All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractActuatedControl |
Simple linear CACC controller.
AbstractCarFollowingModel |
Default implementation where desired speed and headway are pre-calculated for car-following.
AbstractDirectedLaneChangeModel |
Common code for a family of lane change models like in M.
AbstractGTUFollowingModelMobil |
Code shared between various car following models.
AbstractGTUGeneratorOld |
Common code for LaneBasedGTU generators that may have to postpone putting a GTU on the road due to congestion growing into
the generator.
AbstractHeadway |
Super class for non-delayed and non-erroneous perception.
AbstractHeadwayCopy |
Container for a reference to information about a (lane based) GTU and a headway.
AbstractHeadwayGTU |
Container for a reference to information about a (lane based) GTU and a headway.
AbstractHeadwayLaneBasedObject |
Lane based object headway with constructors for stationary information.
AbstractIDM |
Implementation of the IDM.
AbstractIDMFactory<T extends AbstractIDM> |
Factory for IDM types.
AbstractIncentivesTacticalPlanner |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
AbstractLaneBasedGTU |
This class contains most of the code that is needed to run a lane based GTU.
AbstractLaneBasedGTU2 |
This class contains most of the code that is needed to run a lane based GTU.
AbstractLaneBasedIndividualGTU |
Specific type of LaneBasedGTU.
AbstractLaneBasedMoveChecker |
Abstract class that listens to move events of GTUs so checks can be performed.
AbstractLaneBasedObject |
An abstract implementation of the LaneBasedObject interface with the required fields being initialized and getters for those
AbstractLaneBasedStrategicalPlanner |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
AbstractLaneBasedStrategicalPlannerFactory<T extends LaneBasedStrategicalPlanner> |
Factory for creating LaneBasedStrategicalRoutePlanner using any LaneBasedTacticalPlannerFactory .
AbstractLaneBasedTacticalPlanner |
A lane-based tactical planner generates an operational plan for the lane-based GTU.
AbstractLaneBasedTacticalPlannerFactory<T extends LaneBasedTacticalPlanner> |
Abstract tactical planner factory which uses a car-following model factory for supplying peeked desired speed and headway.
AbstractLaneChangeModel |
Common code for a family of lane change models like in M.
AbstractLanePerception |
The perception module of a GTU based on lanes.
AbstractLinearFreeControl |
Class that splits the desired acceleration of a controller in a fixed linear free term, and a term for following determined
by the sub-class.
AbstractPerceptionIterable<H extends Headway,U,C> |
Abstract iterable that figures out how to find the next nearest object, including splits.
AbstractPerceptionReiterable<H extends Headway,U> |
This class uses a single primary iterator which a subclass defines, and makes sure that all elements are only looked up and
created once.
AbstractSensor |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
AbstractTask |
Has id, task demand and anticipation reliance as internal variables.
AbstractTrafficLight |
Basic, abstract implementation of a traffic light.
AbstractTrafficLightController |
Standard fields and methods for traffic light controllers.
AccelerationBusStop |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
AccelerationChecker |
Checks acceleration bounds.
AccelerationConflicts |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
AccelerationIncentive |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
AccelerationNoRightOvertake |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
AccelerationSpeedLimitTransition |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
AccelerationStep |
Storage for the result of a GTU following model.
AccelerationTrafficLights |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
AccPerception |
ACC perception.
AdaptationHeadway |
Behavioral adaptation which increases the desired headway to reduce task-demand.
AdaptationSituationalAwareness |
Behavioral adaptation which sets parameters for situational awareness and reaction time.
AdaptationSpeed |
Behavioral adaptation which reduces the desired speed to reduce task-demand.
AlineaSwitch |
Switch implementing the ALINEA algorithm.
Altruistic |
The altruistic driver changes lane when that is beneficial for all drivers.
Anticipation |
Form of anticipation.
AnticipationDensity |
Collector to determine density based on GTUs.
AnticipationDensity.CountAndDistance |
Intermediate data to determine density.
AnticipationInfo |
Utility class that stores duration and end-speed for a given anticipated movement.
AnticipationSpeed |
Collector of leaders which derives an set of anticipation speeds from a lane.
AnticipationSpeed.SpeedSet |
Class to contain info from 1 lane, regarding 3 lanes.
AnticipationTrafficPerception |
Traffic perception using neighbors perception.
Arrivals |
Interface for arrivals in an ArrivalsHeadwayGenerator .
ArrivalsHeadwayGenerator |
Headway generation based on Arrivals .
ArrivalsHeadwayGenerator.HeadwayDistribution |
Headway distribution.
Barrier |
Typically, a barrier will have no lateral permeability.
Blockable |
Interface for tactical planners that can report their blocking status.
Break |
Utility to make debugging on a specific GTU more convenient.
BusSchedule |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
BusStop |
A bus stop is a location on a lane.
BusStopConflictRule |
Conflict rule for conflicts where busses enter the lane after a stop.
BusStopPerception |
Bus stop perception category.
Tagging interface to identify the tactical planner of the predecessor to be of a CACC controlled vehicle.
CaccPerception |
CACC perception.
CarFollowingModel |
Methods that a car-following model has to implement.
CarFollowingModelFactory<T extends CarFollowingModel> |
Factory for car-following models.
CarFollowingUtil |
Static methods regarding car-following for composition in tactical planners.
CarFollowingUtil.CarFollowingHeadway |
Simple headway implementation for minimum car-following information.
CategoricalLanePerception |
Standard perception completely based on connected perception categories.
Categorization |
A categorization determines for what part of traffic certain demand data is applicable.
Category |
A category is a set of objects who's class belongs to a certain categorization.
CFBARoomChecker |
Extends car-following placement with a first-order bounded acceleration (BA) principle.
CFRoomChecker |
This class places GTU's behind the leader at the desired headway (i.e.
CollisionDetector |
Checks for collisions.
CollisionException |
Throw when a collision is detected.
Conflict |
Conflicts deal with traffic on different links/roads that need to consider each other as their paths may be in conflict
ConflictBuilder |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
ConflictBuilder.FixedWidthGenerator |
Generator with fixed width.
ConflictBuilder.RelativeWidthGenerator |
Generator with width factor on actual lane width.
ConflictBuilder.WidthGenerator |
Generator for width.
ConflictBuilderParallel |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
ConflictBuilderParallel.FixedWidthGenerator |
Generator with fixed width.
ConflictBuilderParallel.RelativeWidthGenerator |
Generator with width factor on actual lane width.
ConflictBuilderParallel.WidthGenerator |
Generator for width.
ConflictPriority |
Priority of conflict.
ConflictRule |
A conflict rule provides the conflict priority.
ConflictType |
Type of conflict.
ConflictUtil |
This class implements default behavior for intersection conflicts for use in tactical planners.
ConflictUtil.ConflictPlans |
Holds the tactical plans of a driver considering conflicts.
ConstantTask |
Class for constant demand.
Controllable |
Interface for tactical planners to return the control state for visualization.
Controllable.State |
Control state.
ControlTacticalPlanner |
Interface for tactical planners that use control.
Cooperation |
Different forms of cooperation.
CrossSectionElement |
Cross section elements are used to compose a CrossSectionLink.
CrossSectionLink |
A CrossSectionLink is a link with lanes where GTUs can possibly switch between lanes.
CrossSectionLink.Priority |
Priority of a link.
CrossSectionSlice |
The CrossSectionSlice provides the width and offset at a relative length of a CrossSectionElement.
CycleTimeLightController |
Controller using a cycle time.
DefaultCaccSensors |
Default CACC sensors.
DefaultConflictRule |
Default determination of priority based on link priority, or right-hand traffic.
DefaultDistraction |
Set of default distractions as derived by the research of Manuel Lindorfer.
DefaultGTUCharacteristicsGeneratorOD |
Default generator for LaneBasedGTUCharacteristics .
DefaultGTUCharacteristicsGeneratorOD.Factory |
Factory for DefaultGTUCharacteristicsGeneratorOD .
DefaultLMRSPerceptionFactory |
Perception factory with EgoPerception, InfrastructurePerception, NeighborsPerception and IntersectionPerception.
DefaultRouteSystem |
Default route system.
DefaultSimplePerception |
Default perception category.
DelayedActuation |
Delays the actuation of acceleration.
DemandPattern |
Demand pattern defined by a frequency vector, time vector and interpolation.
Desire |
Reflects the level of lane change desire a driver experiences in both the left and right direction.
DesireBased |
Interface for tactical planners that can return desire information for visualization.
DesiredHeadwayModel |
Desired headway model.
DesiredSpeedModel |
Desired speed model.
DestinationSensor |
A DestinationSensor is a sensor that deletes a GTU that has the node it will pass after this sensor as its destination.
Detector |
Detector, measuring a dynamic set of measurements.
Detector.CompressionMethod |
Defines the compression method for stored data.
Detector.DetectorMeasurement<C,A> |
Interface for what detectors measure.
Detector.PlatoonSizes |
Measurement of platoon sizes based on time between previous GTU exit and GTU entry.
DirectBusStopPerception |
Bus stop perception.
DirectDefaultSimplePerception |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
DirectedAltruistic |
The altruistic driver changes lane when that is beneficial for all drivers.
DirectedEgoistic |
The egoistic drive changes lane when this yields is personal advantage (totally ignoring any disadvantage to others).
DirectedFixedLaneChangeModel |
Dummy lane change model with totally predictable results (used for testing).
DirectedLaneChangeModel |
All directed lane change models must implement this interface.
DirectedLaneMovementStep |
Acceleration, lane change decision and time until when this movement is committed.
DirectedLanePosition |
Store one position, direction and lane of a GTU.
DirectInfrastructurePerception |
Perceives information concerning the infrastructure, including splits, lanes, speed limits and road markings.
DirectIntersectionPerception |
Perceives traffic lights and intersection conflicts.
DirectionalOccupancySensor |
An occupancy sensor is a lane-based object that can be triggered by a relative position of the GTU (e.g., front, back) when
that relative position passes over the sensor location on the lane.
DirectNeighborsPerception |
Perception of surrounding traffic on the own road, i.e.
Distraction |
Task as seen by the Stochastic Distraction Model.
Distraction |
Distraction following a distance profile.
Distraction.DistractionProfile |
Describes the profile around the distraction.
Distraction.TrapezoidProfile |
Distraction profile with trapezoid shape.
DistractionFactory |
Utility to create a list of default distractions as derived by the research of Manuel Lindorfer.
DownstreamNeighborsIterable |
Iterable to find downstream GTU's.
The behavior of this search is slightly altered using boolean ignoreIfUpstream .
DSOLProblem |
Demonstration of problem.
DualAccelerationStep |
Container for two instances of an AccelerationStep.
Egoistic |
The egoistic drive changes lane when this yields is personal advantage (totally ignoring any disadvantage to others).
Estimation |
Estimation of neighbor headway, speed and acceleration.
Estimation.FactorEstimation |
Estimation based on a factor.
ExponentialTask |
Class for exponential demand.
FilteredIterable<T extends Headway> |
Returns only those elements that comply with the predicate.
FixedAccelerationModel |
Fixed GTU following model.
FixedLaneChangeModel |
Dummy lane change model with totally predictable results (used for testing).
FlankSensor |
Embedded sensors used by a TrafficLightSensor.
Fuller |
Task-capability interface in accordance to Fuller (2011).
Fuller.BehavioralAdaptation |
Behavioral adaptation by changing parameter values.
GapAcceptance |
Interface for LMRS gap-acceptance models.
GeneratorPositions |
Helper class for vehicle generation which can draw the next GTU position to try to place a GTU.
GeneratorPositions.GeneratorLanePosition |
Class representing a vehicle generation lane, providing elementary information for randomly drawing links and lanes.
GeneratorPositions.GeneratorLinkPosition |
Class representing a vehicle generation link to provide individual generation positions.
GeneratorPositions.LaneBias |
Vehicle generation lateral bias.
GeneratorPositions.LaneBiasDefaults |
Set of lane biases per GTU type enum, based on the GTU Types that are defined by default.
GeneratorPositions.LaneBiases |
Set of lane biases per GTU type.
GeneratorPositions.RoadPosition |
Interface for preferred road position for a lane bias.
GeneratorPositions.RoadPosition.BySpeed |
Road position based on desired speed.
GeneratorPositions.RoadPosition.ByValue |
Fixed road position.
GTUCharacteristicsGeneratorOD |
Interface for classes that generate GTU characteristics based on an OD.
GtuData |
Gtu representation in road sampler.
GTUFollowingModelOld |
GTU following model interface.
GTUGeneratorIndividualOld |
Generate GTUs.
GtuGeneratorQueue |
Interface for GTU generators.
GTUStatus |
Observable characteristics of a GTU.
GTUTypeAssumptions |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
GtuTypeData |
GTU type representation in road sampler.
Headway |
Interface for a reference to information about a (lane based) GTU and a headway.
Headway.ObjectType |
the object types that can be distinguished for headway.
HeadwayBusStop |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
HeadwayConflict |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
HeadwayConflict.Width |
Width progression of conflict.
HeadwayDistance |
Container for a reference to information about a headway with just a distance, without any further information about the
object; it assumes a speed of 0 at the headway, so it also good to store information about a lane drop.
HeadwayGTU |
Interface for perceived surrounding GTU's.
HeadwayGTUPerceived |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
HeadwayGTUReal |
Container for a reference to information about a (lane based) GTU and a headway.
HeadwayGTURealCopy |
Container for a reference to information about a (lane based) GTU and a headway.
HeadwayGTUSimple |
Container for a reference to information about a (lane based) GTU and a headway.
HeadwayGtuType |
Whether a GTU needs to be wrapped, or information should be copied for later and unaltered use.
HeadwayGTUType |
Container for a reference to information about a (lane based) GTU and a headway.
HeadwayGtuType.PerceivedHeadwayGtuType |
Class for perceived neighbors.
HeadwayLaneBasedObject |
Headway of a lane-based object.
HeadwayObject |
Container for a reference to information about a (lane based) object and a headway.
HeadwayStopLine |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
HeadwayTrafficLight |
Container for a reference to information about a (lane based) traffic light and a headway to the traffic light.
Implementation of the IDM.
IDMFactory |
Factory for IDM.
IDMOld |
The Intelligent Driver Model by Treiber, Hennecke and Helbing.
IDMPlus |
Implementation of the IDM+.
IDMPlusFactory |
Factory for IDM+.
IDMPlusMulti |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
IDMPlusMultiFactory |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
IDMPlusOld |
IDMPlus implements the Integrated Lane Change Model with Relaxation and Synchronization as published by Wouter J.
Incentive |
Tagging interface.
IncentiveBusStop |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
IncentiveCourtesy |
Determines lane change desire for courtesy lane changes, which are performed to supply space for other drivers.
IncentiveDummy |
Dummy desire disabling lane changes when used as the only incentive.
IncentiveGetInLane |
Incentive that lets drivers queue in an adjacent lane as soon as the speed is low in the adjacent lane, and stopping in the
current lane might block traffic towards other directions.
IncentiveKeep |
Determines lane change desire in order to adhere to keeping right or left.
IncentiveQueue |
Incentive to join the shortest queue near intersection.
IncentiveRoute |
Determines desire by assessing the number of required lane change to be performed and the distance within which these have to
be performed.
IncentiveSocioSpeed |
Lane change incentive based on social pressure.
IncentiveSpeed |
Determines lane change desire for speed, where the slowest vehicle in the current and adjacent lanes are assessed.
IncentiveSpeedWithCourtesy |
Determines lane change desire for speed.
IncentiveStayRight |
Incentive for trucks to remain on the two right-hand lanes, unless the route requires otherwise.
InfrastructureLaneChangeInfo |
Contains information by which drivers know when they need to leave a lane in order to be able to stay on the infrastructure
and follow their route.
InfrastructureLaneChangeInfoToledo |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
InfrastructurePerception |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
Initialisable |
Interface that can be implemented by desired headway models and desired speed models, such that they can be coupled to their
simulation context.
Interpolation |
Interpolation of demand.
IntersectionPerception |
Perception category for traffic lights and conflicts.
Lane |
The Lane is the CrossSectionElement of a CrossSectionLink on which GTUs can drive.
LaneBasedAbstractPerceptionCategory |
Super class for perception categories that use a LaneBasedGTU and that use lazy evaluation.
LaneBasedCFLCTacticalPlanner |
Lane-based tactical planner that implements car following and lane change behavior.
LaneBasedCFLCTacticalPlannerFactory |
Factory to create LaneBasedCFLCTacticalPlanner .
LaneBasedGTU |
This interface defines a lane based GTU.
LaneBasedGTUCharacteristics |
Characteristics for a lane base GTU.
LaneBasedGTUCharacteristicsGenerator |
Interface for objects that can generate a LaneBasedGTUCharacteristics object.
LaneBasedGTUFollowingDirectedChangeTacticalPlanner |
Lane-based tactical planner that implements car following behavior and rule-based lane change.
LaneBasedGTUFollowingDirectedChangeTacticalPlannerFactory |
Factory to create LaneBasedGTUFollowingChange0TacticalPlanner .
LaneBasedGTUFollowingTacticalPlanner |
Lane-based tactical planner that implements car following behavior.
LaneBasedGTUFollowingTacticalPlannerFactory |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
LaneBasedGTUGenerator |
Lane based GTU generator.
LaneBasedGTUGenerator.Placement |
Placement contains the information that a RoomChecker returns.
LaneBasedGTUGenerator.RoomChecker |
Interface for class that checks that there is sufficient room for a proposed new GTU and returns the maximum safe speed
and position for the proposed new GTU.
LaneBasedIndividualGTU |
Augments the AbstractLaneBasedIndividualGTU with a LaneBasedIndividualCarBuilder and animation support
LaneBasedIndividualGTU.LaneBasedIndividualCarBuilder |
Build an individual car and use easy setter methods to instantiate the car.
LaneBasedObject |
Objects that can be encountered on a Lane like conflict areas, GTUs, traffic lights, stop lines, etc.
LaneBasedObjectIterable<H extends Headway,L extends LaneBasedObject> |
Iterable that searches downstream or upstream for a certain type of lane based object.
LaneBasedOperationalPlan |
An operational plan with some extra information about the lanes and lane changes so this information does not have to be
recalculated multiple times.
LaneBasedPerceptionCategory |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
LaneBasedStrategicalPlanner |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
LaneBasedStrategicalPlannerFactory<T extends LaneBasedStrategicalPlanner> |
A factory class is used to generate strategical planners as the strategical planner is state-full.
LaneBasedStrategicalPlannerNone |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
LaneBasedStrategicalRoutePlanner |
Strategical planner, route-based, with personal driving characteristics, which contain settings for the tactical planner.
LaneBasedStrategicalRoutePlannerFactory |
Factory for creating LaneBasedStrategicalRoutePlanner using any LaneBasedTacticalPlannerFactory .
LaneBasedTacticalPlanner |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
LaneBasedTacticalPlannerFactory<T extends LaneBasedTacticalPlanner> |
A factory class is used to generate tactical planners as the tactical planner is state-full.
LaneBasedTemplateGTUType |
Generate lane based GTUs using a template.
LaneBasedTemplateGTUTypeDistribution |
Distribution of LaneBasedTemplateGTUType.
LaneChange |
Lane change status across operational plans.
LaneChange.LaneChangePath |
Provides a (partial) path during lane changes.
LaneChange.LaneChangePath.InterpolatedLaneChangePath |
Helper class for interpolation between the from and to center lines.
LaneChange.LaneChangePath.SequentialLaneChangePath |
A helper class to allow a lane change to follow a sequential determination of the target position (including
rotation) for each time step.
LaneChangeInfo |
Lane change info.
LaneChangeModel |
All lane change models must implement this interface.
LaneCombinationList |
Contains lane combinations that should be treated differently.
LaneData |
Lane representation in road sampler.
LaneDirection |
Combines a Lane with its GTUDirectionality.
LaneDirectionRecord |
A light-weight wrapper for LaneRecord search tools (PerceptionIterator).
LaneFactory |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
LaneKeepingPolicy |
Enum to indicate the general lane keeping rules: keep left, keep right, or keep lane.
LaneMovementStep |
Acceleration, lane change decision and time until when this movement is committed.
LaneOperationalPlanBuilder |
Builder for several often used operational plans.
LanePathInfo |
This class provides the following information for an operational plan:
the lanes to follow, with the direction to drive on them
the starting point on the first lane
the path to follow when staying on the same lane
LanePerception |
Interface for perception in a lane-based model.
LaneRecord<R extends LaneRecord<R>> |
Interface representing a lane for search algorithms, in particular PerceptionIterable.
LaneStructure |
Interface for lane structures.
LaneStructure.Entry<T extends LaneBasedObject> |
Wrapper to hold lane-based object and it's distance.
LaneStructureRecord |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
LaneType |
Lane type to indicate compatibility with GTU types.
Default types with their name.
LeaderId |
Leader id in trajectory information.
LegalSpeedLimit |
Indicates legal speed limits.
LinearACC |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
LinearCACC |
Simple linear CACC implementation.
LinkData |
Link representation in road sampler.
ListHeadways |
Headway generator that takes it's input from a file.
Implementation of the LMRS (Lane change Model with Relaxation and Synchronization).
LmrsData |
Keeps data for LMRS for a specific GTU.
LMRSFactory |
Factory for a tactical planner using LMRS with any car-following model.
LmrsParameters |
Interface with LMRS parameters.
LmrsUtil |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
LongitudinalControl |
Longitudinal controller, such as ACC or CACC.
LongitudinalControllerPerception |
Perception category for longitudinal control such as ACC and CACC.
MandatoryIncentive |
Interface for mandatory incentives.
MarkovCorrelation<S,I extends Number> |
Markov Chain functionality using state auto-correlations.
Mental |
Interface for mental modules operating on perception.
ModelComponentFactory |
Interface for factories of model components, such as strategical planners, tactical planners and car-following models.
MultiLaneBasedMoveChecker |
Checker that invokes multiple checkers.
MultiLanePerceptionIterable<H extends Headway,U> |
Iterable class to search over multiple lanes.
NeighborsPerception |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
NeighborsUtil |
Utilities to perceive neighbors.
NeighborsUtil.DistanceGTU |
GTU at a distance, as preliminary info towards perceiving it.
NeighborTriplet |
Results from anticipation.
NextSplitInfo |
This class provides information for an operational plan about the next location where the network splits.
NodeData |
Node representation in road sampler.
NonDirectionalOccupancySensor |
An occupancy sensor is a lane-based object that can be triggered by a relative position of the GTU (e.g., front, back) when
that relative position passes over the sensor location on the lane.
NoTrafficLane |
Lane without traffic, e.g.
ODApplier |
Utility to create vehicle generators on a network from an OD.
ODApplier.GeneratorObjects |
Class to contain created generator objects.
ODMatrix |
The minimal OD matrix has 1 origin, 1 destination and 1 time period.
ODOptions |
Options for vehicle generation based on an OD matrix.
ODOptions.Option<K> |
Utility class to store options.
OTSRoadNetwork |
OTSRoadNetwork adds a number of methods to the Network class that are specific for roads, such as the LaneTypes.
OTSRoadNetworkUtils |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
OTSRoadNetworkUtils |
OTSRoadNetworkCloner makes a deep clone of a network.
OTSRoadNode |
The Node is a point with an id and a direction.
OvertakingConditions |
This class implements the overtaking conditions.
OvertakingConditions.LeftAlwaysRightJam |
Overtaking on the left allowed for all GTUs, and overtaking on the right allowed when there is a traffic jam.
OvertakingConditions.LeftAlwaysRightSpeed |
Overtaking on the left allowed for all GTUs, and overtaking on the right allowed under a given speed.
OvertakingConditions.LeftAndRight |
Overtaking on both sides allowed.
OvertakingConditions.LeftOnly |
Overtaking on the left allowed for all GTUs.
OvertakingConditions.LeftSet |
Provide a collection of GTUs that can overtake another collection of GTUs on the left side, but not vice versa.
OvertakingConditions.LeftSetRightJam |
Provide a collection of GTUs that can overtake another collection of GTUs on the left side, but not vice versa.
OvertakingConditions.LeftSetRightSpeed |
Provide a collection of GTUs that can overtake another collection of GTUs on the left side, but not vice versa.
OvertakingConditions.None |
No overtaking allowed.
OvertakingConditions.RightAlwaysLeftJam |
Overtaking on the right allowed for all GTUs, and overtaking on the left allowed when there is a traffic jam.
OvertakingConditions.RightAlwaysLeftSpeed |
Overtaking on the right allowed for all GTUs, and overtaking on the left allowed under a given speed.
OvertakingConditions.RightOnly |
Overtaking on the right allowed for all GTUs.
OvertakingConditions.RightSet |
Provide a collection of GTUs that can overtake another collection of GTUs on the right side, but not vice versa.
OvertakingConditions.RightSetLeftJam |
Provide a collection of GTUs that can overtake another collection of GTUs on the right side, but not vice versa.
OvertakingConditions.RightSetLeftSpeed |
Provide a collection of GTUs that can overtake another collection of GTUs on the right side, but not vice versa.
OvertakingConditions.SameLaneBoth |
Overtaking on both sides allowed for all GTUs; they stay on the same lane (e.g., pedestrians).
OvertakingConditions.SameLaneLeft |
Overtaking on the left allowed for all GTUs; they stay on the same lane (e.g., bicycles).
OvertakingConditions.SameLaneRight |
Overtaking on the right allowed for all GTUs; they stay on the same lane (e.g., bicycles).
OvertakingDirection |
The direction in which a GTU is allowed to overtake another GTU, used as a return type for evaluating overtaking conditions.
PeekStack<T> |
Stack object that allows easy verification of the values of the last few entries.
PerceptionCollectable<H extends Headway,U> |
Iterable that additionally provides support for PerceptionCollectors.
PerceptionCollectable.Intermediate<I> |
Wrapper of intermediate result with info for the iterator algorithm.
PerceptionCollectable.PerceptionAccumulator<U,I> |
Accumulates an object one at a time in to an accumulating intermediate result.
PerceptionCollectable.PerceptionCollector<C,U,I> |
Combination of an accumulator and a finalizer.
PerceptionCollectable.PerceptionFinalizer<C,I> |
Translates the last intermediate result of an accumulator in to the collection output.
PerceptionCollectable.UnderlyingDistance<U> |
Wrapper for object and its distance.
PerceptionFactory |
Interface for perception initialization.
PerceptionIterable<H extends Headway> |
Iterable set of elements, sorted close to far.
PerceptionIterableSet<H extends Headway> |
Simple implementation of PerceptionIterable which wraps a set.
Platoons<T> |
Connects with a lane-based GTU generator to disable it over some time and generate a platoon instead.
PloegACC |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
PloegCACC |
Linear CACC implementation based on derivatives by Jeroen Ploeg.
RampMetering |
Ramp metering.
RampMeteringLightController |
Interface for controllers of traffic lights for ramp metering.
RampMeteringSwitch |
Determines whether the controller should be on or off.
ReactionTime |
Leader id in trajectory information.
ReferenceSpeed |
Reference speed for trajectories.
RelativeLane |
Defines a lane relative to the current lane.
RoadDefinitions |
The RoadDefinitions interface contains access to the core definitions that can be used to interpret the RoadNetwork and the
RoadMarkerAcross |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
RoadMarkerAlong |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
RoadNetwork |
RoadNetwork adds a number of methods to the Network class that are specific for roads, such as the LaneTypes.
RoadSampler |
Implementation of kpi sampler for OTS.
RoadSampler.Factory |
Factory for RoadSampler .
RollingLaneStructure |
This data structure can clearly indicate the lane structure ahead of us, e.g.
RollingLaneStructureRecord |
A LaneStructureRecord contains information about the lanes that can be accessed from this lane by a GTUType.
RollingLaneStructureRecord.RecordLink |
Link between records that defines the dependence of start position and hence how this is updated as the GTU moves.
RouteData |
Route representation in road sampler.
RouteGeneratorOD |
Generates a route by determining one.
RouteGeneratorOD.DefaultRouteGenerator |
Shortest route route generator.
RouteSystem |
A route system supplies information on the number of lane changes and distance within which this has to be performed.
RwsSwitch |
Switch implementing the RWS algorithm.
Sensor |
Base interface for sensor (enables switching on/off animation of all sensor types at once).
SequentialFixedAccelerationModel |
Extended version of FixedAccelerationModel.
Shoulder |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
SimpleOperationalPlan |
Simplified plan containing an acceleration value and possible lane change direction.
SimpleReportingSensor |
Sensor that prints which GTU triggers it.
SimpleTrafficLight |
Standard implementation of a traffic light.
SingleCrossSectionSwitch |
Super class for feed-forward controller.
SingleSensor |
A sensor is a lane-based object that can be triggered by a relative position of the GTU (e.g., front, back) when that
relative position passes over the sensor location on the lane.
SinkSensor |
A SinkSensor is a sensor that deletes every GTU that hits it.
SocioDesiredSpeed |
Wrapper of a base-desired speed model.
SortedSetPerceptionIterable<H extends Headway> |
Deprecated. |
SpeedInfoCurvature |
Class with curvature info for curvature speed limit type.
SpeedLimit |
Speed limit for trajectories.
SpeedLimitInfo |
Class to contain speed info related to various speed limit types.
SpeedLimitProspect |
Prospect of speed limits ahead, both legal and otherwise (e.g.
SpeedLimitType<T> |
Defines the type of a speed limit, resulting in different behavior.
SpeedLimitTypes |
Predefined list of speed limit types.
SpeedLimitTypeSpeed |
Implementation of SpeedLimitType suitable for the most common speed info class Speed .
SpeedLimitTypeSpeedLegal |
Similar to SpeedLimitTypeSpeed but implements the marker interface LegalSpeedLimit .
SpeedLimitUtil |
Static methods regarding speed limits for composition in tactical planners.
SpeedSign |
Speed sign.
SplitConflictRule |
Conflict rule for split conflicts.
SplitFraction |
Split fraction at a node with fractions per link, optionally per gtu type.
Steering |
Utility for tactical planners to implement more precise (in terms of physics) vehicle control.
Steering.FeedbackTable |
Class containing feedback values for curvature determination.
Steering.FeedbackTable.FeedbackVector |
Feedback value for a specific speed.
Steering.SteeringState |
Object that stores the information the steering utility requires.
SteeringLmrs |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
StochasticDistractionModel |
Stochastic Distraction Model by Manuel Lindorfer.
StrategicalPlannerFactorySupplierOD |
Supplies a strategical planner factory within DefaultGTUCharacteristicsGeneratorOD.
StrategicalPlannerFactorySupplierOD.TacticalPlannerFactorySupplierOD |
Interface for tactical factory supplier based on OD information.
Stripe |
Longitudinal road stripes; simple constructors.
Stripe.Permeable |
The types of permeability of a stripe.
Synchronizable |
Interface for tactical planners that can return synchronization information for visualization.
Synchronizable.State |
State of synchronization.
Synchronization |
Different forms of synchronization.
Tailgating |
Interface for LMRS tailgating behavior.
Task |
Interface for tasks, where each describes a fundamental relation between exogenous inputs causing a mental task demand.
TaskCarFollowing |
Task demand for car-following.
TaskHeadwayBased |
Task class that translates a (composite) headway in to a task demand.
TaskHeadwayCollector |
Simple collector implementation to obtain time headway.
TaskLaneChanging |
Lane changing task based on car-following (as gap-acceptance proxy), and an underlying consideration to include adjacent
TaskLaneChanging.LateralConsideration |
Lateral consideration leading to lane change task demand.
TaskManager |
A task manager controls which task has priority and as a result how anticipation reliance is divided over different tasks.
TaskManager.SummativeTaskManager |
Manages a set of tasks without considering anticipation reliance.
TaskRoadSideDistraction |
Task-demand for road-side distraction.
TaskSupplier |
Supplies a Task for within Fullers model.
TaskSupplier.Constant |
Class that supplies a constant task.
TimeToCollision |
Time-to-collision for trajectories.
Toledo |
Implementation of the model of Toledo (2003).
Tomer Toledo (2003) "Integrated Driving Behavior Modeling", Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
ToledoCarFollowing |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
ToledoCFTester |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
ToledoFactory |
Factory for tactical planner using Toledo's model and car-following model.
ToledoLaneChangeParameters |
List of parameters for the model of Toledo (2003).
Tomer Toledo (2003) "Integrated Driving Behavior Modeling", Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
ToledoPerception |
Wrapper class around InfrastructureCategory that forwards all methods except for infrastructure lane change info.
TotalDelayReference |
Delay based on reference speed.
TrafficLight |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
TrafficLightColor |
The colors for a normal traffic light.
TrafficLightController |
Interface for a controller for a number of traffic lights.
TrafficLightControllerFixedDuration |
A traffic light controller with fixed durations.
TrafficLightException |
Exception for traffic lights and traffic light controllers.
TrafficLightSensor |
This traffic light sensor reports whether it whether any GTUs are within its area.
TrafficLightUtil |
Static methods regarding traffic lights for composition in tactical planners.
TrafficPerception |
Perception of general traffic ahead.
TTCRoomChecker |
Room checker based on time-to-collision.
UpstreamNeighborsIterable |
Iterable to find upstream GTU's.
VehicleModel |
Interface for vehicle models.
VehicleModel.MassBased |
Defines (fixed) mass and moment of inertia about z-axis.
VehicleModelFactory |
Factory for vehicle models.
VoluntaryIncentive |
Interface for voluntary incentives.
WienerProcess |
A numerical update scheme that represents a Wiener process if dt << tau .