolean connectsToPath(LaneBasedGtu gtu, org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Length maxHeadway, Lane startLane, org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Length startLanePosition, Link linkAfterSplit) throws GtuException, NetworkException
      Determine whether the lane is directly connected to our route, in other words: if we would (continue to) drive on the given lane, can we take the right branch at the nextSplitNode without switching lanes?
      gtu - the GTU for which we have to determine the lane suitability
      maxHeadway - the maximum length for use in the calculation
      startLane - the first lane in the list
      startLanePosition - the position on the start lane
      linkAfterSplit - the link after the split to which we should connect
      true if the lane (XXXXX which lane?) is connected to our path
      GtuException - when the vehicle is not on one of the lanes on which it is registered
      NetworkException - when the strategic planner is not able to return a next node in the route
    • noLaneDrop

      protected static boolean noLaneDrop(LaneBasedGtu gtu, org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Length maxHeadway, Lane startLane, org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Length startLanePosition) throws GtuException, NetworkException
      Determine whether the lane does not drop, in other words: if we would (continue to) drive on the given lane, can we continue to drive at the nextSplitNode without switching lanes?
      gtu - the GTU for which we have to determine the lane suitability
      maxHeadway - the maximum length for use in the calculation
      startLane - the first lane in the list
      startLanePosition - the position on the start lane
      true if the lane (XXX which lane?) is connected to our path
      GtuException - when the vehicle is not on one of the lanes on which it is registered
      NetworkException - when the strategic planner is not able to return a next node in the route
    • buildLinkListForward

      protected static List<Link> buildLinkListForward(LaneBasedGtu gtu, org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Length maxHeadway) throws GtuException, NetworkException
      Make a list of links on which to drive next, with a maximum headway relative to the reference point of the GTU.
      gtu - the GTU for which to calculate the link list
      maxHeadway - the maximum length for which links should be returned
      a list of links on which to drive next
      GtuException - when the vehicle is not on one of the lanes on which it is registered
      NetworkException - when the strategic planner is not able to return a next node in the route
    • getCarFollowingModel

      public final CarFollowingModel getCarFollowingModel()
      Description copied from interface: LaneBasedTacticalPlanner
      Returns the car-following model.
      Specified by:
      getCarFollowingModel in interface LaneBasedTacticalPlanner
      car following model
    • setCarFollowingModel

      public final void setCarFollowingModel(CarFollowingModel carFollowingModel)
      Sets the car-following model.
      carFollowingModel - Car-following model to set.
    • getPerception

      public final LanePerception getPerception()
      Specified by:
      getPerception in interface TacticalPlanner<LaneBasedGtu,LanePerception>